Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Nairs As Warriors - Part III

The Dutch Records in the archives of the Tamil Nadu government gives details of the many battles in which Nair soldiers participated - on the side of the Zamorin and on the side of the Cochin Maharaja. Dutch general Van Goens tells about the war with the Portuguese and how the Nairs acquitted themselves well in the trenches ‘with fairly good grace in the heat of the tropical day.’

Several British writers, however described the  Nair style of fighting as one that lacked discipline.  Sir Hector Munro, a Scotsman who was ninth Commander-in-Chief of India,  who fought against the Nayars with the Madras Army in 1761 said: "They lurk behind sand banks and bushes, then they appear like bees..they point their guns and fire them well.” The losses were said to have been heavy on the British side and it was recorded that a single Nair soldier killed 5 British Highlanders in a lightning blitz.
The Nair Pattalam - Nair Force - mural in Kayamkulam Palace
Pyrard de Laval, a French navigator, who spent 10 years in southernn India in the early 1600s called the Nairs "the best soldiers in the world and exceptionally agile." William Logan, the famous Scottish chronicler, who was collector of Malabar and lived there for 20 years, also mentions that the 'Nayars were excellent in skirmishing" and that they would have had more success had they fought as guerillas.

The iamge of the raging Nairs was captured well by Christopher Fuller in his book “The Nayars Today”. In the chapter "The Nobles of Malabar", he evocatively wrote about the military role "Honour and Gallantry! Love and battle! My sword and my mistress!  These were their devices, and they were ticklish sticklers for the point of honour (as quoted in the Census of 1901, Cochin). "...The great majority of the Nayars probably spent time under arms. The armies were raised by the kings and the chiefs (naduvazhis) and were mostly engaged in fighting each other."
The memorail tof Pazhassi Raja at Mananthawadi, Wynad.

Which brings us to the legendary battles of Kerala Varma Pazhassi Raja in the hills and forests of Wynad. Jungle warfare was fine-tuned here and a small, lightly-armed force of Nairs along with the hill tribes of  Kurichias and Mullukurumbas fought the army of Hyder Ali during the second Mysorean invasion (1773) and later  kept the might of the British at bay from 1793 to 1805. In 1797, Nair militias mushroomed all over Kottayam and killed British reinforcements and destroyed supply convoys. In Wynad,  British troops who  moved out of safety of their barracks were hunted and killed. (Lord Wellesly, who is considered a great military hero in Western writings, was defeated in many strategic battles for over three years by Pazasshi Raja . He returned to England and later became famous as the Duke of Wellington, the vanquisher of Emperor Napoleon at Waterloo.)
The Kurichis,  as picturized in the film Kerala Varma Pazhassi Raja.
A very fascinating bit of information is given about the noble Kurichiya tribesmen of Wynad by Rao Bahadur G. Gopalan Nair, who was Deputy Collector of Malabar in the 1900s. In a book on the Wynad hill tribes, he wrote that  the name Kurichiyan was given by the Kottayam Rajas because of their great archery skills. The term used is 'kuri-vechavan - one who aims'). It is suggested that the Kurichiyans belonged to a class of  Nairs called Theke Kari Nair from Venad or Travancore and they were brought by the Kottayam Raja  to fight the Vedar tribes. After the battles, their kinsfolk did not accept them back and they settled in the hills of Wynad.  They apparently still follow Nair traditions in their life, death and other ritual cycles.
The former headquarters of Travancore's famed Nair Brigade

History has also recorded how Hyder Ali issued an edict during his Malabar invasion, depriving the Nairs of social and political privileges and disarming them unless they converted to Islam. The Nairs retreated to Travancore. When his son Tipu Sultan became ruler in 1782, he gave orders to his commanders “to "surround and exterminate the whole race of Nairs from Kottayam to Palghat, ."
Internet blogger Valerie Legrand (who claims to have been studying the Nairs for more than a decade) asserts that recent blood and bone tests indicate the presence of the warrior gene dopamine in the Nairs, similar to that of the Scythians or the Sakas - who ranged across Central and South Asia around 400 BC. (This is not corroborated).
  “Warfare was the chief occupation of the Nairs. For over two thousand years they were able to maintain the integrity and security of their land and culture unlike the rest of India. The only race to have decisively defeated the Nairs are the British. The British colluded with the neo-converts to suppress these inherently rebellious traditional warlords and succeeded... The British Army (not native infantry) performed poorly against the Nair warlords....the Nairs considered it below their dignity to serve under the British and hence most Nair history has been blacked out from Indian records. The toll the Nairs took on the British is much higher than any recorded in Hindoostan of those times.”

The insignia of the Nair Brigade
Legrand is correct in this regard. The official British policy was  to “Break the Nair community to break the backbone of Kerala.”  The destruction of the fighting spirit of the Nairs became a political necessity for the British. Kalaripayattu was outlawed in the Malabar kingdoms  in 1793. The British, who had earlier registered the Nairs as a martial race, delisted them for rebelling against them in Travancore in 1804 and 1809. The native Travanacore Nair army, comprising 1500 soldiers, was disbanded and the Nairs were forbidden from carrying arms in public. At the same time, other castes in Kerala were recruited in large numbers to become the native infantry for the British.
The titular suffixes of Nair warriors of that period were: Achan, Arimbrar, Chempakaraman, Kaimal, Kurup, Nair, Nambiar, Mannatiar, Manavalar, Menokki, ≈, Muttan, Panikkar, Patiar, Perimbrar, Pillai, Tampi,   Taravanar. Unnithan and Valiyathan.
By this time, however, the Nairs were already losing their fiefdoms and political power, after being overwhelmed by Marthanda Varma, who ruled Travancore  from 1729 to 1758. Marthanda Varma himself began recruiting a foreign force -  the Nayakas of Madurai for his army to overrun the smaller kingdoms of southern Kerala.
The Nair Brigade - 9th battalion of the Madras Regiment- after the famous battle of Ichhogil Bund on Sept. 22, 1965 under the command of Lt. Col. B.K. Satyan in which 120 Pakistani troopers were killed in hand-to-hand combat for the loss of 27 Indians.
International explorer and writer Richard Burton (who translated the Arabian Nights and the Kamasutra) wrote about the Nairs in the 1850s.  “The Nairs are rather a fair and comely race, with neat features, clean limbs, and decidedly a high caste look. They shave the head all over, excepting one long thin lock of hair, which is knotted at the end, and allowed to lie flat upon the crown....Their arms were sword and shield, spear and matchlock, with a long knife or dagger suspended behind the back by a hook attached to a leathern waistband. Being now deprived of their favourite pastimes —fighting and plundering — they have become cultivators of the soil, and disdain not to bend over the plough, an occupation formerly confined to their slaves. And yet to the present day they retain much of their old military character, and with it the licentiousness which in Eastern countries belongs to the profession of arms. In fact," war, wine, and women " appear to be the three ingredients of their summum honum, and forced abstinence from the first, only increases the ardour  of their afiection for the last two.” An interesting observation, indeed!

In the India of today, the Nairs still contribute a sizeable percentage of the Indian armed forces, even in the top rungs. One of the most famous troopers of native India was the Thiruvathamkoor Nair Pattalam (Travancore State Army), also known as the Nair Brigade and which served as the Maharaja’s personal guard. This was the brigade that trounced the Dutch forces at Colachel ending their Indian dream and later defeated Tipu’s army at Nedumkotta. The Nair Brigade merged into the Indian Army after Independence to become the 9th Battalion of the Madras Regiment. 

The nickname for the battalion is “Terrors” and the war cry : “Adi, kollu, adi, kollu”  (Hit and Kill, Hit and Kill). It showed its mettle during the Hyderabad Police Action against the Nizam’s troops in 1948, and in 1962 served with distinction in high altitude areas in the Indo-China war in 1962.  In 1965, the Nair battalion fought the famous Battle of Barki and captured Barka-Kalan and Ichogil Bund in Pakistan. In Operation Cactus Lily during the 1971 war, the  battalion captured Mahend Ro Par and Fateh ro Par in Gadra in Sindh proivnce. It also saw active service in the Siachen conflict. Over the years, members of the battalion have been showered with several Vir Chakras, Shaurya Chakras, Sena Medals, Commendation Awards and Theatre honours.
It remains a fact, however, that the Nairs - as a distinct soldiering  community -  began to lose most of their warlike characteristics by the middle of the 1800s. After the passage of many generations, they became increasingly attached to the land as agricultural landlords and the Malabar Manual of 1901 notes that “the Nayar is more and more becoming a family man. Comparatively few of them nowadays even engage in hunting” and Captain Heber Drury reported even earlier (in 1858): “ The mild and delicate looking Nayar now prefers a quite swing in the verandah or a lounge under a tree, chewing a betel.” The warrior Nair had at last returned home!

1. Rear-Admiral John Splinter Stavorinus, The Voyages to the East Indies (1774-1778), Vol. III, . G.G.  and J. Robinson, London, 1798
2. Rao Bahadur C. Gopalan Nair, Deputy Collector, Malabar, Wynad Hill Tribes, Higginbothams, Madras, 1911.
3. Tome Pires, The Suma Oriental: An Account of the East from the Red Sea to Japan. AES Reprint. New
Delhi, 1990,
3. Capt. Heber Drury ‘Notes on an Excursion along the Travancore Backwater’, The Madras journal of literature and science, 1858
4. F. Fawcett, Nayars of Malabar, Government Press, Madras, 1915.
5.Richard F. Burton, Goa and the Blue Mountains, Richard Bently, Lodon, 1851.
7. Edgar Thurston, & K. Rangachari, Castes and Tribes of  Southern India, Government Press, Madras, 1909
8. Panikkar, K. M., Aspects of Nair Life, The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol.
48 (Jul. - Dec., 1918)
9.Fuller, John Christopher, The Nayars Today, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1976


  1. Excellent, Great synopsis of historic Nair warriors. - Vijay Mohan, Toronto, Canada

  2. The article is a joke! And as nonsensical as the 'Kottayam' that is repeatedly mentioned. This Kottayam is a small and minute village near to Tellichery. As to Nairs, they are just a local caste in Kerala, higher than the Thiyyas of Malabar and Ezhavas of Travancore, and below some higher castes. Pazhssiraja story is a more fable than reality. Malayalam film script writers are creating history through their medium, that is all.

    1. Article is not jock it correct

    2. It might be joke to you because you are an idiot.Just look for some reference at indian army official site and Madras regiment site.There you can see 'Nair battalion' quoted with pics.

  3. Great insight! My two best friends are Nairs (Twin brothers). The funny thing is that they both have a huge temper and physical shape. Plz continue re writing the history that is given to us by the British. The Indian gov;t and ppl have to push for great reforms for the truth. As I write, the older generations are dying off and so will their insight and stories.

  4. During last decade of 19th century ie during 1890's a man called C.V.raman pillai who was living kerala wrote a novel,a historical was one of the first novels in Malayalam.the novels name is marthanda varma-the famous king of travancore who enlarged travancore to a bigger country and made it strong with new revenue administration .he also weakened the feudal system there which was slowly emerged and formed from 14th century.C.V.Raman was very high caste spirited person (as was like many at the time.even now its said that nairs are the most caste spirited persons in kerala ).so he named all the important characters of the novel with surname pillai, some of the characters were real historical figures .they too were christian-ed with pillai surname.this novel was very popular and was taught in schools and colleges(even now) .many thought foolishly that it was the real history.but actually many characters were his creation which he thought needed for a love story.he knew many folk songs and from that he formed his own story.some parts of these songs are including at the start of each chapter.

    Many after reading this novel tried to read the history accordingly ,doing so they corrupted the real all know kerala people is very caste spirited specially the upper castes and christians.the caste organizations of kerala also tried to make profit from this novel.and thus when the real social history surfaces many people find it difficult to believe and accept.

    1. The eight Pillamar families were
      1. Kulathur
      2. Kazhakootam
      3. Chembalanthi
      4. Kudamon
      5. Pallichal
      6. Vengannur
      7. Ramanamadom
      8. Marthandmadom

      Thirumughathu Pillai father of Anandapadmanabhan a non existent charector created by CV RAMAN PILLAI to boost his own community.


      In the Matriarchal system the kings own son did not have the right succeed as the next king. Since the kings married Sudra ladies their sons were also considered as Sudra, who adopted Tamil titles Thambi and Thangachi. Thambis and Thangachis were considered part of the Vellala community.But in 1729 Vellalas and Pillamar tried to make Pappu or Raman Thambi king, thereby creating a Patrilineal Vellala dynasty.


      1. Umayamma belonged to thel Vellarappalli dynasty originally installed in 1610 AD by Portuguese. She was opposed by Pillamar who killed all her sons.

      2. British colluded with Umayamma Rani. In 1695 Angengo fort was completed.

      3. In 1696 AD the factor of Thellissery Robert Adam's was was the head of British Malabar operations. Thattari Kovilakam was a petty Principality at Beypore. Under British protection two princes and two princesses were adopted by Rani Umayamma.

      4. In 1721 Pillamar plant their own choice Princesses of Kallada as Attingal Rani.

      5. In 1721 Pillamar invite 140 Britishers to the fort, disarm and treacherously murdered them.

      6. In 1721 Ramaraja Aditya Varma first Thattari prince to become king.

      7. In 1722 Karthikai Tirunal sister of Aditya Varma becomes Attingal Rani, Thattari dynasty

      8. In 1729 Ramaraja Aditya Varma was poisoned by Pillamar at Padmanabhapuram and died.

      9. In 1729 Marthanda Varma, son of Karrhikai Tirunal, Thattari dynasty became King.This dynasty was a Tulu dynasty brought by the British.



      In 1729 Marthanda Varma, who had been made prince of Prince of Iraniel, a former Ay Royal house became the king of Travancore.Iranial or Hiranya Simha Nallur was the capital of Hirantakasipu (இரணியன்) great grand father of Mahabali(மாவேலி) ancestor of Villavars also. Marthanda Varma belonged to a Tulu Samantha (Bunt) from the Bepur Thattari Kovilakam from Parappanad branch of Kolathiris.

      Kings of Thattari Kovilakam were petty chieftains ruling over Bepur.This petty family was elevated to become rulers of Travancore by British Factor at Thalassery.Tulu Banas were the traditional enemies of Villavar people.But many Nadars chose to support him because Marthandavarma's rival Pappu and Raman Thambi were born to a Vellala lady called Abirami. If Pillamar succeeded in founding a Tulu-Vellala dynasty Nadars would be exterminated.But this support given by Nadars to unscrupulous Marthanda Varma who told Nadars that he was a Vana and a relative of Nadars.It is true that Bana were the Northern relatives of Villavar but Banas were the arch enemies of Villavars Supporting Marthanda Varma was a grave mistake which led to the slavery of Nadars for more than two hundred years.

      Marthanda Varma was the main reason for the downfall of Nadars. It was a grave error on the part of Nadars to support Marthandavarma. Without Nadar support Marthandavarma would have been easily killed by Pillamar.



      Anandapadmanabhan Nadar and the Nadar mercenaries successfully fought against the Kurup and Nair mercenaries of the Thambimar. Anandapadmanabhan Nadar hid Marthanda Varma in the hollow of a Jackfruit tree while he battled thirty Nair and Kuruppu soldiers and killed them singlehandedly at Neyyatinkara.Laterdays this Jackfruit tree was known as Ammachi Pilavu or Mother Jackfruit tree.Anandapadmanabhan Nadar took the fugitive Marthandavarma to Manakkad and hid him in a Muslim colony.


      Marthanda Varma captured all the remaining Pillais of Attingal involved in the massacre and handed them over to the English.


      Marthanda Varma won a war against the Dutch in 1741 AD at the Battle of Colachel with British assistance. In 1745 Marthandavarma moved the capital from Padmanabhapuram to Trivandrum.Marfhandavarma then systematically murdered all the Nadar leaders who helped him in the war of succession. He confiscated their properties. Marthandavarma murdered Anandapadmanabhan Nadar after inviting him to a feast. Anandapadmanabhan Nadar was Mortally wounded by the Kurups. Tieing a cloth around the injury in his stomach he came home riding a horse and died.Nadar properties were confiscated and distributed among Vellalar and Nairs from this period.

  5. The author C.V.Raman was a learned man .but at his time travancore state government jobs were mainly given to tamil educated malayalees wanted to have jobs in government and they organised and started demanding this need.a memorandum was submitted to king which was signed by thousands demanding appointment of malayalees in administrative jobs of travancore.but it was rejected.later some relaxation was given.many ezhavars awere also signed in that memorandum including Doctor Pulpu ,one of the great reformation personalities of kerala,along with the nairs and others.when government began to accept malayalee youngsters to service,ezhavar and other castes were denied this was like a 100% reservation for the upper class,mainly benefited by aroused a new hate and separation between nairs and ezhavars who were now in obc list and were untouchables at the time. but ezhavars were already organised and actively taking part with the reform movements of sndp .nairs and bhrahmins lagged back and were clinging tight to the old customs.many learned persons from upper class including nairs and bhrahmins were actually part of the reform movements and were working even with sndp .eventually removements started in upper class and new organisations were formed.nairs were so few in many small castes , sects and groups joined together and took the umbrella name nairs and formed the organistion named nair service society(nss).after the formation of nss many sects were included in it.eventhough it was a organization meant for the modernization or civilizisation as explained by its leaders at that time ,it eventually became involved in politics after independance and is the most benefited caste organization in kerala.

    Ananadha padmanabhan is the central or hero of the novel mathanda varma written by C.V.Ramana.this character again appears in another novel by the same author.the marthanda varma novel is also love story between anadha padmanabhn and a nair girl.anantha padmanabhan is a trusted friend and companion of marthanda varma.he is very good in arms and is a good warrior.he saves the king many times from the hands of ettuveetil pillamar.another family is also comes into importance in the novel .it is the mangoikkal family.marthanda varma was saved by that family and in that act the family house was burned down.they helped marthanda varma escape from the enimies and he stays in their family.but the enemies suspecting this attacked the house ,but they were stopped by the paraya (another caste now in scheduled list) soldiers and others of the mankoyikkal family.enemies tried to kill marthanda varma by setting fire to the house but bharathan channan or anantha padmanabhan saves the marthanda the novel ananthapadmanabhan is made nair by making him the son a thirumukkathu pillai.mankoyikkal family is also made nair by using the word kurup and pillai surnames to its family members some of whom also appears in his another novel dharma rajah.

    in reality the anantha padmanabhan is a historic figure and belonged to channar community.his house still exists in kanyakumari district which was constructed by him during the period of marthanda varma king.he was the caprtain of the body guard battallion which included 36 warriors who were all channars selected personnaly by marthanda varma.he was a great friend of marthanda varma and served the king as his minister and army commander.actually he helped marthanda varma is securing the support of channar and nadar community to fight against the madampis of travancore who helped the thampis in their claim to thrown.these powerful feudal lords were trying to kill the marthanda varma.anantha padmanabhan died in the year 1953 after the establishment of travancore kingdom.

    1. You fool vilmeenkodi, am noticing all your lies. In every blog you have spitting venom against the Nair's. A simple comment of you I can expose you is "" you wrote bullshits about the hiranyagarbha ritual""

      What you have mentioned is hiranyagarbha is related to bali .. idiot it's a ritual where king enters a golden cow,this shows how cheap is your writings and knowledge. Try your best to prove Nair's are not warrior's.

      Western authors have clearly written about the Nair's bravery in lot of books. We don't need to prove our ancestors history with fake stories. Don't steal pandyas legacy and other races ancestory

  6. the mankoyikkal family also existed and their house too is in kanyakumari district of tamilnadu.kanyakumari was part of the travancore kingdom till 1956.they belonged to channar the channar caste name is not used.the channar caste and nadar caste combined together in 1925 and is now a single caste.they too held high posts in the period of marthanda varma and rama varma.its likely that they were given the title kurup as they trained soldiers.king marthanda varma also formed a title called chempaka raman pillai which was given to the most eminent personnalities who helped in the government.this title was given to these two families.

    the word ettuveetil pillamar too was coined by C.V.Raman pillai and got popular in such a way that everyone, even historians began using the same word.but they were not all pillais or anyone of them belonged to caste vellala pillai who now use the surname pillai.these eight houses were very powerful feudal lords and they held influencial posts .ramana madam and pallichal were ministers of attingal soverign of which ramana madom was a bhrahmin family.kulathoor and chempazhanthi were ezhava families.the arms trainer or kalarippayattu teacher of kazhakuttom was an ezhava man named kesava panikker.later he left from kazhakuttom with his diety whom he worshiped to another place called thozhuvancode where he established a temple now known as thozhvancode devi temple.its priests are even today members of his family and those families related to him and also they belonged to ezhava family.there is no bhrahmin priests in that temple.the word used in the old documents for mentioning these people are ettuveetil madampimar and not ettuveetil the folk songs which mention the punishment of these madampis only 4 houses are stated.the reason is that all were not supporters for the eliminations of marthanda varma.the mathilakam documents does tells anything such as mass punishment.hardly two pillaies are mention to be hanged on these dates.because of the popularity of the word ettuveetil pillamar ,through the novel many people thought that all the pillais or nairs were against marthanda varma and it was a fight against nairs and the ruling family and in the fight nairs lost.

    Additions and method of changing caste of characters,and alloting caste historical person done by C.V.Raman was later criticized by many others later.but generally that critics literature is not popular among the masses.any way many persons before and after C.V.Raman had done the same thing .alloting castes to 18 siddhars of tamilnadu is one such example ,done by those who transilated their works to malyalayam.this has happened in recent past ,from 70's to till date.many who reads these works only were easily fall to belive that they belonged to that caste or at time of these historic perosns caste system existed and was strong as in later years.even now some new papers knowingly or unknowingly put caste names to persons when they write a feature about historic events.examples can be seen even now in 2012.


  7. the novel was so influencing that many not only historians but also the intellectuals of communist party too were misguided so much that in the books written by them , they mention this as the mass or people's revolt against the ruling class or marthanda also made people to think that nairs were the controlling the state affairs and all the powerful land lords or atleast all the powerful lords were nairs who used to keep a sur name as pillai.this also created a new story that nairs of travncore were against marthanda varma and as ruler he crushed them.this was really not the actual case.nor the nairs were anywhere near to be called powerful for they were so few in number in kerala and travncore.only after the formation nss many castes which were not actually considered nairs were included and thus the number of nairs have increased.earlier these castes were having (still now) seperate caste names and considered nairs to be so much lower to them that even touching them was not allowed.but they used to appoint nairs for their house hold works,but still they were kept aside.the water touched by a nair was not considered good to drink by them (because of the untouchablity practised at the time) doing so was punishable with bhrasht meaning throwing out from their caste and denying all the rights,which included social out casting.even today many castes which joined with nss(nair service society) consider themselves higher than nairs and dont like to got together with so called nairs, eventhough many times they dont use their old sub caste title but generally considered as nairs by others.marriages are not encouraged amoung them or they dont prefer to make an aliance from the nairs.pillais of trivandrum also are part of the nss ,they too are considered as nairs generally.but they use the surname as pillai and not nair.the caste name is vellala pillai.marriages doesnot occur between these southern districts nairs castes itself is considered as two higher and other lower.generally speaking higher traditionally possess more lands.they generally distance away from the lower nairs.higher nairs generally doesnot support rss or hindu fundalmentalist organisations and movements.

    Additions and method of changing caste of characters,and alloting caste historical person done by C.V.Raman was later criticized by many others later.but generally that critics literature is not popular among the masses.any way many persons before and after C.V.Raman had done the same thing .alloting castes to 18 siddhars of tamilnadu is one such example ,done by those who transilated their works to malyalayam.this has happened in recent past ,from 70's to till date.many who reads these works only were easily fall to belive that they belonged to that caste or at time of these historic perosns caste system existed and was strong as in later years.even now some new papers knowingly or unknowingly put caste names to persons when they write a feature about historic events.examples can be seen even now in 2012.

  8. there are some works such as kerala mahathmyam,kerala charitham,kerala pazhama etc which claim to be history books.but actually these were written by bhrahmins of kerala during the second half of 19th century or after it many forged stories were written with characters taken from puranas ,ramayana and mahabharatha.the stories of parasurama one purana character throwing axe to sea,story of mahabali and vamana etc are wrtten in these facts or actual history is dealt in these works.but it was claimed that it was written very very early.but it contains reference of british rule,cannons,rifles etc which shows that ,it was written after 19th century.the aim and claim of these works is that kerala is for bhrahmins or bhrahmins are only rigthful owners of kerala.for that parasurama story was forged ,donating of kerala by him to bhrahmins etc were written.ofcourse it was written by bhrahmins of kerala who were leading lasy or easy living in kerala during that in that books they claimed kerala was for them only.

    saint sri chatampi swamikal during the first half of 20th century wrote a book named prachena that he claims that he had found some reference in tamil books about nair caste orgin.but that books were not mentioned by him.he goes at length claiming that nairs were desecenders of snake worshipers or naga aradhars lived in kerala long ago.he also argued that these people were called nagas because of their method of worshiping snakes.the main claim of the book is that nairs were there in kerala from time immorial and from the date on which earth was formed and that the nairs were the only authorised owners of kerala or kerala belongs to nairs.its so sad thing that a person who was revered as an acomplished saint could't even rise from the caste thoughts accumulated in him from his childhood.

    1. NAGA

      Nagas were basically a north Indian people but ethnically different from Aryans. Nagas were a subordinate people of Aryans. Nagas, Aryans and Dravidians are three different races of India.


      Hindi is also known as Devanagari was the language of Deva(Aryan) and Naga people.


      Indra was the king of Devas was elected mostly from Aryan people. But some Nagas were also elected as King of Devanagari people. Nahusha was a prihistorical Naga king who attained Indra status.


      Nahusha was elected as a Indra as the reigning Indra was removed by a curse. Nahusha ruled from Pratishthana, modern Paithan in Aurangabad district, Maharashtra. This may correspond to the period of occupation of central india by Nagas as told in Kalithokai. Son of Nahusha was Yayati. Sons of Yayati were Puru, ancestor of the Pandavas and Kauravas and Yadu, ancestor of Yadavas. Yadus had a tribal union with the Turvasha tribe, and were frequently described together. Thus Pandavas Kauravas and Yadhava might descend from Naga king Nahusha.


      The Naga migrants from Gangetic river area to South India also claim descendency from Indra and Ahalya.

      Nahusha → Yayati
      Yayati → Puru dynasty
      Puru dynasty → Kuru dynasty + Yadava dynasty
      kuru dynasty → Kauravas+ Bharatha dynasty


      It is customary for the Naga migrants to south India and Srilanka to claim as descendants of Kaurava or Kurukula or Bharathakula. Karaiyar, Konda Karavas and other fishernen communities claim that they are descendents of Kauravas.. In India these Nagas pretend to be Tamils but in Sinhalese territories they always identify themselves as descendents of Kaurava or Bharatha.


      Kalithokai an ancient Tamil literature describes a great war fought between combined armies of Dravidian Villavar Meenavar against Nagas. In that war Villavar Meenavar were defeated and Nagas occupied central India. This war could have happened at 700 BC. Nahusha ruled central India with Pratishthana at Mahararashtra as his Capital perhaps after this period.


      Various clans of Nagas migrated to south India and Srilanka especially to coastal areas.

      1. Varunakulathor (Karave)
      2. Guhankulathor (Maravar, Murguhar, Sinhalese)
      3. Kauravas(Karave, Karaiyar)
      4. Paradavar
      5. Kalabhras(Kalappalar, Vellalar, Kallar)
      6. Ahichatram Nagas (Nair)

    2. NAGA


      In the Kadamba country in Karnataka a Brahmin called Mayurasharma Became a king and changed his name to Mayura Varma. Mayuravarma to strengthen himself brought Aryan Brahmins and Naga slave warriors from Ahichatram which was the ancient capital of Uttarapanchala country at 345 AD. These Naga slave warriors were known as Buntaru (bonded slaves).

      These Nagas could be related to Newar people of Nepal. Laterday Nair architecture closely resembled Newar architecture. Newars practised Matriarchy earlier. Mayuravarma settled them at the coastal Karnataka. These Nagas mixed with the local Bana clans known as Banta(of Bana). Eventually both were called Bunts. Bunts, including Nairs had served Alupa kingdom at Mangalore.



      Nairs are Nepali Nagas closely related Newar community of Nepal. They belonged to Uttara Panchala country where Kshatriyas were a Brahmin dynasty called Bharadwaja dynasty ruled. Sage Bharadwaja, Dronacharya and Aswathama belong to this dynasty and Aswathama was the first ruler of the Uttarapanchala which might have been established around 540 BC. There were indeed a Naga dynasty continued to rule Dakshina Panchala country with its king Drupada, father of Draupathy but it had no relationship with Nairs.
      Nairs and Newars might have been Scythian Nairis planted in Uttarapanchala by Scythian Saka invaders in 150 BC.


      When Mayura Sharma a northern Brahmin became the king of Kadamba kingdom originally a Bana kingdom, he brought Naga slaves to work as Slave warriors to Kadamba kingdom from Ahichatram in Nepal in 345 AD. Most likely they were sold for a price to southern kingdoms
      Each four hundred of Naga slaves band was headed by a Ahichatram Brahmins ie Shivally, Nambuthiri and other Thuluva Brahmins.

      The Naga slaves were not allowed to marry from the beginning even at Nepal creating a Matriarchal system with Polyandry. In this system Paternity can't be established because of Polyandry.
      These Nagas were called Buntharu or bonded people at Karnataka. Mayuravarma settled them at the coastal Karnataka where the Nagas became the subgroups of Tulunadu's indigenous Banas otherwise known as Banta. Banas who supported the Alupa dynasty can be considered as Kshatriya of Asura Lineage. The Bana -Nadava and Samantha Ajila occupied a higher stratum while the Nagas occupied a lower stratum and remained separate. Banas could call themselves as Samantha ie equal to Kshatriyas Nagas were called as Sudras.


      Eventually both Banas and Nagas were addressed as Bunts and both practised Matriarchy (Marumakkathayam or Aliyasanthana Santhana) both were Live snake worshippers.
      Nairs were called Nayara, Menava and Kuruba in Karnataka. By 800 AD Nairs had formed petty kingdoms in the Barkur area. The king of Kanajar was called as Nayara Hegdes.

      Tulunadu's Gramapaddathi, Padanna, Keralolpathy and Kerala Mahatmiyam mention the migration from Ahichatra.
      Nairs thus migrated from Ahichatram in 345 AD to Kadamba kingdom
      and were settled at Tulunadu.


      In 1120 AD Nairs occupied Malabar ie Kasaragod, Kannur, Kozhikode and Malappuram districts.
      In the 1314 AD to 1335 AD they migrated to Venad and KochI kingdoms.


      1.Nayara (Nair) Naga
      2. Menava (Menavan or Menon)Naga


      1. Vellala, Pillai (Tamil)
      2. Panicker (Tamil)
      3. Kurup (Kuruba Kannada)
      4. Nayanar, Nambiar by intermixture with Samantha-Kolathiri
      5. Tamil Padiham Nair (Kallar Maravar)
      6. Kiriyathil (Vellala of Valluvanad)
      7. Thambi, Thankachi (Pillai mixed with Samantha)

  9. but snake worshiping exists in many parts of india and tamilnadu.the people who do this does have relation to nairs nor do they belong to same caste status.many adivasis and aborgins worship snakes ,so do many other people in have no relation a particular caste.moreover snake worship in kerala have some unique features.rituals ,songs,other performance arts associated with this worship was done some particular caste called pulluvar and not any part of the worships of snakes at temples or outside nairs had (and have) no some temples bhrahmins do the worship other rituals being done by other castes such as pulluvars,velans ,parayas etc.but this book had great influence and many persons tried hard to put forward a false theory, that nagas ruled india and the nagas of nagaland are related nairs.but nagas of nagaland are people or mangol orgin came there and settled during the 16th century after the fall of mongol empire in china.they dont even have snake worshiping culture. the reality is that there is no race called nagas who had their mainly worshipers of snake.snake worship has many explainations and is a common feature which can be seen in different parts of india.the snake worship is not every where done with same intention or kerala it is related rahu and ketu two imaginary planets included in the hindu solar said that rahu eats moon and when it happens solar eclipse avoid the evil effects of rahu people in kerala perform snake worship.only out of fear and to eliminate bad or difficult experiences in life that people do snake worship and because of any love and respect to snakes.

    that book stired confidence in nairs and helped to feel pride.the reasons are many.nairs were called as malayala sudras or the most downward caste in the varna system ,by the bhrahmins of kerala .ealier it was like a pride for the nairs as they were considered in side the varna system and some what part of hindus as they were allowed to enter the temple eventhough with some restrictions.these restriction include denial of ringing bell which was considered sacred,were never allowed to touch or come near the priest,nor were allowed to touch the offerings ,not allowed to enter the place were cooking of dishes meant for offerings.they were also had to move away when the priest come with things for worship.still it was considered as good as many other castes who forms now the majority of hindu religion now were not allowed even to enter the temple.also the bhrahims considered nairs as their servents who were obliged work for them sometimes even without wages.anything given to them were mere the great kindness of the bhrahmins.nair womens were the main maid servents doing house hold works in bhrahmin familes.the nair women were also had to submit to bhrahmins for sex if he desired so.if a bhrahmin comes to a nair house ,he can mate with any women he was the custom and considered as sacred and blessing.



    2. TULU BANAPERUMAL (1120 AD to 1156 AD)

      At 1120 AD a Tulu invader called Banapperumal(Pallibanapperumal alias Banuvikrama Kulasekharapperumal) invaded and subjugated all Kerala with a 350000 strong Nair army, commanded by Padamala Nair. Banapperumal was the brother of Tulu king Kavi Alupendra (1120 AD to 1160 AD) of Alupas kingdom of Tulunadu. He was a Buddhist and attacked Kerala with support of Arabs. Banapperumal founded a capital at Valarpattinam near Kannur. Banapperumal is often called as the last Cheraman perumal. But he was not a Tamil Villavar Chera ruler but a Tulu prince from Alupas kingdom of Tulunadu.

      Banapperumal ruled Kerala for about 36 years from Kodungaloor abandoned by Tamil Chera dynasty. Banapperumal was a Tulu pretender as Cheraman Perumal. Banapperumal was an enemy of Hindu rulers of Chera dynasty.

      This Tulu invasion brought a Nair migration from coastal Karnataka to the Northern Kerala, Malabar.


      When Padamala Nair the commander of Nair army of Banapperumal had an illicit affair with the queen, the Queen blamed Padamala Nair for the happening. Probably the queens statement was false. 'Penn Solla Ketta Perumale Pole' is an old saying indicating that Banapperumal was misled by his queen.Banapperumal tortured and executed Padamala Nair. Before his death Padamala Nair advised Banapperumal to surrender to Arabs. Padamala Nair had gone to Mahal Dweep and had converted himself to Islam and had adopted the name Husain Khwaja. His nephews and servants had been converted to Islam. Execution of Padamala Nair led to the revolt of Nair soldiers  Facing opposition from his own Nair army surrendered to Arabs converted to Islam and Left for Asu (Arabia) in an Arab sail ship (Olamari kappal).Two of Banapperumal Before leaving Kerala he divided his realm to his friends and relatives. But Tamil Chera dynasty of Venad immediately reestablished their authority all over Kerala



      Banapperumal was accompanied by his nephew Kohinoor in his journey to Arabia. Padamala Nairs relatives residing at Chaliyam, Mustha Mudukad, Neelinishada, Sharipad and their servants Marjan and Aswad joined Banapperumal at Kozhikode.After a brief stay at Dharmadam ruled by his sisters son Mahabali Banapperumal boarded the ship again and sailed to Arabia. Banapoerumal convinced Mahabali to convert to islam. Mahabali embraced Islam religeon and adopted the name Saifuddin Mohammad Ali.


      The Tulu invader Banapperumal converted to Islam by Veda Azhiar according to Keralolpathy. Another account says that Banapperumal was convinced by Mahal Dweep king Dhovemi Kalaminja (Dhovemi Kalaminja Siri Thiribuvana-aadiththa Maha Radun 1141 to 1166 AD)  who belonged to a Buddhist Kalinga dynasty who had converted to Islam. Dhovemi was known as king Sultan Muhammad ibn Abdullah.

      Arabs had emerged as a major sea power in the second millennium. Banapperumal and two of his nephews were converted to islam in 1156 AD. Padamala Nair alias Krishnan Munjad alias Husain Khwaja  had also been converted to islam at Mahaldweep. Many Nairs were converted to Islam who formed a Matriarchal subgroup under Mapillas.


      When Arayankulangara Nair saved the daughter of Mahabali alias Saifuddin Mohammad Ali nephew of Banapperumal and ruler of Dharmadam from drowning in a pond, he was allowed to marry her. Arakkal Raja vamsam the only Matriarchal dynasty from them. Saifuddin Mohammed Ali was the son of Sridevi sister of Banapperumal who was converted by Banapperumal himself when he stopped at Dharmadam on his voyage to Arabia. The Araickal princess were called Mammali Kidavu, the Children of Saifuddin Mohammed Ali.The Kochi kings who came to power in 1340 AD also claimed that were descendants of Cheraman Perumals (Banapperumal) sister and a Nambuthiri.The Cheraman Perumal of Nairs and Nambuthiris is the Tulu invader Banapperumal.(Tamil princesses of Chera dynasty married Dravidian princes and Brahmins cant marry them)


      Banapperumal crowned his son Udayavarman Kolathiri as the first ruler of Kolathunad with the title Kolathiri Vadakkan Perumal in 1156 AD. Kolathiri rulers had the support of Arabs. Kolathiri was defeated and made a tributary of the Tamil Chera-Ai kingdom. Kolathiris were supported by Arabs who were the major sea power in that area. In the northern Kerala Arab colonies increased in size after this period.Kolathiris followed Matriarchal system. After a king his sisters son born through a Nambudiri Sambandham was made the king. The princes adopted the title Thirumulpad.


      Kolathiri dynasty mixed with Tulu Bunts called Samantha's.Among these Samanthas and other Bunts (Bana) ruled over Kerala as Samantha Kshatriya. Samanrha Kshatriya were given Nambiar and Nayanar titles.(Nambiars among Nairs and Ambalavasi Nambiar is different). Nairs because of their Naga origin were considered Sudras.

  10. nairs also practiced polygamy ie having more number of husbands(i dont know the correct word in english .the word used popularly with somewhat nicely is sumbandakar meaning men in relation).anyone from bhrahims to nairs can have relation with a nair woman if he desires so.even an order of proclaimation from a travancore king declairing that those nair women who does not submit to wishes (sextual) of men from bharahmins to nairs shall be considered leading an unholy life which is is difficult for a nair lady to live alone or with her lover or single husband.if an influencial person desires ,there is nothing she can do.out of the childrens born ladies will get more importance as the children of that girls shall be the next rightful heir of the family.this was because with this system no nair man can declaire strongly that he is the father of a kid for the kids mother had many men mating with her.but the mother of a kid can be identified much more easily as she delivers a kid which have witnesses and there by proof .because of this practise ,which was practiced mainly by nairs,the childrens doesnot know who their father was not a problem till the 20th century.but after that due to reform movements and spread of education this custome began considering to be a shame to them.many great reformers fought against this system .this system does not exists now and is even unlawful.

    the customs ,practices and even the houses were built according to these needs.those who were wealthy were able to built bigger houses.these big houses built by the nairs have some specialty.the steps leading to the second floor starts right from the veranda.this was to help those visitors or sambandakars.they dont have to enter the house ,they can easily go to the second floor and enter their favourite woman's room.these type of houses can be seen still in many parts of kerala.the namboothiri houses too have some peculiarity.that part where homas are done doesnot have second floor that was to avoid filling of smoke into the second floor.nairs where the main servants of the namboothiri families without them it was difficult for the bhrahmins to maintain their houses.namoothiris called nairs valyakkar(servents),adiyars(slaved like servants) ,sudras(lowest in varna system) etc.this was also considered by the nairs as a great thing they have pride in telling others that they were the adiyars of that or this mana(house of naboothiri).

    1. Polyandry was not exclusively for Nairs, Even ezhavas and thiyyas practiced it-Check wiki for polyandry in India
      LOL u speak as though you have entered a tharavadu- while outcastes were not even allowed to enter the house!!!

  11. further the customs followed by the namboothiri families were so ridiculus and now it seems unbelivable and nowadays they too feel shame to tell all that.but it is the true past and nothing to gain from concealing and covering it.reformation movements which started in india has changed the most degraded society of india and also it has helped to better the lives of all ,also the indian independence too was the result of such movements.that all movements helped people to come together ,meet and discuss the problems in the talking was the base thing for the progress.but there were practices of untouchability.if a bhrahmin touches a nair it was taught he gets poluted and have to do penance and bathing .there were others such as ezhavar,thiyyar,pulayas etc whom if the namboothiri come closer beyond some limit then the namboothiri had to bath before he enter his house or temple.these namboothiris were commonly the priests of the temples belonging to the ruling family and other savarnas.there were worshiping systems and places for the ezhavars and thiyyas ,it was some sort of small temples ,but there all the poojas and worships were conducted by the persons from amoung them.pulayar and parayar were also had some form of worshiping .their main worshipping figure was goddess nowadays considered as kali(kali was a common name amoung them from very early period).they too perfomed poojas may be interesting to point out here that kali was the cheif goddess worshipped by the warriors of india.eventhough pulayar and parayar were considered to the most downward caste earlier,actually they had a golden past.the words pulayar and parayar were in use in early times of sangam age when these were the names associated people who were the main men nearer to the then kings.sangam literature depicts of pictures of possessions of kings accompanied by pulayar and parayar.also modern researches shows that many places in kerala had kings or rulers belonging to this caste.even today in second decade of 21st century they are the ones who raise the pride of kerala by winning medals in athletics and other strenious sports.

    The savarnas( the term was mainly used by namboothiris to denote themselves earlier) were much interested in creating castes and new subcastes.this created a lot of subcastes amoung the so called upperclass.bhrahmins of kerala was also divided by different subcastes.the top most is the wealthy namboothiris called as addyians and poor was called aasiyans. As found every where poor did't got much respect and their situation did't improved much. They were given jobs to assist wealthy namboothiris as the 20th century there were many namoothiri hotels which served food for money.but at first they were mainly intented for the bhrahmins,some permitted upto nairs but for them seperated place and plates were used.but avarnas were not served that time all the workers in these hotels were namboothiri. Later it these namboothiri hotels meant reduced to the hotel name ,that means the workers were taken from all castes even from other religion too. All were allowed to dine there.

  12. Even with highest social status the customs of bhrahmins of kerala was too pathetic. Only the first son of the family was allowed to marry.other sons have no right to marry.but they can mate with any women upto nairs. Not all but some kshatriya families of kerala were ready to allow their ladies to enter in relation with these namboothiris . the most infamous amoung these family was the cochin rulers or thrippunithura kovilakam.these practice created a lot of branches headed with seperated women. The namoothiris which entered in relation with these royal families were like in service or like given job.they were treated well money was given to them and to their familes. Ofcourse these money came from the state treasury and to the treasury from the working people.the income generating people were the farmers , traders and few industrialists.they made the majority of kerala population and consists mainly of so called avarnas which included ezhavar,pulayar and others.but they were not given recognition and rights. Ezhavars which forms the largest community of kerala is belived to be the Buddhist followers earlier.learning institutes were maintained by them which offered studying sanskrit and tamil languages. Medical treatment was one of their main occupation.anyone who is brilliant enough to learn sanskrit and medicine was allowed to learn in these institutes and can become a doctor. They were revered by the royal families and the namboothiris even during the period of untouchabilities. But the rules for untouchability was always relaxed when question of survival and workability comes.numerous stories and court case records shows these practices. Trade and factories were mainly run by the members belonged to this caste.

    the ambalavasi caste in kerala is that caste consists of people who were living doing jobs related to temples.this caste consists numerous subcastes.they doesn't were the owners or authorities of the temples but were doing the jobs such as cleaning,sweeping,singing,using drums and other instruments etc.they were not allowed to do the poojas which was done mainly by the bhrahmins.the bhrahmins many times were the authorities of these temples and they were the people who handle the income to the that time the temple income was mainly from the state treasury,given by the kings.this helped the owners or namboothiris to live well without necessary for doing any useful work.those persons living with jobs related to temples or ambalavasis were actually were dependentant on bharhmins as they can be denied job at any stage by these naturally they tried to keep the bhrahmins satisfied.they too practised the sambandam or were ready to entertain namboothiris with their women lot.bhrahmins entered into sambandan or a concubineship with these was not considered or accepted as marriage by the bhrahmin comunity.still the ambalavasis prefered to get a bhrahmin relation for their woman. this was way they have found to keep their job secure and income they prefer to have bhrahmin relative.if the namboothiri was a learned man and have income it was an added advantage for them.but generally if not all ,the members of ambalavasi castes are very poor and lagged behind in kerala.this was not because of any social backwardness but because of their way living superstitions.many tend to pursue their traditional occupation which have less income.their reluctance to modern education was also another reason.still they are not too poor to live as they can live by finding job and food from the temples even now.

  13. it should also be noted that the sambandam by namboothiris with kshathriyas and ambalavasis were different than with the nairs.the bhrahmins used to live in the houses of these kshathriyas and ambalavasi familes with whom they have started sambandam.usually the ladies doesnot have other males in relation to her.that is kshtriyas and ambalavasis used to make sambandam with only one namboothiri at a time if not for the life was like a marriage as the man and lady live together in the same house just like husband and wife.even though the namboothiris doesnot consider this as a marriage and children born in this relation had no right on the father and also on the property and wealth he ever possessed.this was not the case with the nairs.not only namboothirs but anyone from bhrahmin to nairs can have relations with any nair women.she can have any number of males as she desires at the same time.these men does not stay at these nair houses nor they drink water or take food from these houses as it was considered an act punishable with bhrasht under social laws.the namoothiris or bhrahmins doesnot enter in relation or mate with a nair lady if she is a virgin.its said that they were not ready to pull a lady to prostitution as it was a sin which would fall on the nairs practiced a custom or ritual just after a lady attains puberty or mensuration.a ceremony was conducted in which the girl was declaired to attain womanhood.then her mother invites a man from a sub caste of nairs who would mate with lady accepting presence or money.this subcaste does't exists now.but they were held in high esteem till the end of 19th century.they would only accept the invitation only when satisfied by the money and presents given to some places a ritual marriage was also arranged which would last only for few days.when this phase is over the family can invite namboothiris and others to enter sambandam with the girl.the namboothirs and others were now come to have relation with her.these men come only at night and if there is no one he can sleep with the woman he choosed.but he would not stay there after the sun rise and never take food or drink even may sound unbelivable now but it was the social custome practiced by the nairs till 20th seized to exists only with the modern education and social reform movements.after independance this practise was declaired unlawful by framing new laws.

    1. Ambalavasis had the traditional occupation of keeping the temple premises clean, i.e sweeping and cleaning the temple precincts.Hard to imagine a brahmin staying overnight or partaking food with them.Just consult an older generation may want to check if this is wishfull thinking on your part Savithri Devi :)

  14. but why the caste name nair got so famous and became known to all keralites despite kerala was divided in different countries ruled by many kings.why was the caste name nair be selected and claimed as all same from kshtriyas to bottom most caste of savarnas as nair.its one of the classic examples which shows how the mind set of people can be changed with education which was far distanced or have no corelation to the actual has been shown earlier that the word nair itself was not considered as a good word and it contained a bad meaning attached to it and how untiringly many have tried to give new meaning to it.the word was not mentioned in any official records such as stone inscriptions,land records ,orders from the king other reason for this may be it denoted a very small subcaste mainly employed as house hold servents.even no good literature in the medivial kerala used that word.but there were some reference to this caste indirectly in some literatures such as chambu set of literature which uses a mixture language of malayalam and sanskrit ,which was more popular amoung the bhrahmins of kerala.but from the second quarter of 19th century this word nair became popular slowly.this was because of the modern english education.some how when portughese came to kerala they some how got the idea that the soldiers of kerala were all nairs.may be they called the soldiers as the books and writings they wrote they used the word nair to denote the soldiers of kerala.they being came from a thick and last era of fedualism,where class division of society was strong ,they were easy pray to the misunderstanding that nairs where the soldiers or nairs alone where the soldiers of kerala.this misconcept was passed on to others and was continued by other europeans such as detch ,english and french.these other later europeans learned about kerala from the writings of portughese.they too absorbed the prejudice that nairs were all soldiers or the kerala soldiers were all nairs.this passed unchecked so mcuh that in almost all the writings the word nair was used to denote the army of kerala.when the english education was introduced in kerala in the second decade of 19th century ,this same misconcept was later taught to the kerala children in schools and thus the misconcept and prejudices were taught to the actual people itself.and above all even today many learned persons and even historians thinks that nairs are the only soldiers of kerala.But in reality many nairs were not soldiers or have nothing to do with warfare.


      Until 1335 AD Kerala was ruled by Tamils called Villavar people.

      In 1120 AD a Tulu invader called Banapperumal attacked Kerala with a Nair army with Arab support and occupied northern Kerala, Malabar upto Ponnani lake. Banapperumal occupied Kasaragod, Kannur, Kozhikode and Malappuram Districts.

      Banapperumal was the brother of Tulu king Kavi Alupendra(1110 AD to 1160 AD) of the Alupa dynasty.

      After the Malik Kafurs attack in 1310 the Pandyan dynasty ruling over Kerala was defeated an Tamil rule came to an end.

      The Matriarchal Tulu Kolathiri rulers and the Ahichatram Nagas and Ahichatram Brahmins with Nepalese ancestry occupied whole of Kerala. After 1335 AD Kerala was ruled by Tulu-Nepalese oeople.

  15. it quite possible that portughese used the word nair knowing its bad meaning to denote the soilders of kerala armies to which they had frequent querrel and fights.they hated keralites and soildiers of kerala to whom they have to fight.word nair being used to harase or mention a down troden man whose only task he was permitted to do was to serve the bhrahmins with atmost loyality and who were used to be called the sudras of kerala by the manusmrithi the sudra word is defined as that person who should do all types of labour to a bhrahmin with atmost loyality without expecting anything in return like that of a dog.the malayalam word of dog is malaylam lexicon the word nair is said to orgin from this word naya.kanippayoor sangarn namboothiri says sudras loyality is compared to dog in manusmrithi and other sanskrit texts.bhrahmins who were aware of this may have coined the word nair from the malayalam word naya and have give to these servants and made them belive it to be honoroble name.

    portughese knowing this may have used the nair to satisfy their hatred towards kerala people.eventhough they were aware that nairs were not military people and portughese too were used to appoint soilders in their service for guarding their factory and into their armies.these people who they were accoustomed with, majority of whom were not nairs.for nairs were generally considered as slaves of should be noted in particular that even the british who conqured and ruled india did not considered indian soildiers as equal to british soildiers.they called indian soilders as sipoyees meaning peons or chowkidars or servants.these sepayees were made to do the house hold works of british soildiers and other petty services to them.if the british have kept such an attitute then what shall be the attitude of portughese towards indians and keralaites for the mutual hatred was the sole connection between them and keralaites.

    1. You may want to check your research on the origin of the word Nair.No doubt the Brahmins called them shudras and not Kshatriyas.But most researchers (unbiased and professional) have alternate theories for the name.Moreover these Nair guys seemed to own a lot of land as per agricultural records in the kingdoms of Travancore,Malabar and Cochin...lets try to be more objective and not go by prejudices

    2. Name nairs came from nayakar.. Not from naya.. Some people they don't have nothing to proud of their history and jealous of nairs.. Are making such nonsense.. Roshan Vargese also trying to do such nonsense.. Bro you should understand one thing the king who allowed Portuguese to start trading with kerala was also a nair(Eradi) Samoothiri raja.. You are really funny.. And try to understand why nairs are so proud of their title.. Nairs were the great warriors of Kerala history.. You can check with history... Thacholi othenan not thacholi vargese chekavar.. , Edachena kungan, understand something about mamangam.. Four chaver tharavads involved in mamangam were also nairs.. And you can see several other brave nairs through out the history of Kerala.. Proud to be a nair..

  16. in many books written in malayalam and english the word orgin is discussed.from the social history of kerala some
    excerpts are quoted here."
    In Brahminic Hinduism dog and hound have come to occupy an important position.
    Even in the English language, phrases like watch-dog, dog-like loyalty and dogged
    resistance are expressions of high literary acceptability. Kampil Ananthan in his open
    letter (1952) addressed to R. Narayana Panicker, a Malayalam lexicographer pointed out
    that the domestic services in Sanskrit were swavrithy (suna- eva-vrithy) which is given as
    "sevaswa vritl ralthyata" in Manusmruti and sevaswa vrithy in Amarakosa and, therefore
    he comes to the conclusion like Kanippayyoor that the term Nayar means one who serves
    the Nampootiri with dog-like loyalty (for further meaning refer to pp. 53-54 of the Open
    Letter). Even otherwise Manusmriti loudly proclaims that the Sudras' occupation is to
    render services at the foot of the Brahmin and the other two varnas. At the time when the
    Kerala Sudras fully trusted the Nampootiri and hailed him god, he had cleverly coined
    the term Nayar concealing the meaning of it but making them believe that it was an

    but the unbelivable thing is that those who followed them used the word nair to denote the soilders of kerala.many never seen kerala and those who visited were not aware of the social setup of kerala.many who visited kerala have already read books about kerala written by their forecomers and were driven by the prejudices.this continued and in 400 years that word gradually got accepatance and today many keep that word in their surname thinking it has great meaning.what shall a person,who have lived 400 years ago think when he hears such names.he may have laughed and says what pitty.

    it have been shown earlier that the army commander of marthanda varma was anantha pathmanabhan who was a channan or nadar and not a nair.he was also the commander of the personal body guard battalion of the consists of 36 warriors selected by the king personnaly.they were all many victorious battles conducted by marthanda varma the commander was ramayyan who was not a nair.his caste is not known clearly.he was born in tamilnadu and came into the serice of the travancore king at a very young age.for many years he was considered as a bhrahmin,but some have pointed out that he belonged to the maravar community of tamilnadu.what it is clear is that he is not a nair .kanakku ,pillai,chempaka raman etc were given as titles to the courters or to those who were in service or to those who have done service to the king. it was not given on community basis nor to a particular cant be competetant persons are to be taken to service and it cannot be found from a particular caste,not always from upper caste .

    1. Nairs formed feudal landlords sometimes exceeding the wealth of even kings, Going by your brain dead logic Naidus, naickers, nayanars nayyars are all breeds of dogs?? I am pretty sure that you are another one of those buthurt ezhavan thiyyan using different names to relieve your frustration-Get a Life.The whole world knows how all other castes in kerala from nazranis to ezhava/tiyyan got Land and other wealths from nair feudals after Land reformation in 196/63??

  17. in kerala the largest about one third population is ezhavars another caste.many ezhavars were in military service in olden days.not only they were soilders but also were commanders and officers in the armies.varnapalli family was the army chiefs and ministers of kayamkulam kingdom, so was ambanattu panikkar in service of ambalapuzha kingdom,ambantttu family of kollam was another ezhava family in service of kollam or desinganadu principality.Akathayyadi panicker was the cheif army commander of elaidatthu soroopam or kottarakkara kingdom.(Ref: Pathonmpatham noottandile keralam by Bhaskaranunni),Renakeerthy and dharmakeerthi chekavars - Commandor of Marthandavarma. (Ref: Travancore state manual.).ezhavars were largely in the service of cochin kingdom ,sankthan thampuran specialy appointed a ezhava military betallion in the guard of vadakkum nathan temple , commanded by a ezhava malabar area ezhavar were largely addressed by the name thiyyar and chekavar.chevam means military service in malayalam.those who were soldiers were known as thiyyars were so much in military service that ,it became another caste name of ezhavars.the word chaver pada or suicidal squad was actually derived from the word chekavar.whether it actually existed a question still not answered.

    in modern age too vast majority of the martial arts school of kalarippayattu or kalaris are run by ezhava caste.all the ancient kalaries still existed are owned and run by trivandrum where southern style is more popular,kalaris are run by another caste ,nadars.nairs are not much in the kalari training or teaching.but the famous cvn kalari was started by c v narayan nair who was a nair.but his teacher was a thiyya guru.he was from thalassery where vadakkan kalari training was more popular. kannur is famous for gymnastics and circus from 19th century onwards.kannur is also known as the birth palce of indian circus.the circus companies of kerala were founded and owned by was all because they had the practise of learinging kalarippayattu which gives very importance to acrobatics again due to the martial history of that community.keeleri kuzhikannan was the first to start circus company in india and is known as the father of indian circus.very recently upto the last decade of 20th century indian circus was dominated by malayalees mainly thiyyars and malayalees dominate indian athletics.

    1. It is true that many chekavars served in the army but few factual errors-
      Achutha warrier was the chief commander of kayankulam kingdom
      Kumaraswamy pillai and Thanu pillai were the commanders of Marthanda varma during Kolachel war
      Vaikom padmanabha pillai- kuthirapakki- commander during Travancore mysore war which saw the defeat of Tipu Sultan was also the commander of ambalapuzha army

  18. it is also a common misconcept that bhrahmins were the sole keepers of sanskrit language.but actually many books in sanskrit was written by bhuddhist and kerala during mediveal period sanskrit was actually taught by medical practitioners ,astrologers etc.these schools were mainly run by buddhist familes or ezhava familes.until the 20th century majority of these schools were run by them. also it should be noted that many people from other castes were also used to run such schools.there were many ayurvedic phisicians from ezhava and nadar familes .also it was practised by some bhrahmin families and other castes which are now in obc list.there were also medical practitioners from amoung muslims.many of these institutions are run as family bussiness or sometimes tradition not really for money.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. All the above comments seems to be posted by a single person using different names . I have seen same single write up in other sites

    1. yes you are correct , i too have also seen this article some where as single. may be its been made single by some one from many commends. any ways i cant deny that the author had read many history books and checked many things. many points i have seen in other history books or some where. i also have doubts about the existence of caste system in ancient and medieval times as generally believed now.

  21. Excellent blog. Keep going, and keep delving deeper with sound and diligently objective research. Thank you for doing this.

  22. Excellent blog. Keep going, and keep delving deeper with sound and diligently objective research. Thank you for doing this.

  23. Lots of comments are written by one person posing as many. Look at the fraud in the approach. Look at the mention of some castes over and over again. Look at the inferiority complex and the sadness of it all. My dear anonymous friend i can only feel pity for you. Nairs are still magnanimous.

  24. Author cant you take those fraud comments down. They are possible hacks into people's accounts. These comments are from some organisations with fraudulent intentions.

  25. Do you want to donate your kidnney for money? We offer $500,000.00 USD (3 Crore India Rupees) for one kidnney,Contact us now urgently for your kidnney donation,All donors are to reply via Email only: or Email:
    WhatsApp +91 7795833215

  26. We are urgently in need of kidney donors in Kokilaben Hospital India for the sum of $500,000,00,( 3 CRORE INDIA RUPEES) All donors are to reply via Email only: or Email:
    WhatsApp +91 7795833215

  27. We are urgently in need of kidney donors with the sum of $500,000.00,USD in Health India Hospital,For details reply via Email:

  28. descendants OF WEAKLINGS, accept your destiny and history and move on ,stop insulting nairs

  29. i have read these articles as one write up some where. but ideas are not orginal as these were already written by many in history books. but i may say that samudiris and kolathiris palaces does not allow nairs to enter. it is forebidden to accept even water from them. i heard that once a court case was fought with a member of kolathiri family. he was expelled because he accepted water from a nair who was a servant there. eventhough this was the case, many of kolathiri's family memebers children in nair ladies. and now it is generally considered forebidden to have any marital relation with nairs for fear of the above. to be frank some marriages with other castes have occurred but not with nairs. i may also tell, please excuse, my fathers kalari guru was a thiyya.

    1. Lol.. You must be a theeya... You will hear something like this... Yes there is kalari gurukkals in theeyas but but they not belongs to samoothiri Or kolathiri

  30. Urgently in need of Female Eggs with the sum of $500,000.00,EMAIL:

  31. There are some popular beliefs in kerala .even historians are not free from these prejudices .one such prejudice is nairs were the sole warriors or soilders in kerala during the earlier period.can it be true by any means.actually answer is european person who were in kerala during the middle of 1700s wrote that ,there were some 15 lakh soilders in kerala.he gives the army strength of each princely states eg 50000 regular army in travancore,another 1lakh using traditional weapons.samudhiri had some 50000 to 75000.kochi had 35000 and palakkad raja had 20000etc.this goes on and on.even that list was not complete.but we know even in the census taken in the last decades of 1800s ,the total savarna population was less than sustain a 15lakh army is not easy.even india in 21st century find it too expensive.and population strength is one main concern.any country can rise a army which will be some 5% to 10% of its youths population.may be the kerala armies were not regular armies.still 15 lakh soilders is not so easy to be formed from a section of the society which forms only a minority of the society.but we shall better look at the records and make an understanding of the actual fact.


    forged story of sole nair soildership

    There are some popular beliefs in kerala .even historians are not free from these prejudices .one such prejudice is nairs were the sole warriors or soilders in kerala during the earlier period.can it be true by any means.actually answer is european person who were in kerala during the middle of 1700s wrote that ,there were some 15 lakh soilders in kerala.he gives the army strength of each princely states eg 50000 regular army in travancore,another 1lakh using traditional weapons.samudhiri had some 50000 to 75000.kochi had 35000 and palakkad raja had 20000etc.this goes on and on.even that list was not complete.but we know even in the census taken in the last decades of 1800s ,the total savarna population was less than sustain a 15lakh army is not easy.even india in 21st century find it too expensive.and population strength is one main concern.any country can rise a army which will be some 5% to 10% of its youths population.may be the kerala armies were not regular armies.still 15 lakh soilders is not so easy to be formed from a section of the society which forms only a minority of the society.but we shall better look at the records and make an understanding of the actual fact.

    palace records does not use the word nair army.samudiri granda varikal never refer to nair army.the word used is lokar.why would they have not used the word nair pada,if it the usual usage or the pada was actually consists of nairs.they should have used it surely .but the reason is evedent the then army was not consists entirely of nairs.samudhiri letters have also been it also he never used the word nair pada.there also he used the word lokar.the famous naval battles fought during that time was betteen portugeese and naval army of samudhiri led by marakkar .the naval army was mainly consists of mappilas.
    there is one incidant,once a portugeese army group invaded calicut and marched upto samudiris palace.samudiri was not there ,nor his army.lokar or people around the place or in the city got alert and attacked the portugese.many portugeese were wounded and some killed ,portugese were forced to return to their ships,never again they dare to do such a thing.majority of people in calicut city are ezhavas or thiyyas,even now.if there is another major group its the muslims.(mukkuvar or deevara are also there.but lesser in beech area compared to more southern and norther parts.also muslims were converted from ezhava and deevara families for serving in navy. )the greatest lord (or family )in calicut that time was a ezhava having granded many titles and positions from samudiri.when haider attacked calicut this lord came to see haider ali and presented gifts before him and requested to spare the people of calicut.while samudhiri family and many brahmin familes fled to travancore.

  33. My question to those who claim namboodiri have illegal relationship with Nair ladies?

    Not a single ladies or ancestors ever told such a thing in our families.

    The Nair ladies and men are not slaves they are well trained in martial arts,they won't leave anyone who touch the women, because they are ksatriya.

    I agree that rich men have targetted women of all caste ,this is still going on in every caste.

    To shame a caste the easiest way is to abuse women, propogate an agenda that your caste is inferior. Before abusing Nair's why non nair people wish to buy land near to Nair settlements because they are decent ,they don't have the habit of peeping on neighbours home because they are grown with the sense of Dharma . So dear stop your third rate nair namboodiri stories.

    All human beings are equal, situations in every era created lot of social problems among tribes. Doesn't today rich keeps poor out of their compound, doesn't sexual crimes goeson irrespective of caste?.

    Nair's should follow their kulachara without caring this third rate stories.they should follow Dharma which ancestors taught to them.

  34. Nairs were not the Samurais of Kerala. They were not indigenous to Kerala. They were Nagas from Nepal who had settled at Tulunadu, in the coastal Karnataka, and then brought to Kerala by Arabs and their ally a Tulu prince called Banapperumal in 1120 AD. Kerala was ruled by Tulu-Nepalese dynasties between 1335 to 1947 AD.

    Nair era represents the indirect Soverignity of Delhi Sultanate and the the rule of European colonial rulers. Nairs ascendency came after the Pandyan dynasty ruling over Kerala was defeated by Delhi Sultanate in 1311 AD. Nairs were allies of Arabs and Turkish Sultanate and enemies of indigenous Dravidian people of Kerala.

    The local Dravidian people called Villavar were suppressed and enslaved or exiled in that era. Nepalese customs and language dominated this era.


    There were a clan called Tamil Panickers who were the defenders of Kerala under Chera dynasty and Pandyan dynasties. Panickers used to train Soldiers for warfare. Panickers used to keep a Padaveedu, warhouse in which they trained warriors and kept weapons. It was the Panickers job to maintain a standing army of few hundred soldiers ready for warfare. Panickers fought for honour and their fealty to the king was hereditary. Training war elephants is part of their tradition.

    Panickers were the traditional Samurai equivalents of Kerala. Portuguese with the help of few hundred Tamil Panickars could control Kerala easily. Eventually most of the Panickers mixed with Portugues and formed a Mestizo community. In northern Srilanka some Panickers became elephant catchers and trainers. In the laterdays Panicker title was freely given to petty government officials and traders These were different from Warrior Panickars.


    In the second millennium Chera Navy once a formidable Navy under Imperial Chola had been weakened. Chera country was ruled by the Tamil Villavars who were of Dravidian stock whose king was called Villavarkon or Mahadai (Mahodaya) Nadalvar. Villavar were supported by three Tamil clans were Villavar, Malayar and Vanavar. From Malayar the word Malayali is derived. Villavar titles were Villavar, Nadalvar, Panicker, Malayaman, Meenavan, Vanavan Chantar etc.

    For the Tamil Villavars the traditional enemies were Kadamba kingdom, and Alupas kingdom both were Bana kingdoms. Villavar and their northern cousins Banas were arch enemies. Nairs served both Alupas and Kadamba kingdom and were the enemies of Kerala as well. Villavar Cheras were ethnic Tamils and supported by Villavar clans only. Cheras never had a Nepali army but Kadambas had Naga Nepali army.

    Cheras followed patrilineal descendency and law of primogeniture.Until 1060 AD Cheras were in the powerful Chola Confederacy in which Chera kings such as Baskara ravivarman served as Admiral of the combined Navy. But in 1060 AD the Tamil Cholas were replaced by Telugu Chalukya Cholas leading to continuous attack of Chola dynasty.



    Mayurasharma, a northern brahmin became the ruler of Kadamba kingdom a Bana kingdom with capital at Banavasi. Kadamba kingdom was traditionally supported by two Bana clans called Nurumbada Pandyas and Santara Pandyas. Mayura Varma brought a Naga army under Aryan Brahmin leadership in 345 AD. Ahichatram was the Capital of Uttarapanchala country, a Naga country which corresponded to modern Nepal. A tribe called Newars even today exist at Nepal. Mayuravarma settled them at coastal Karnataka including Tulunadu. The Naga customs such as Naga worship, Matriarchy and Polyandry were brought by Nagas to Tulunadu from Nepal.


    The custom of bringing Nepalese Naga slave warriors from Ahichatram under the leadership of Ahichatram Brahmins existed in ancient Karnataka. Once brought the Nagas were not allowed to have families and the children were raised by females only. They were trained by Uncles for warfare. Each four hundred Nagas was headed by a Ahichatram brahmin. Tulunadu oral traditions, Grama Paddathi mention the Ahichatram migration. The southern nadavaru are Bunts of Tulunadu who have a Bana Naga mixture who practice Matriarchy. The Northern Nadavaras, or Saluvas are Banas and not Naga mixed who dont practice Matriarchy. Nairs and Bunts descend from the Ahichatram Nagas whike Nambuthiris and other Thuluva brahmins such as Shivalli brahmins might descend from Ahichatram Brahmins.


    The Nagas were called Buntaru or bonded people. The indigenous warriors called Banas(Banta) started mixing with Nagas(Bunta) eventually creating a stratified Matriarchal society in which Banas still occupy a higher position than the Nagas Banas, Bananayas and Nayars were thus formed among which Banas occupied a higher position and called themselves Kshatriya equivalents, Samantha Kshatriyas.Nairs were part of the mercenary army of Bunts of coastal Karnataka. Bunts fought for whoever paid them.Naga mixture with other communities such as Bhillava and Mogaveera will convert them to Matriarchal descendency as well.Many inscriptions mention Nayars at Barkur near Udupi in Tulunadu prior to 800 AD.The Banas(Banta) were fierce warriors who served Chalukya and Rashtrakuta armies. In 950 AD Rajaditya Chola the heir apparent to Chola throne was killed by the spear thrown by a Banta serving Rashtrakuta.



    Arabs had developed a powerful Navy in the second millennium. Though called Moors they were not Moroccans but Iraqis and arabs from Oman. By 1000 AD Arabs traders controlled parts of coastal Gujarat and Goa. In 1000 AD when Goa ruled by Southern Silahara king Guhalladeva An Iraqi trader called Madumod of Taji helped the king financially to regain his position.Malabar was an important trading place for Arabs as Spices pepper Cardamom, Cinnamon and Sandalwood were grown there.

    In that era Arabs were trying to control Kerala for which they allied with a Tulu prince called Banapperumal (Pallibanapperumal, Banu Vikrama Kulasekharapperumal) who was the brother of Tulu king Kaviraja Singhan (Kavi Alupendra 1110 AD to 1160 AD).


    Threatened by Tulu invaders Kodungaloor Chera dynasty came to an end. Cheras shifted their capital to Kollam where they merged with the Ay dynasty formed the Chera-Ay dynasty.Last Kodungaloor Chera Ramavarma Kulasekhara was also the same as first Chera-Ay ruler Ramar Thiruvadi.


    Nairs were mobilised by Banapperumal with the help of Arabs, attacked Kerala in 1120 AD with 350000 strong Nair army commanded by Padamalanair. This was a mass migration of people from coastal Karnataka to Kerala.Banapperumals commander was Padamala Nair (Krishnan Munjad) allegedly had an affair with the Queen.The Queen falsely blamed Padamala Nair for the incidence.Banapperumal sentenced Padamala Nair to death. But the influential Padamala Nair asked the king to give back his life so that he could live for some time.

    Padamala Nair then visited Maldives and had converted himself to Islam and adapted the name Husain Khwaja.Banapperumal executed Padamala Nair at a riverside. Before his death the good natured Padamala Nair advisedBanapperumal to meet Vedha Azhiar and get converted to Islam. Facing opposition from his own Nair army Banapperumal converted to Islam and surrenderd to Arabs.Banapperumal boarded an Arab ship and started the journey to Arabia.

    On his way to Arabia Banapperumal stopped at Dharmadam. The ruler of Dharmadam was his Sister Sridevis son Mahabali. Mahabali was converted and was given the name Saifuddin Mohammed Ali.

    When one of the daughters of Saifuddin was rescued from a pond by a Nair minister called Arayankulankara Nair she was married to him. Arayankulankara Nair embraced islam founded the first Muslim royal dynasty, The Araikal Raja vamsam. Banapperumals son Udayavarman Kolathiri was crowned as the first Kolathiri ruler of Kannur. From Kings sister Sridevis other sons Samudiri and Kochi kings descended.Banapperumal was accompanied by his another nephew Kohinoor. Pada Mala Nairs nephews Mustha Mudukad, Neelinishada,Sharipad and their servants Marjan and Aswad, residing at Chaliyam also joined Banapperumal in his journey to Arabia.


    Maldives was ruled by king Dhovemi Kalaminja who was converted to Islam and adapted the name King Sultan Muhammad ibn Abdullah 1153 AD. Maldives was also known by the name Mahaldweep.Maldives king Dhovemi Kalaminja played some role in the conversion of Banapperumal.


    In the 12th century many Nairs were also converted to Islam and became the Janmis in the north Kerala. Many of the Nairs who had embraced Islam continued to practice Matriarchy. In 1551 AD Samuthiri sent an army to help king Mayadunne to fight Portuguese. Interestingly many Srilankan Muslim Moors practice Matrilineal descendency. They claim descendency from Tamils and Mapillahs.


    The Chera-Ay kingdom brought all Kerala under its control making Kolathiris a Vassal in the 12th century. Around 1260 AD all Kerala was brought under the Suzernity of Pandyan kingdom.



    Malik Kafur in 1310 invaded Pandyan kingdom and defeated it. Soon all the Tamil kingdoms came to an end. Villavar were hunted down by the Delhis army. A massacre of the Villavar people led to the destruction brought an end to all the Tamil kingdoms.
    All the Dravidians were struggling against the Delhi sultanate. The Aryan and Naga people of Tulunadu and the Kolathiri kingdom were the allies of the Delhi sultanate and arabs.


    Mabar kingdom or Madurai Sultanate was founded around 1330 AD. In this period all Kerala was given to the Tulu dynastie. Four matriarchal kingdoms Kolathiri, Samuthiri, Kochi and Venad were founded. All these kingdoms were supported by Nairs. The Banapperumal dynasty (Kolathiri) was further strengthened by immigrants from Tulunadus Bana(Bants) who with Nambiar and Nayanar titles became Samantha Kshatriyas( Equal to Kshatrias) of Kerala


    Kerala suddenly came under the rule of people with Nepalese roots. Matriarchy, Polyandry and Naga worship became normal customs after 1340 AD. The Ahichatram migrants the Nair and Nambuthiris spoke dialect of Nepalese much different from the Vernacular language of Kerala the Malayalam-Tamil. Indigenous Dravidian people lost most of their lands to the Tulu invaders.

    Kerala was divided into 500 Nambuthiri sankethams. Each of the Nambuthiri Sankethams had more than five thousand acres land. Tenants were Nairs.Thus Nambuthiris and Nairs became the owners of most of the land of Kerala with Mabar Sultanate and Delhi Sultanates help. The native Dravidian people of Chera kingdom were at the grip of a primittive alien people with roots from Nepal, Nairs.

    Some of the Nairs from Kadathanadu closer to the Kolathiris owned more than 2 lakh acres until independence. But most of the Nairs who worked as soldiers who lived in humble houses with Palm leaf roofs.Many Nairs as well as Samantha Kshayriyas display fair colour with an Yellow tinge and slightly Mongoloid facial features because of their Nepalese origin.



    The Tulu-Nepalese Samantha, Nambuthiris and Nairs, the Kshatriyas, Brahmins and Nairs who were Sudras called themselves Savarna. Savarna were Aryan and Naga people from Nepal and the Tulu Samantha who were Bana subgroup of Bunts. The Dravidian people including the Villavars who ruled Kerala for many thousand years were called Avarna.Perhaps fearing their safety the Savarnas wanted the Avarnas to stay away 12 foot to 72 foot. Such customs never existed in Dravidian landscape.The women were allowed to cover only the lower portion of the body. Only Nambuthiri women could cover themselves fully.
    When Portuguese came the Cochin King and his Nair soldiers were wearing only loin cloths.

    The indigenous Dravidian people, Avarnas were not even allowed to walk the roads. Any hapless agriculturist seen walking the roads the Nair will go and cut down the unarmed victim.These customs never existed in south India in any of the Dravidian kingdoms. The sole reason the Nambuthiris and Nairs could get away with these because the support they enjoyed from Arabs, Mabar Sultanate and Delhi Sultanate. The Avarnas, the Dravidian people harassed by Nairs were the original owners of Kerala. Most of the Avarnas were Dravidian castes whose relatives existed in Tamilnadu and Karnataka.

    Dravidian Villavar had been the rulers of Kerala for many thousand years. But after Malik kafurs attack Villavar were made Avarnas. Many of the Villavar subgroups such as Malayar and Vanavar completely disappeared. Avarnas had been disarmed so Nairs could easily kill them. In that era all the Dravidian kingdoms had been destroyed the Villavar could not get any help.

    The presence of large Turkish garrisons in Tamilnadu deterred any attempt to revolt against the Tulu-Nepalese rulers. Nairs who came to Kerala as the henchmen of Arabs were elevated to a much higher status by the Delhi sultanate after the defeat of Pandyan kingdom in 1311.Portuguese supplied Nairs with modern weapons. Nairs were allies of Portuguese and their mixed blooded Christian army of Mestizos.


    More than 80% of Keralas Dravidian Hindus of Kerala were not allowed to enter the temples after 1335 AD. Most of the Avarnas were Tamil Hindus or Srilankan Buddhists. In the old Tamil kingdoms Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism coexisted. There had been no bar for interfaith devotees. Most of the Keralas temples had been built by the Villavar rulers of Kerala or Pandyan rulers. In the ancient times southern Kerala was ruled by Pandiyans.

    After 1311 only Nagas and Aryans with Nepalese roots were allowed inside temples. Sri Padmanabhaswamy temple had been a Jain temple, which was converted to Jain and Vaishnava temple by Nedumchadaya Pandiyan in 786 AD. When the Pandiyan ruler married a Vaishnavite princess from Malva he consecrated Padnanabha idol. Nedumchadaya Pandiyan was a Villavar-Meenavar ruler. When Marthanda Varma from Beppur Thattari dynasty came to power with British help, he rebuilt the Padmanabha swamy from stones brought from Gandhaki river Basin in Nepal.Most of the Temples in Kerala had been built by the Villavar rulers of Kerala. After the advent of Matriarchal kingdoms in 14th century Hindus who once formed 90 percent of Kerala population started shrinking



    As the Villavar were not allowed in their own ancestral temples they started embracing other religions.Villarvattom or Udayaswaroopam, a remnant of Villavar kingdoms adoped Christianity in the 14th century. Panicker subgroup of Villavars sided with the Portuguese and converted to Christianity. Panickars assembled the army for Portuguese and Dutch.

    Thus the support of Arabs, Delhi Sultanate and Europeans to the Matriarchal kingdoms resulted in the exodus of Hindus to other religeons. Europeans when supported the Samantha-Nambuthiri-Nair kingdoms they got more and more Christian converts.

    Another reason was Nairs did not wear much of a dress. Nair males wore a loin cloth or a cloth around waist. Nair women wore a piece of cloth around waist and knee and they did not cover their upper body.
    Nairs were thus barely Clad and they forced other Kerala natives to go naked.

    Thus after the invasion of Malik Kafur in 1311 AD Kerala was at the grip of a primitive Nepalese tribe who came from Tulunadu. Facing harassment by Nairs, most of the Hindu Dravidian people either left Kerala or converted themselves to other religeon .


    Many Panickars left for Srilanka.One Alagakon from Vanchipura (Kollam) went to Srilanka and founded a new city called Colombo after Kollam. Columbum was the old name of Kollam. Sadasivapanikkan a Tamil panikkan joined the services of King Parakrama Bahu of Kotte kingdom in Srilanka. Sadasivapanikkans son Senpahapperumal ascended king of Kotte kingdom as King Buvaneka Bahu who brought most of Srilanka under his control. Srilankan armies were full of Panickar armies after the Malik Kafurs invasion.Since whole of India was under the Delhi Sultanate Panickars chose to migrate to Srilanka.


    Samudiris of Kozhikode claimed to be the descendants of Nephew of Banapperumal. On his coronation day Samudiri it was customary that he dressed like a Muslim and reiterated that he was the Nephew of the Perumal who went to Arabia. Thereby he gained the support of Arabs and the Mappilla soldiers. One Samudiri is believed to have converted to Islam, and was called Abdu Rahman Zamiri. Nairs though numerically higher were not equal to Arabs in warfare. So in the Samudiris kingdom Nairs played a lesser role. Except for the presence of Arabs who supported Nairs, the Thiyyas would have removed Nairs easily.


    By 1526 the Delhi Sultanate came to an end. Arabs were still there in the northern Kerala. Atleast the Venad and Cochin kingdoms could have overthrown the alien rule. But the Portuguese became the Protectors of Kochi kingdom as well as Venad kingdom.



    The Europeans protected the Tulu-Nepalese kingdoms for 450 years.


    The europeans who came to Kerala were quite impressed to see relatively fairer people have enslaved the darker people in Kerala.Which inturn justify their presense. They described Nair customs such as Polyandry in a romantic way while most of Dravidians would consider them as immoral customs. Europeans protected the Tulu-Nepalese kingdoms for about four fifty years.Portuguese appointed their own choices from Mutha Thavazy to throne of Cochin. Portuguese stepped in the shoes of Delhi sultanate as protectors of Matriarchal kingdoms of Kerala.Portuguese freely mixed with the locals producing a Mestizo communities.

    The remnants of Keralas Panickars including that of Villarvattam kingdom joined Portuguese and converted christianity. The Christian army of Portuguese was headed by Panickars and Mestizos. Nairs deputed by local kingdoms were trained by Mestizos. Christian armies were planted in each of the territories petty kings. Many petty kings such as Edappally, Alangad, Koratty, Muvattupuzha , Ambalapuzha, Vadakkumkur, Thekkumkur etc.

    Each king was required to maintain a Christian army and pay them salaries in return for Protection. Local kings are required to build churches also for which Portuguese supplied masons, architects and Painters. Nairs apparently were subservient to mixed blooded Mestizos in that era. About 4000 Mestizos defended Fort Cochin. None of the locals including Nairs were allowed to enter inner city. At the end of Portuguese rule about 20% of Portuguese army was Nairs. Dutch were worried about Nairo who may attack them in Vypeen. But the Srilankan Karayar army easily defeated them by bombarding them from vypeen.During the Portuguesd despite the Portuguese plundered temples including Thevalakkara temple, converted locals to Christianity Nairs never fought them. It is because after Delhi sultanate Portuguese were protecting them. Nairs were less than ten percent of population. Cochin kingdom would have crumbled after 1526 AD when Delhi sultanate ended.The presence of Portuguese prevented the much powerful Madurai and Trichy Naiks from attacking Kerala.


    In 1507 Kōlattiri Raja of Cannanore supported by the Zamorin of Calicut and Arabs, besieged the Portuguese garrison at St. Angelo Fort in Cannanore.It was part of the Portuguese–Mamluk Naval War.


    After 1507 defeat of Kolathiris and Samuthiris Portuguese had little opposition from Nairs. Portuguese unlike Dutch and English were vengeful and fierce warriors.Around 1750 Nairs ambushes a unarmed Dutch captain and his friends who were going for an evening stroll with their Indian wives.At 1721 about 140 Englishmen who were bringing gifts to the queen were murdered by Pillamar, Nairs. The Englishmen had been disarmed before their stay at Attingal palace.



    Venads Matriarchal Tulu dynasty was established by the two Kolathiriri princesses called by Attingal and Kunnumel ramis.Attingal and Kunnumel ranis replaced the last Tamil Villavar king of Venad Veera Udaya Marthanda varman alias Veera Pandiyan in 1314 AD.After this period only sons born to Attingal rani or Kunnumel rani and Nambuthiris became Venad king. With Attingal and Kunnumel ranis a large contingent of Nairs migrated to Venad and mixed with Vellalas. Until then Villavar used to have hypergamous marriages with Vellalas. By aligning with Nairs Vellalas freed themselves.Nairs were present not powerful in Venad in that era. The real power behind them was the Delhi Sultanate and Arab support enjoyed by Kolathiris.

    Only after the mixture of Nairs with Vellalas to form the Pillamar subgroup which became powerful after 1620, when a Brahmin king from Vellarappalli, Cochin was installed as the Venad king during the rule of Portuguese.


    The Tulu Matriarchal kings who ruled between 1400 to 1620 AD married from Tamil royal dynasties, adopted Tamil names and pretended that they were Tamils. Though they married among the Tamils in a Matriarchal system their children could not become kings.

    Only the kings sisters son born to a Nambuthiri can become the next king. But these kings called themselves by his wifes royal house of Villavars. If the Tulu king marries a Villavar princess, he called himself Cherala. After the defeat of Tamil kingdoms by Malik kafur in 1311 Villavars from Chera Chola and Pandyan kingdoms resided in the southern Kerala and Tamilnadu. A Chola family resided at Kalakkadu. When the Tulu Venad king married a princess from Kalakkad he called himself Chola, Puli Marthandan. But many Villavar families refused to give daughters to the reigning Venad kings as their sons cant become kings.

    The Venad kings called themselves Jayasimhavamsam ie Chera-Ay dynasty possibly by queens marrying from that family. Other possibility that they were born to Attingal Rani and Nambuthiris and were not ethnically not related to Villavars but pretending to be Villavars. Villavars were still dominant in Venad and Southern Tamilnadu.Villavar people could occupy high offices in that era. Villavar supported the Tulu matriarchal kings against the Vjjayanagara Naiks. Because of the Villavar support Venad kings could annexe southern Tamilnadu up to Tuticorin.

    The Venad kings after 1400 AD occupied southern Tamilnadu the areas still controlled by Tamil Villavars. The Tenkasi pandyan king had become a vassal of Vijayanagara Naiks. The Villavars opposed to the Vijayanagara Naiks and supported the Venad kings which enabled to occupy parts of the Tenkasi Kingdom. Southernmost portions of Tamilnadu in the Thirunelveli district and the coastal areas upto Tuticorin.The Venad kings had changed their capitals to places dominated by Tamil Villavar. Thus Kalakkad which had been the capital of Chola migrants, Ambasamudram and Kallidaikurichi of Pandyan migrants and Cherannadavi of Villavars became their capital. Kalakkadu was also called Mullinadu.These kings inscriptions were only in Tamil. Their names resembled kings of Chera-AI dynasty. They did not add birth stars to their names like the later Tulu-Nepalese dynasties eg Chitrathirunal, Moolam Thirunal etc. There is a possibility that the kings who ruled between 1400 to 1620 were actually patrilineal Tamils. This Venad kingdom called Chethungnadu.Few Nairs mixed with Vellala, Pillamar. But they could not dominate until 1620 AD.



    In 1620 under Portuguese protection a Brahmin prince from Kochi kingdom called Kochuraman Unnipandarathil was planted in Venad as king along with migration of Northern Nairs. Nairs and Namputhiri dominance in Venad started in the 17th century with Portuguese support. After 1310 AD anybody with Arab,Turkish or European support could be adopted into Venad kingdom forcibly. This system allowed a graceful exit of the previous dynasty into oblivion.In 1620 a Brahmin prince from Vellarappalli Kovilakam, near Kaladi in the Kochi kingdom which was under the control of Portuguese was adopted into Venads royal family. This dynasty which ruled between 1620 to 1720 AD. These kings Pandarathil-Nambirattiyar dynasty kings and queens. Immediately the Tamil Villavar areas in the southern Tamilnadu separated from Venad and joined the Tenkasi Pandyan kingdom. This led to the isolation of Kerala Villavars. The northern Villavars the Panickers had already joined the Portuguese and converted themselves to Christianity.



    Joao Da Cruz was a Nair Noble man related to Samuthiri of Calicut. When Vasco da Gama visited Kozhikode Samuthiri was persuaded to sent one of his relatives to Portuguese kings court. Joao Da Cruz's real name is unknown. He was sent to Portuguese court when he was about 15 years. Some accounts state he was a Nair some others call him as a Chetty, possibly a Vania Nair. He was also called Martin. Joao Da Cruz was converted to Christianity and was raised in the Portuguese court at Lisbon. He married a Portuguese Noble women and was given three ships by the Portuguese king and was send back to India. Then misfortune struck him. All his ships sank off coast of Kerala. Indebted Joao Da Cruz was imprisoned at Cochin.

    After his release he reinvented him as a horse trader.Until 1516 Paravas used to pay tax to Vijayanagara governor Thumbichi Naickar and the Venad king. But in 1516 the pearl fishing coast was leased to local Muslim chieftains by king Butala Veera Udaiya Marthanda Varma.After this in the southern coastal area of Tamilnadu Muslims were collecting tax from fishermen. Each day the fishermen have to pay money to the local Muslim chieftain before going to the sea for fishing.But the Portuguese wanted tribute for themselves which the muslim chieftains refused. This was long 14 year war between Portuguese and the Moors, Arab mixed muslims eventually leading to the defeat of Moors in 1528 by De Mello. After this Portuguese increased the tribute of the Moors who inturn extracted it from Paravas.

    In 1534 there was a Fisher women selling Paniyaram, a sweetmeat in the Market. She picked up a quarrel with a local Muslim man there. The angry Muslim took a knife and cut off her earlobe. It was customary for the Tamil women to wear Pampadam, a heavy ornament in their elongated Earlobes. Cutting off the Pampadam with the ear was a disgrace to them. All the Paravas gathered around the Fisher women. In the ensuing battle between Paravas and Muslims many died. Mercenaries paid by the Muslims killed Paravas systematically.

    Shortly in 1534 Joao Da Cruz came to Tuticorin. He learned the happenings from the Paravas. Joao Da Cruz sympathetic to the plight of Paravas advised them to join the Portuguese and get converted to Christianity. Joao Da Cruz promised that the Paravas once converted Portuguese would protect them and free them from the Muslim yoke. Though in the Naickar territory a sea power like Portuguese had their influence along the coast. Paravas agreed. In 1535, fifteen Parava Chieftains called Pattankattiyar(Patangatin) met Petro Vaz the captain at Cochin fort. The Parava Chieftains were converted to Christianity by Miguel Vaz a friar from Goa. Only after Paravas brought another 70 people Miguel Vaz agreed to Baptise them.Many of the Paravas adopted the same name as their saviour Joao Da Cruz. Moors tried to prevent the conversions. They sent two of their headman alongwith Cherina Marakkar who tried to bribe the Portuguese captain Pedro Vas with 20000 fanam, eight big Pearl's and cotton goods but the Captian did not budge.In 1536 two ships sailed from Cochin to Tuticorin carrying Joao Da Cruz, Miguel Vaz and other priests including Pedro Goncalves and the converted Paravas. In the year 1536 the entire Parava community, many thousands of them from Pearl fishery coast had been converted. Paravas paid 75000 fanams for protection which was reduced to 60000 fanams per annum on the recommendation of Miguel Vaz.Joao returned back to Cochin. In the year 1537 Joao met the Venad/Travancore king and offered him horses and requested permission to convert the local Paravars.But the Samuthiri the relative of Joao Da Cruz was not happy about it. Samuthiri send a navy with Marakkars resulting in a fierce sea battle off the coast of Cape Comerin and also land battle in 1537 AD.
    Joao Da Cruz, a converted Nair, was thus instrumental in the conversion of Paravas of Tuticorin and Venad. Later Paravas of Srilanka were also converted.



    The Venad kings facing annihilation from Vijayanagara Naiks of Madurai.Ventru Mankonda Boothala Veera Udaiya Marthanda Varma alias Unnikutty Varma was ruling Venad from 1516 to1535. He gave tax exemption to newly converted Parava Christian's. Veera Kerala Varma who ruled Venad between 1544 to 1545 assisted Jesuit priest St.Francis Xavier to spread Christianity. Vijayanagara Naiks were opposed to Christian to Christian conversions. In 1546 Madurai Viswanatha Naickars commander Ramaraya Vittala invaded Venad in 1546 AD, St.Francis Xavier went as mediator who met Ramaraya Vittala with his advancing army. St.Francis Xavier brokered peace with Madurai Naiks with a promise of annual tribute to Madurai Naiks by Venad kingdom.

    Ramaraya Vittalan built the tower of Sucindram Temple and returned to Madurai in 1545 AD.The presence of Portuguese in Kerala prevented the Madurai Naiks from occupying Venad. Another reason is the Villavar of Kerala and southern Tamilnadu supported Venad kings in that period.


    After the installation of Brahmin rulers in 1620. Most of the Governmenr jobs and Military jobs. At the same time the Pillamar had questionable fighting capacity.



    In the fourteenth century few hundred Gaundanmar from Coimbatore who were mostly drrawn from peasants. In rhe following war thousands of Nairs were massacred. Each year a Bawai like festival is conducted to commmemorate the incident.


    In 1634 Velayyan of Madurai Naik kingdom invaded Venad. King Unni Kerala Varma was ruling Venad. Ravikutti Pilla, the commander of Venad army repulsed the attack. Ravikutty Pillai was made Chief Minister and the Commander-in-Chief of Venad. But when Thirumala Naickar sent another army under the leadership of Ramappayyan Venads army was decimated at battle at Kaniyamkulam. Within minutes Ravikutty pilla was slain by the Naicker army who killed considerable numbers of the Nair army making the rest of them to flee. The Naickers always carried Pooja materials whenever they invaded Venad. Each time, their the war with Nairs lasted only for few minutes.Then Naickers proceeded to Sucindram temple in the enemy territory to offer prayers. Madurai Naickars sent relatively small armies less than 5000 numbered. Travancore had 30000 strong Nair armies but Naickers knew that they will run away.


    A petty mughal sirdar possibly rogue, entered Venad/Travancore in 1680 when Umayamma was ruling with five hundred soldiers. He was wandering inside Travancore at Thiruvattar and Manarkadu for more than six months. Thirty thousand strong Queens army was not successful against Mugilan pada. Umayamma Rani.Van Rheede when he visited Umayamma Rani in 1675, the Ranis personal protective force itself contained 800 Nairs. It is because Nairs were reluctant to fight with the highly trained Mogul army. The rebellious Pillamar also avoided fighting with the Mugilan Pada.

    The five hundred strong Mukilanpada was collecting tax from Varkala to Thovala. Mukilanpada destroyed Budhapuram temple managed by Tulu brahmins despite the defence by few Nairs and Channars.Mukilan went through them. Ettuveettil pillamar locked the Padnanabha swamy temple because they wrre afraid of standing there and defending the temple. Finally a prince from North called Kottayam Keralavarma decided to confront Mukilan.Most of the Mukilans army had gone to collect tax and were scattered between Varkala to Thovalai. The Mukilan was residing at Thiruvattar with one or two hundred soldiers with him. Still Nairs were not ready to fight with him. Instead they poisoned the well where Mukilans army was taking water.Kottayam keralavarma and his Nairs were lucky. When they confronted Mukilan, Mukilan was attacked by a swarm of Honeybees and fell down from the horse and was injured. Nairs still did not go near him.Nairs used slingshots and Arrows to kill Mukilan. Following this Mukilans army left Kerala.

    Thus a swarm of honey bees saved Brave Kottayam Kerala Varma seemed as heir apparent to Umayammarani who had lost all her children. But Kottayam keralavarna was brutally murdered by Pillamar at his house in 1696.



    IN 1734In 1734 a 30000 strong Mysore attacked Kerala under the invitation of Araikkal Beevis. The army commanded by Gopalji captured all the forts of Kolathiri prince Kunhi Ambu upto Dharmadam and Koodali near Kannur. In that occupation Nair soldiers were not visible.Kunhi Ambu made a deal with the English factor of Thellissery that he would pay a huge amount. The East India company fought and chased away out of Malabar. Malabar would have become Karnataka without EIC assistance.


    Not all the Kolathiris hated Mysorean invaders.Mahmood Khan Mahmood,the Urdu historian says that at the time in 1763 when Bednur was captured by Hyder, the daughter of Kolathiri fell in love with a rich Muslim called Ali. It seems Nairs did not like this.

    In 1768 invasion Hyder became the supreme leader of Kozhikode. Hyder appointed Maddhanna a Brahmin, a revenue officer from Mysore as the Governor of Malabar. Hyder left 3000 strong Mysore Regular army at Kozhikode and Hyder returned to Mysore. Once Hyder left their territory Nairs from Kadathanad and Kottayam revolted under Kapputhamban and reoccupied their territories. Immediately Hyder came back. When he returned all the Nair offensives stopped. Once again Hyder went back to Coimbatore as he faced the threat of Maratha invasion.

    Once again Nairs of Kottayam revolted resulting in the withdrawal of 4000 strong Mysore army from Kannur. But there was no war.But when they attempted to harass the Kozhikode garrison Maddhanna resisted successfully. Madhanna made deal with the New Samuthiri that yearly tribute will be paid to Mysore. Madhanna collected compensation from those Nair lords who had revolted against him and left for Mysore. Total number of Mysore army was only 7000.

    In that era Mappillahs were not supporting the Mysore army. So Nairs had some courage to fight the Mysore army.But when the Araikal Beevis and Mapillahs supported the Mysore army Nairs did not have the courage to fight the Mysore army.


    Haidar sent an army under the leadership of Srinivasarao and Sayyid Sahib came to Kozhikode without any resistance.Mysore came under direct Mysore Suzernity once again.Srinivasarao was appointed as Civil Governor while Sardhar Khan was appointed as military commander.Nairs under Kolathiri and Samuthiri did not dare to fight the Mysore army.


    Now Hyderali demanded compensation for his war expenditure, one lakh ikkeri Pagodas from Cochin King. who had no involvement in the war. Cochin king readily agreed. But Hyder also demanded that tax collected from Thalappalli the previous year. Cochin king refused. Sardar Khan was angered by this. He from Chavakkad, through Kunnamkulam Came with 3000 soldiers and occupied Thrissur in 1776.Cochin king sent messengers to Srirangapattinam and informed them that he was willing to pay annual tribute. Cochin King might have had atleast 60000 strong Nair army. Nandietter nadu Kaimals alone had 43300 soldiers. Why should the Cochin king with 60000 strong Nair army should surrender to Mysore army. Though the Tulu-Nepalese rulers of Kerala used Nairs to terrorise the disarmed local population of Kerala they knew that nairs cant win any war against any well trained army.


    The Dutch unlike their Portuguese were not strong enough to protect their vessels the Cochin kings. Cochin kings had about ten thousand Nair soldiers. During the Portuguese era a strong Christian army commanded by Mestizo and Panickar army. But under Dutch the reluctant Christian army led by Vallikada Panicker had been defeated by Marthanda Varma who had the support of British.The Nairs of Cochin kingdom were no match for Hyders army. So the Cochin kings, Nambiadris preferred to pay whatever amount Hyder demanded. Sardar khan requested safe passage through Dutch territories on their way towards Travancore.When refused Sardar khan occupied Chettuva fort and Pappinvattom which were Dutch posession. He occupied Kodungallur.



    Sardar Khan stopped north of Nedumkotta a mud and stone defence fortification which extended along Periar, Chalakudy river. Anamudi hills which had been built by Raja Kesavadas. It was 12 foot high and 20 foot wide with a 16 foot wide and 20 foot deep moat. It is believed to be 48 km long. Built between 1757 to 1762 by Raja Kesavadas allegedly on the advices of Delennoy. Somebody dumb enough to believe that would stop Mysore's armies.


    Many Nairs had joined the army of Hyderali and had embraced Islam. Velluva Kammaran Nambiar had switched sides and joined Hyderali in 1757 and served him as an Important commander. After conversion he was known as Ayaz Khan. Ayaz Khan was appointed as the Governor of Chitradurga, one of the richest provinces of Karnataka. When Ayaz Khan said he cant talk Kannada, Hyder advised him not to talk but use a whip instead.Hyder treated him like a son. Ayaz Khan was the Governor of Bednur he crossed sides and surrendered to British and gave the control of Bednur fort to British. British paid monthly allowance of 4000 Rs, a huge some after his retirement to Bombay.


    When Hyderali invaded Kerala he proceeded without much resistance. Ali Raja had set fire to the Kolathiris palace.Hyderali came with 4000 cavalryand 8000 foot soldiers total 12000 soldiers. Kolathiris 20000 strong Nair soldiers could have fought with Hyderali and could have defeated him. The Kottayam, Kadathanadu, and Kurumbranadu soldiers might have fought against HyderaliAnother 20000 Nair soldiers were there at Samuthiris Kozhikode. Nearly 50000 Nair soldiers were in the Malabar. Even if they could not defeat they could have fought and become martyrs.But Nairs developed cold feet as the 8000 soldiers of Araikkal Beevis joined Hyder Ali. Most Nairs ran away to Travancore.

    Kolathiri and Samuthiris were left to fend for themselves with few hundred soldiers.Kolathiri found refuge at Thalassery under British.Hyderali moved to Calicut. None of the Nairs dared to fight him.The Samudiri went and met Hyderali and offered all his personal wealth to Hyder Ali. Hyder Ali demanded one crore Gold Mohurs. Samudiri did not have that much money. So he went back to his palace and set fire to the palace and died. From Samudiris twenty thousand strong army mostly were safe running away to Travancore. Hardly anybody died.


    About 15000 surrendered Nairs had been deported by Hyder to Srirangapattinam in 1766. Only 200 of them came back. Rest of them converted to Islam and settled down at Karnataka. Unless Nairs surrendered voluntarily it would not be easy to capture 15000 people. Hyder had only 8000 Foot soldiers and 4000 Cavalry, total 12000. Out of the 40000 to 50000 army of Kolathiri and Samuthiri most of them escaped to Travancore and started harassing locals.


    Following Tipus invasion in 1785 many clans of the Kolathiri family had migrated to Travancore to Kottarakkara, Mariyapally, Aranmula and Thiruvalla.With this a large scale migration of Nairs to Travancore which was a protectorate of British occurred at 1785 AD. In 1789 one of the Kolathiri princes, was killed by Tipu's soldiers during his escape and his dead body was dragged by elephants through Tipu's camp and subsequently hung upon a tree, along with 17 of his followers.


    Many Nair women were enslaved and sold as slaves on Tippus order. Tippu declared that Nairs status had been reduced to Lowest caste.


    Many stories of Nonexistent Nair bravery was woven around the fort. Ridiculous claims that Tippu was blocked from entering Travancore by this heap of mud.Tippus army was the state of art army which were the first to use rockets in warfare.



    1. In 1789 Tippu Sulthan with his army entered the wall but was ambushed by Vaikkom Padmanabha Pillai and his 20 member army and were defeated by them. Tippu had a formidable army but was no match to the southern Nairs who were formidable liars.

    2. Tippu reached Periar river banks after breeching the wall. The brave Nair warriors Vaikkom Padmanabha Pillai and Kunjai kutty pillai with their team went upstream to the Boothathankettu Dam and managed to break the Dam causing a heavy flood in the Periar. The Gunpowder and ammunition of Tippu Sultan's army got wet and could not be used. So Tippu Sultan was forced to retreat. These kind of ridiculous stories circulated in that era.


    Vellala were a Tamil agricultural caste. Vellala an opportunistic Tamil clan of Kalabhra/Kalappalar descent who adopted the marriage less Sambandham customs of Matriarchy and mixed with Nairs. The sons born to Vellala women by Nairs were called Pillais.(Nairs were known by their mothers surname not the fathers. Because of the custom of Polyandry paternity cant be established).

    As early as 12th century Vellalas aligned with Nairs. Tulu invader Banapperumal divided his kingdom into 19 parts and gave 5 parts to Kshatriya (Bana, Pally), 8 parts to Samantha ( Tulu Bana Bunt Nayanar Nambiyar) and 6 parts to Vellala (Tamil Kalappalar) according to Keralolpathy. Vellalas from Chola country had been planted in southern Kerala by Chola invaders around 1060 AD. These Vellalas were under a suppressed state under the Chera-AI dynasty between 1102 to 1335 AD). But after the fall of Pandyan empire in 1311 a Nair mixed Vellalas called Pillamar dominated southern Kerala. Pillamar were pro Tulu and supporters of Kolathiri kingdom.

    Pillamar opposed installation of Brahmin rulers from Vellarappalli Kovilaham, Kalady Pandarathil family in 1620 during the rule of Portuguese. Pandarathil-Nambirattiyar dynasty ruled Venad between 1620 to 1720 AD despite severe opposition of Pillamar. All the five children of last Nambrattiyar queen Umayamma were drowned in a Pottakulam by Pillamar.

    When Marthandavarma's uncle Ramavarma who was a Samantha Kshatriya attached to the Pally Kovilakam of Parappanad was son of the ruler of Beppur Thattari Kovilakam. Beppur was in the vicinity of British factory at Thellichery.Pillamar considered Ramavarmaas a petty Samantha brought to rule over Travancore under the protection of British. British sent an army from Trichy to defend him. However when Ramavarma married a Vellala woman called Abhirami from Salem the opposition decreased. But by Matriarchal system Marthandavarma came to power Pillamar opposed him. Pillamar wanted a Patrilineal Vellala dynasty headed by Pappu and Raman Thambi. But the British foiled their plan.

    With British support and some local tribal support Marthanda Varma came to power. Thus a Tulu Bunt rule was reestablished in Travancore. A large influx of Nairs from Kannur started. Many rebellious pillamar were exiled to Maldives. Women from Pillamar families were sold as slaves to fishermen Many Pillamar leaders were executed. But Pillamars strength lay in large No of Tamil castes who aligned with them.

    So under the British their cronys the Travancore kings were made to marry queens from Pillamar families mainly Arumana, Vadassery and Thiruvattar ammaveedus.These were originally Matrilineal Vellalala houses. But these queens were barred from participating in politics. Their children were called Thambi and Thangachi meaning Brother and Sister in Tamil. When king Swathithirunal from the Beppur dynasty married a dancing girl from thanjavur from Vellala Mudalis a new ammaveedu called Thanjavur Ammaveedu was created. Vellalas similar to Nairs called themselves Savarna.



    The Natives Dravidian population including Villavars had to endure them. Most of the Dravidians had no means to counter British or their modern weaponry and their protege Nairs. Many Villavar people had only swords and Mussel loading guns.Mant of the Villavar people became outlaws and Bandits in that era.


    The real power behind Marthanda Varma and his successors were the British. In the presence of British the Nairs became belligerent. The Vellala mixed Nairs of Travancore were not much of warriors. Vijaya Nagara Naiks had appointed a resident called Periaveetu Mudaliar to collect tax from them prior to British arrival. Because of their Tamil mixture these Pillais could harass the Travancore rulers who were Tulu Samantha's from Kolathiri family or the Brahmins from Vellarappalli Kovilaham Kaladi. Vellarappalli dynasty had been planted in 1620 AD during the Portuguesd era.


    Around 1740 AD Marthanda Varma sent a British supplied freelancing soldiers from Thirunelveli. One thousand low paid Marava soldiers were sent against the Kayamkulam army containing five thousand Marava soldiers under Ponnampandy Thevar. In a few hours all five thousand Nair soldiers had been slain by the Maravas.The Kayamkulam king attempted suicide and Marthandavarma could annex Kayamkukam.

    Marthandavarma in his campaigns against Cochi had appointed a Vellala general from Thirunelveli called Arumugam pillai. Actually British were controlling Travancore using Tamil Brahmins.Large number of Nair migration after 1776 to Travancore resulted increased the population of Nairs. This resulted in the harassment of local population. This led to a land grabbing spree of Nairs with the help of local government. Many lost their ancestral properties to Nairs. Stringent laws enforced that non-Nairs cant own more than ten acres.These Tuluvan Nairs suddenly became the masters under the British. The same people who ran away from Hyder and Tippu now pretended they were great warriors. In the 19th century bulk of the Nairs in Travancore were Tuluvans. Until the British arrival the elite mercenaries and bodyguards of the Travancore kings were Non-Nairs. But under the British appointed Tamil brahmin ministers only Nairs were allowed military service.Veluthambi Thalava in 1807 was so particular that only Nairs were allowed in military service. He himself belonged to the beppur dynasty brought by British to Travancore.

    Nairs and Nambuthiris talked with a Nepalese dialect. They used Tulu script( Tigalari Script) to write.
    The earlier Nairs had adopted the local Malayanma dialect which was mostly a Dravidian tongue. But the new migrants talked a Nepalese slang similar to the language of Samantha rulers of Travancore. The new comers insisted that the locals respond with them in the same tongue.The locals called it Noppalam, painful Nepalese.The Tulu writing system brought by them was made official. The British missionary Benjamin Bailey went to Mangalore to study the Tulu Script, Tigalari script. Benjamin Bailey made types in Tulu/Tigalari script which would replace all the native writing systems such as Malayanma and Vatteluttu.

    The heavy mixture of Nepalese in Malayalam is the result of Nair occupation of Kerala. The modern Malayalam is written with Tulu/ Tigalari script brought by Tulu invaders, the Nairs, Nambuthiris and Tulu Samantha.

    British cleverly enrolled Nairs in the Madras regiment and shifted them out of Kerala.



    1. Nairs and Nambuthiris and Samanthas became the rulers of Kerala after the defeat of Pandiyans in 1311 AD. When the Madurai Sultanate came to power in 1335 four Matriarchal kingdoms were established. Kolathiri Kingdom, Samuthiri kingdom, Kochi kingdom and Venads Tulu matriarchal kingdom all came to existence. These kingdoms had the support of Arabs and Turks. The Nairs harassed the local Dravidian people with the support of Delhi. They never did anything to anger the Arabs too.
    The secret power behind Nairs were Arabs, Turks and Europeans. Europeans protected the Nair way of life for four hundred and fifty years.

    2. Nairs were against dressing. The Cochin king and his Nair soldiers in the 16th century wore only loin cloths. In fact the king had a 1 foot broad cloth wrapped around his waist.


    When Van Rheede met Umayamma Rani in 1675 she wore only a shoulder but did not cover the upper body.


    Ibnu Batuta the Moroccan scholar who visited Kerala in 1340 was surprised when he saw males and females wore a single cloth around waist.

    Tippu was angered by the Nudity he saw in Kerala and forced Nair ladies to wear dress.

    Nairs were scantily Clad who forced the native Dravidians to go Naked. From 1335 to 1947 AD. If Nairs see any lady wearing dress they will go and forcibly remove their dress. Actually they were enforcing a primitive Nepalese slave culture.

    In 1826 a Nair or Ezhava woman who stayed in France returned. She was invited to the palace of Attingal rani. The lady accustomed to dress went to Attingal palace wearing dress. Attingal rani ordered the woman's breasts to be cut off. British did nothing to stop it. Wearing a dress was a crime to Nairs.

    Padmanabha Menon in his Kerala history described an incident which happened in 1905 AD in his book Kerala History. A young Nair lady went to the Poornathrayeesa temple wearing a blouse. At the same time a Queen also came for temple visit. Immediately the Royal soldiers, the Nairs forcibly removed the woman's blouse in public.

    3. Perhaps fearing for their own safety the law of distance was enforced by Nairs. Any Avarna, Dravidian people should stay 12 to 72 feet away from Nairs and Nambuthiris.

    4. Avarnas are not supposed to walk the paths. They are supposed to walk on the sides of path.
    Ibnu Batuta in 1340 AD who visited Kerala says any Hindu who comes in front of a Muslim was required to get off the path and allow him to pass.
    Kerala did not have good roads until Tippu Sultan built modern roads in 1885 AD.

    5. From 1335 to 1947 Kerala was in a Dark age. Learning declined. 80 percent of Dravidian Hindus were not allowed inside temples. The Villavar people who had been a powerful Warrior clan who supported the Chera kings for many thousand years until 1311 were not allowed in the temples built by their ancestors. Nairs play a major role in making 45 percent of Malayalis go to other religeons.

    6. The Nairs and Nambuthiris used a heavily Nepalese mixed Malayalam. They wrote with Tulu/ Tigalari writing system. In the 19th century this Nepalese language was promoted as Puthu Malayalam. The Dravidian tongue Malayanma was banned.


    Until 19th century the vernacular language of indigenous Dravidian people of Kerala was Malayanma which was devoid of Nepalese words but had few Sanskrit words. Philipose Rambans Bible was the last Malayanma book printed in 1811 AD.

    After 1815 British missionaries changed policy and started promoting the Grantha Malayalam, a Nepalese mixed malayalam exclusively used by Nambuthiris and some Nairs, then used by less than 5% of the population.
    Church Mission Society Kottayam and the British Missionary Benjamin Bailey and German missionary Herman Gundert were instrumental in the promotion of Nepalese colloquial words as Sanskrit. More than 3000 Nepalese words were added to Malayalam, a Dravidian language.

    The place origin of these words is Ahichatra, capital of ancient from where Kadamba king Mayura Varma brought Aryan Brahmins and Naga warriors to Karnataka and settled them in Tulunad in 345 AD. Banapperumal a Tulu prince from Alupas Kingdom invaded Kerala in 1120 AD with a 350000 strong Nair army.

    After the invasion of Malik Kafur in 1311 AD all the Tamil Kingdoms cane to an end. The Matriarchal kingdoms which followed after 1340 AD had this Tulu-Nepalese heritage.

    In the 19th century Malayanma was deliberately mixed with these Nepalese words. The resultant language was popularised as Puthu Malayalam.

    Nepalese words in Malayalam

    ���� Abbreviated संक्षिप्त Saṅkṣipta സംക്ഷിപ്‌തമായി

    ���� Abduction अपहरण Apaharaṇa അപഹരണം

    ���� Aborigine आदिवासी Ādivāsī ആദിവാസി

    ���� Acceptance स्वीकृति Svīkr̥ti സ്വീകാരം

    ���� Accidental आकस्मिक Ākasmika ആകസ്‌മികമായ

    ���� Accumulation संचय San̄caya സഞ്ചയം

    ���� Acknowledgement स्वीकार Svīkāra സ്വീകാരം

    ���� Actor अभिनेता Abhinētā അഭിനേതാവ്

    ���� Actress अभिनेत्री Abhinētrī അഭിനേത്രി

    ���� Addressing सम्बोधन Sambōdhana സംബോധനചെയ്യല്‍

    ���� Adequacy पर्याप्तता Paryāptatā പര്യാപ്‌തത

    ���� Adjective विशेषण Viśēṣaṇa വിശേഷണം

    ���� Admission प्रवेश Pravēśa പ്രവേശനം

    ���� Adore पूजा गर्नु Pūjā garnu പൂജിക്കുക

    ���� Adulteressव्यभिचारिणी Vyabhicāriṇī വ്യഭിചാരിണി

    ���� Adultery व्यभिचार Vyabhicāra വ്യഭിചാരം

    ���� Advent आगमन Āgamana ആഗമനം

    ���� Adventure साहसिक Sāhasika സാഹസിക

    ���� Adversary विरोधी Virōdhī വിരോധി

    ���� Adverse प्रतिकूल Pratikūla പ്രതികൂലമായ

    ���� Advertisement विज्ञापन Vijñāpana വിജ്ഞാപനം

    ���� Affection ममता Mamatā മമത

    ���� Affection स्नेह Snēha സ്‌നേഹം

    ���� Affliction पीडा Pīḍā പീഡ

    ���� Aggression आक्रामकता Ākrāmakatā ആക്രമണം

    ���� Agriculture कृषि Kr̥ṣi കൃഷി

    ���� Aid सहायता Sahāyatā സഹായം

    ���� Allegation आरोप Ārōpa ആരോപണം

    ���� Allow अनुमति Anumati അനുമതി

    ���� Almanac पंचांग Pan̄cāṅga പഞ്ചാംഗം

    ���� Alms भिक्षा Bhikṣā ഭിക്ഷ

    ���� Amazing आश्चर्यजनक Āścaryajanaka ആശ്ചര്യജനകമായ

    ���� Ambrosia अमृत Amr̥ta അമൃതം

    ���� Anarchy अराजकता Arājakatā അരാജകത്വം

    ���� Ancient पुरानो Purānō പുരാണമായ

    ���� Anniversary वार्षिकोत्सव Vārṣikōtsava വാര്‍ഷികോത്സവം


    🇳🇵 Article लेख Lēkha ലേഖനം

    🇳🇵 Artificial कृत्रिम Kr̥trima കൃത്രിമമായ

    🇳🇵 Asking सोध्दै Sōdhdai ചോദ്യം

    🇳🇵 Assault आक्रमण Ākramaṇa ആക്രമണം

    🇳🇵 Assumption धारणा Dhāraṇā ധാരണ

    🇳🇵 Astonishment आश्चर्य Āścarya ആശ്ചര്യം

    🇳🇵 Asylum शरण Śaraṇa ശരണാലയം

    🇳🇵 Atheist नास्तिक Nāstika നാസ്‌തികന്‍

    🇳🇵 Atom परमाणु Paramāṇu പരമാണു

    🇳🇵 Atonement प्रायश्चित Prāyaścita പ്രായശ്ചിത്തം

    🇳🇵 Attack आक्रमण Ākramaṇa ആക്രമണം

    🇳🇵 Attainment प्राप्ति Prāpti പ്രാപ്‌തി

    🇳🇵 Attendant परिचर Paricara പരിചാരകന്‍

    🇳🇵 Attraction आकर्षण Ākarṣaṇa ആകര്‍ഷണം

    🇳🇵 Attractive आकर्षक Ākarṣaka ആകര്‍ഷകമായ

    🇳🇵 Auspicious शुभ Śubha ശുഭമായ

    🇳🇵 Author लेखक Lēkhaka ലേഖകന്‍

    🇳🇵 Authorised अधिकृत Adhikr̥ta അധികൃത

    🇳🇵 Authority अधिकार Adhikāra അധികാരം

    🇳🇵 Auxiliary सहायक Sahāyaka സഹായകമായ

    🇳🇵 Base आधार Ādhāra ആധാരമാക്കുക

    🇳🇵 Base आधार Ādhāra ആധാരമാക്കുക

    🇳🇵 Basis आधार Ādhāra ആധാരം

    🇳🇵 Beam किरण Kiraṇa കിരണം

    🇳🇵 Beauty सुन्दरता Sundaratā സുന്ദരി

    🇳🇵 Behaviour व्यवहार Vyavahāra വ്യവഹാരം

    🇳🇵 Belief विश्वास Viśvāsa വിശ്വാസം

    🇳🇵 Believer विश्वासी Viśvāsī വിശ്വാസി

    🇳🇵 Beloved प्रिय Priya പ്രിയന്‍

    🇳🇵 Birth जन्म Janma ജന്‍മ

    🇳🇵 Blessing आशीर्वाद Āśīrvāda ആശീര്‍വ്വാദം

    🇳🇵 Blind अन्धा Andhā അന്ധത

    🇳🇵 Bodyguard अंगरक्षक Aṅgarakṣaka അംഗരക്ഷകന്‍

    🇳🇵 Book पुस्तक Pustaka പുസ്‌തകം

    🇳🇵 Born जन्म Janma ജന്മം

    🇳🇵 Boundary सीमा Sīmā സീമ Tulu: adiru അതിര്‌

    🇳🇵 Brain मस्तिष्क Mastiṣka മസ്‌തിഷ്‌കം

    🇳🇵 Branch साखा Sākhā ശാഖ

    🇳🇵 Brimstone गन्धक Gandhaka ഗന്ധകം

    🇳🇵 Broad विस्तृत Vistr̥ta വിസ്‌തൃതമായ

    🇳🇵 Brutality क्रूरता Krūratā ക്രൂരത

    🇳🇵 Built निर्मित Nirmita നിര്‍മ്മിതമായ


    🇳🇵 Cycle चक्र Cakra ചക്രം

    🇳🇵 Curious जिज्ञासु Jijñāsu ജിജ്ഞാസുവായ

    🇳🇵 Curiosity जिज्ञासा Jijñāsā ജിജ്ഞാസ

    🇳🇵 Cultural सांस्कृतिक Sānskr̥tika സാംസ്‌കാരിക

    🇳🇵 Cruelty क्रूरता Krūratā ക്രൂരത

    🇳🇵 Criminal आपराधिक Āparādhika അപരാധി

    🇳🇵 Crime अपराध Aparādha അപരാധം

    🇳🇵 Creator निर्माता Nirmātā നിര്‍മ്മാതാവ്‌

    🇳🇵 Creation सृष्टि Sr̥ṣṭi സൃഷ്ടി

    🇳🇵 Courage साहस Sāhasa സാഹസികത

    🇳🇵 Country देश Dēśa ദേശം

    🇳🇵 Corrupt भ्रष्ट Bhraṣṭa ഭ്രഷ്‌ടമായ

    🇳🇵 Coronation राज्याभिषेक Rājyābhiṣēka രാജ്യാഭിഷേകം

    🇳🇵 Cooperative सहकारी Sahakārī സഹകരണം

    🇳🇵 Coolness शीतलता Śītalatā ശീതളാവസ്ഥ

    🇳🇵 Controversy विवाद Vivāda വിവാദം

    🇳🇵 Control नियन्त्रण Niyantraṇa നിയന്ത്രണം

    🇳🇵 Contradict विरोधाभास Virōdhābhāsa വിരോധിക്കുക

    🇳🇵 Contentment सन्तुष्टि Santuṣṭi സന്തുഷ്‌ടി

    🇳🇵 Contempt अवहेलना Avahēlanā അവഹേളനം

    🇳🇵 Contemplation चिन्तन Cintana ചിന്തനം

    🇳🇵 Contamination संदूषण Sandūṣaṇa ദൂഷണം

    🇳🇵 Contaminated दूषित Dūṣita ദുഷിപ്പിക്കുക

    🇳🇵 Contact सम्पर्क Samparka സമ്പര്‍ക്കം

    🇳🇵 Consumption उपभोग Upabhōga ഉപഭോഗം

    🇳🇵 Consumer उपभोक्ता Upabhōktā ഉപഭോക്താവ്‌

    🇳🇵 Construction निर्माण Nirmāṇa നിര്‍മ്മാണം

    🇳🇵 Constituent घटक Ghaṭaka ഘടകം

    🇳🇵 Consonant व्यंजन Vyan̄jana വ്യഞ്‌ജനാക്ഷരം

    🇳🇵 Consecration अभिषेक Abhiṣēka അഭിഷേകം

    🇳🇵 Consciousness चेतना Cētanā ചേതന

    🇳🇵 Conjunction संयोजन Sanyōjana സംയോജനം

    🇳🇵 Conjecture अनुमान Anumāna അനുമാനം

    🇳🇵 Conformity अनुरूप Anurūpa ആനുരൂപ്യം

    🇳🇵 Conformity अनुरूप Anurūpa അനുരൂപമാക്കുക

    🇳🇵 Confident आत्मविश्वास Ātmaviśvāsa ആത്മവിശ്വാസം

    🇳🇵 Conferance सम्मेलन Sam'mēlana സമ്മേളനം

    🇳🇵 Confection मिठाई Miṭhā'ī മിഠായി

    🇳🇵 Condition अवस्था Avasthā അവസ്ഥ

    🇳🇵 Condiment मसाला Masālā മസാല

    🇳🇵 Condensation संक्षेपण Saṅkṣēpaṇa സംക്ഷേപം

    🇳🇵 Conclusive निर्णायक Nirṇāyaka നിര്‍ണ്ണായകമായ

    🇳🇵 Concentration एकाग्रता Ēkāgratā ഏകാഗ്രത

    🇳🇵 Conceit अहंकार Ahaṅkāra അഹങ്കാരം

    🇳🇵 Compound मिश्रित Miśrita മിശ്രിതം

    🇳🇵 Composition रचना Racanā രചന

    🇳🇵 Compose रचना Racanā രചന

    🇳🇵 Complexity जटिलता Jaṭilatā ജടിലത

    🇳🇵 Complete पूर्ण Pūrṇa പൂര്‍ണ്ണമായ

    🇳🇵 Complete पूर्ण Pūrṇa പൂര്‍ണ്ണത

    🇳🇵 Compilation संकलन Saṅkalana സങ്കലനം

    🇳🇵 Compassionate दयालु Dayālu ദയാലുവായ

    🇳🇵 Compassion करुणा Karuṇā കരുണ

    🇳🇵 Common सामान्य Sāmān'ya സാമാന്യം

    🇳🇵 Commonसाधारण Sādhāraṇaസാധാരണമായ

    🇳🇵 Committee समिति Samiti സമിതി

    🇳🇵 Commitment प्रतिबद्धता Pratibad'dhatā പ്രതിബദ്ധത

    🇳🇵 Commerce वाणिज्य Vāṇijya വാണിജ്യം

    🇳🇵 Command आदेश Ādēśa ആദേശം

    🇳🇵 Combined संयुक्त Sanyukta സംയുക്തം

    🇳🇵 Coefficient गुणांक Guṇāṅka ഗുണനസംഖ്യ

    🇳🇵 Clearly स्पष्ट Spaṣṭa സ്‌പഷ്‌ടമായി

    🇳🇵 Classmate सहपाठी Sahapāṭhī സഹപാഠി

    🇳🇵 Clarity स्पष्टता Spaṣṭatā സ്‌പഷ്‌ടത

    🇳🇵 Churn मंथन Manthana മന്ഥനി

    🇳🇵 Chief minister मुख्यमन्त्री Mukhyamantrī മുഖ്യമന്ത്രി

    🇳🇵 Charioteer सारथी Sārathī സാരഥി

    🇳🇵 Chariot रथ Ratha രഥം

    🇳🇵 Character चरित्र Caritra ചാരിത്യ്രം

    🇳🇵 Chapter अध्याय Adhyāya അധ്യായം

    🇳🇵 Chairperson अध्यक्ष Adhyakṣa അധ്യക്ഷൻ

    🇳🇵 Certificate प्रमाणपत्र Pramāṇapatra പ്രമാണപത്രം

    🇳🇵 Certain निश्चित Niścita നിശ്ചിതമായ

    🇳🇵 Ceremonial औपचारिक Aupacārika ഔപചാരികമായ

    🇳🇵 Centre केन्द्र Kēndra കേന്ദ്രം

    🇳🇵 Celibacy ब्रह्मचर्य Brahmacarya ബ്രഹ്മചര്യം

    🇳🇵 Celebration उत्सव Utsava ഉത്സവം

    🇳🇵 Cause कारण Kāraṇa കാരണം

    🇳🇵 Caste जाति Jāti ജാതി

    🇳🇵 Capital cityराजधानी Rājadhānī രാജധാനി

    🇳🇵 Capacity क्षमता Kṣamatā കാര്യക്ഷമത


    ���� Cancellation रद्द Radda റദ്ദാക്കൽ

    ���� Calmness शान्त Śānta ശാന്തത

    ���� Calamity विपत्ति Vipatti വിപത്ത്‌

    ���� District जिल्ला Jillā ജില്ല

    ���� Distribution वितरण Vitaraṇa വിതരണം

    ���� Dissolve विघटन Vighaṭana വിഘടനം

    ���� Dissimilar भिन्न Bhinna ഭിന്നമായ

    ���� Dissatisfaction असन्तुष्टि Asantuṣṭi അസന്തുഷ്‌ടി

    ���� Disrespect अनादर Anādara അനാദരവ്‌

    ���� Disregard उपेक्षा Upēkṣā ഉപേക്ഷ

    ���� Disposition स्वभाव Svabhāva സ്വഭാവം

    ���� Displeasure असन्तुष्टि Asantuṣṭi അസന്തുഷ്‌ടി

    ���� Disparity असमानता Asamānatā അസമാനത

    ���� Dishonour अनादर Anādara അനാദരിക്കുക

    ���� Disgrace अपमान Apamāna അപമാനം

    ���� Disease रोग Rōga രോഗം

    ���� Discretion विवेक Vivēka വിവേകം

    ���� Discovery आविष्कार Āviṣkāra ആവിഷ്‌ക്കരണം

    ���� Disconnection विच्छेदन Vicchēdana വിച്ഛേദനം

    ���� Disbeliefअविश्वास Aviśvāsa അവിശ്വാസം

    ���� Disappointment निराशा Nirāśā നിരാശ

    ���� Disability अशक्तता Aśaktatā അശക്തത

    ���� Dimension विस्तार Vistāra വിസ്താരം

    ���� Dictionary शब्दकोश Śabdakōśa ശബ്‌ദകോശം

    ���� Diameter व्यास Vyāsa വ്യാസം

    ���� Dialogue संवाद Sanvāda സംവാദം

    ���� Devotion भक्ति Bhakti ഭക്തി

    ���� Development विकास Vikāsa വികാസം

    ���� Devastation विनाश Vināśa വിനാശം

    ���� Detrimental हानिकारक Hānikāraka ഹാനികരമായ

    ���� Destruction विनाश Vināśa വിനാശം

    ���� Destroyer विनाशक Vināśaka വിനാശകന്‍

    ���� Desire इच्छा Icchā ഇച്ഛ

    ���� Desert मरुभूमि Marubhūmi മരുഭൂമി

    ���� Description वर्णन Varṇana വര്‍ണ്ണനം

    ���� Deposit निक्षेप Nikṣēpa നിക്ഷേപം

    ���� Dependent आश्रित Āśrita ആശ്രിതന്‍

    ���� Department विभाग Vibhāga വിഭാഗം

    ���� Dental दन्त Danta ദന്ത

    ���� Demonstration प्रदर्शन Pradarśana പ്രദര്‍ശനം

    ���� Demon राक्षस Rākṣasa രാക്ഷസന്‍

    ���� Deliberation विचार Vicāra വിചാരപൂര്‍വ്വം

    ���� Deity देवता Dēvatā ദേവത

    ���� Deformity विकृति Vikr̥ti വികൃതമായ

    ���� Deformed विकृत Vikr̥ta വികൃതമായ

    ���� Definite निश्चित Niścita നിശ്ചിതമായ

    ���� Defile अशुद्ध Aśud'dha അശുദ്ധമാക്കുക

    ���� Defiance अवहेलना Avahēlanā അവഹേളനം

    ���� Deference आदर Ādara ആദരം

    ���� Defence रक्षा Rakṣā രക്ഷണം

    ���� Defeat पराजित Parājita പരാജിത

    ���� Defeat पराजित Parājita പരാജയം

    ���� Defamation मानहानि Mānahāni മാനഹാനി

    ���� Dedication समर्पण Samarpaṇa സമര്‍പ്പണം

    ���� Dedicated समर्पित Samarpita സമര്‍പ്പിച്ച

    ���� Decide निर्णय गर्नुहोस् Nirṇaya garnuhōs നിര്‍ണ്ണയിക്കുക

    ���� Decease मृत्यु Mr̥tyu മൃത്യു

    ���� Decaying क्षय Kṣaya ക്ഷയിക്കുക

    ���� Decay क्षय Kṣaya ക്ഷയം

    ���� Death मृत्यु Mr̥tyu മൃത്യു

    ���� Dead body मृत शरीर Mr̥ta śarīra മൃത ശരീരം

    ���� Dance नृत्य Nr̥tya നൃത്യം

    ���� Daily दैनिक Dainika ദൈനികമായ

    ���� Derivation व्युत्पन्न Vyutpanna വ്യുൽപ്പന്നം

    ���� Devalue अवमूल्यन Avamūlyana അവമൂല്യനം

    ���� Dynasty राजवंश Rājavanśa രാജവംശം

    ���� Duty कर्तव्य Kartavya കര്‍ത്തവ്യം

    ���� Drawing रेखाचित्र Rēkhācitra രേഖാചിത്രം

    ���� Drama नाटक Nāṭaka നാടകം

    ���� Doubt शंका Śaṅkā ശങ്ക

    ���� Donation दान Dāna ദാനം

    ���� Doctrine सिद्धान्त Sid'dhānta സിദ്ധാന്തം

    ���� Divine दिव्य Divya ദിവ്യമായ

    ���� Divide विभाजन Vibhājana വിഭജിക്കുക

    ���� Diverse विविध Vividha വിവിധമായ

    Nairs play an important role in converting Malayalam into their own Nepalese language.


    Until 1335 AD Kerala was ruled by Tamils called Villavar people.

    In 1120 AD a Tulu invader called Banapperumal attacked Kerala with a Nair army with Arab support and occupied northern Kerala, Malabar upto Ponnani lake. Banapperumal occupied Kasaragod, Kannur, Kozhikode and Malappuram Districts.

    Banapperumal was the brother of Tulu king Kavi Alupendra(1110 AD to 1160 AD) of the Alupa dynasty.

    After the Malik Kafurs attack in 1310 the Pandyan dynasty ruling over Kerala was defeated an Tamil rule came to an end.

    The Matriarchal Tulu Kolathiri rulers and the Ahichatram Nagas and Ahichatram Brahmins with Nepalese ancestry occupied whole of Kerala. After 1335 AD Kerala was ruled by Tulu-Nepalese oeople.


    Earlier Pandya rulers and Chera rulers belonged to the Tamil Villavar and their subgroups Villavar, Malayar, Vanavar and Meenavar tribes. Chera kings were called Villavar Kon and also Magadai Nadalvar. Chera Kings were supported by Villavar, Malayar and Vanavar soldiers. From Malayar the word Malayali evolved.


    The Kadamba kingdom and Tulu kingdoms were Bana kingdoms who were arch enemies of Tamil Chera kingdom. Imayavaramban Neduncheralathan fought against Kadamba kingdom and claimed victory over Kadambas in the fourth century AD.


    Mayura Sharma a northern Brahmin who became the king of Kadamba kingdom who changed his name as Mayura Varma. Mayura Varma brought Aryan Brahmins and Naga slave warriors from Ahichatra, in 345 AD, which was then capital of Uttar Panchala country (modern Nepal) to Karnataka and settled them at the coastal Karnataka. Each band of four hundred of Nagas were lead by a Ahichatra Brahmin. Nairs and Nambuthiris who invaded Kerala along with Banapperumal in 1120 AD, were migrants from Ahichatra, ancient Nepal.


    The Nepalese Nagas mixed with the local communities such as Bana, Billava and Mogaveera communities eventually making all Tulunadu People adopt Matriarchy a Himalayan custom. The Ahichatram Nagas mixed with the local Banas of Alupas Pandyan Kingdom, a Bana Pandyan kingdom of Karnataka. Banas are the Northern cousins of Villavar and also the arch enemies of Villavar Cheras. Banas were known by the names Banta or Nadavara. The Banas are ethnically Dravidians who supported the Alupas kingdom. The Ahichatram Nagas were called Buntaru or bonded people.At the middle ages the Banas and Nagas mixed still Banas occupied a higher position. Eventually both are called as Bunts now.Bunt community Nayara Menava, Kuruba and Samantha were subgroups of Tulunadus Bunt community Nayara Hegdes had been rulers of small principalities such as Kanajar in Tulunadu.


    Similarly Nambuthiris were Ahichatram brahmins who had migrated to Karnataka. Nambuthiris were part of the Tuluva brahmin community closely related to Shivally Brahmins of Karnataka. The Tulu-Nepalese community of Karnataka practiced Matriarchy. Naga worship was common among them. Among Tulu legal heir of a person is not his son but his sisters son. This was called Aliyasanthana in Karnataka. Their language contained many Nepalese words. They were of fair colour with an yellowish tinge and with slight Mongoloid features because of Nepalese origin. In the 12th century Kerala faced threat from these Matriarchal Tulu-Nepalese tribes of Karnataka


    LATER CHERA DYNASTY (800 AD to 1102 AD)

    Later Chera dynasty was founded by Kulasekharapperumal who called himself Villavar Kon, Malayar Kon and Vanavar Kon as the leader various Tamil Villavar clans.


    Tamil Pandyas and Cheras spoke Tamil, they were Patrilineal and the princesses cant marry Brahmins. Tamil kings followed Patrilineal descendency and law of Primogeniture. After a king his eldest son became the king.


    The truth is there is no mention of Nairs and Namboothiri in any medieval Tamil inscriptions, inscribed by the Cheran rulers. None of the books written during Later Chera era mention Nair or Namboothiris. The priests during Later Chera period (800 AD to 1120 AD) were called

    1. Pattar(பட்டர்)(പട്ടർ),
    2. Pattarar(பட்டாரர்)(പട്ടാരർ),
    3. Pattarakar (பட்டாரகர்)(പട്ടാരകർ),
    4. Pattariyar(பட்டாரியார்)(പട്ടാരിയാർ)
    6. Chathirar(சாத்திரர்)(ചാത്തിരർ),
    7. Nambi(நம்பி)(നമ്പി)
    8. Uvachar(உவச்சர்)(ഉവച്ചർ)
    9. Sadukkal(சாதுக்கள்) (ചാതുക്കൾ)
    10. Santhi(சாந்தி)(ചാന്തി)

    Never Nambuthiris are mentioned. Only Tamil Brahmins existed. Most of them were found in Chola and Pandyan countries also.Even during the Cherai period (1102 AD to 1315 AD) in Venad many of the temple offices evolved but Nambuthiris are not mentioned

    1. Melsanthi(மெல்சாந்தி)(മെൽശാന്തി)
    2. Kizhsanthi Viruthi(கிழ் சாந்திவிருத்தி)(കിഴ്ശാന്തി)
    3. Nambi Viruthi (நம்பிவிருத்தி)(നമ്പിവിരുത്തി
    4. Thirumeni(திருமெனி)(തിരുമെനി)
    5. Uvachar(உவச்சர்கள்)(ഉവച്ചർകൾ)
    6. Thanthiri(தந்திரிகள்)(തന്തിരികൾ)
    7. Variyam(வாரியம்)(വാരിയം)

    After the Malik Kafurs in 1311 AD attack the Tamil Brahmins of Kerala disappeared.


    Kerala was attacked by Tulu armies of Alupas Pandyan kingdom from 1075 AD onwards forcing the last Kodungaloor Tamil Chera Ramavarma Kulasekarapperumal to shift his capital to Kollam at 1102 AD. Ramavarma become the King of Chera-Ay Dynasty as Ramar Thiruvadi. The last Villavar Chera Ramavarma never divided his kingdom. He remained a Hindu until his death at Panankavil Kottaram, Kollam

  57. TULU BANAPERUMAL (1120 AD to 1156 AD)

    At 1120 AD a Tulu invader called Banapperumal(Pallibanapperumal alias Banuvikrama Kulasekharapperumal) invaded and subjugated all Kerala with a 350000 strong Nair army, commanded by Padamala Nair. Banapperumal was the brother of Tulu king Kavi Alupendra (1120 AD to 1160 AD) of Alupas kingdom of Tulunadu. He was a Buddhist and attacked Kerala with support of Arabs. Banapperumal founded a capital at Valarpattinam near Kannur. Banapperumal is often called as the last Cheraman perumal. But he was not a Tamil Villavar Chera ruler but a Tulu prince from Alupas kingdom of Tulunadu.

    Banapperumal ruled Kerala for about 36 years from Kodungaloor abandoned by Tamil Chera dynasty. Banapperumal was a Tulu pretender as Cheraman Perumal. Banapperumal was an enemy of Hindu rulers of Chera dynasty.

    This Tulu invasion brought a Nair migration from coastal Karnataka to the Northern Kerala, Malabar.


    When Padamala Nair the commander of Nair army of Banapperumal had an illicit affair with the queen, the Queen blamed Padamala Nair for the happening. Probably the queens statement was false. 'Penn Solla Ketta Perumale Pole' is an old saying indicating that Banapperumal was misled by his queen.Banapperumal tortured and executed Padamala Nair. Before his death Padamala Nair advised Banapperumal to surrender to Arabs. Padamala Nair had gone to Mahal Dweep and had converted himself to Islam and had adopted the name Husain Khwaja. His nephews and servants had been converted to Islam. Execution of Padamala Nair led to the revolt of Nair soldiers  Facing opposition from his own Nair army surrendered to Arabs converted to Islam and Left for Asu (Arabia) in an Arab sail ship (Olamari kappal).Two of Banapperumal Before leaving Kerala he divided his realm to his friends and relatives. But Tamil Chera dynasty of Venad immediately reestablished their authority all over Kerala



    Banapperumal was accompanied by his nephew Kohinoor in his journey to Arabia. Padamala Nairs relatives residing at Chaliyam, Mustha Mudukad, Neelinishada, Sharipad and their servants Marjan and Aswad joined Banapperumal at Kozhikode.After a brief stay at Dharmadam ruled by his sisters son Mahabali Banapperumal boarded the ship again and sailed to Arabia. Banapoerumal convinced Mahabali to convert to islam. Mahabali embraced Islam religeon and adopted the name Saifuddin Mohammad Ali.


    The Tulu invader Banapperumal converted to Islam by Veda Azhiar according to Keralolpathy. Another account says that Banapperumal was convinced by Mahal Dweep king Dhovemi Kalaminja (Dhovemi Kalaminja Siri Thiribuvana-aadiththa Maha Radun 1141 to 1166 AD)  who belonged to a Buddhist Kalinga dynasty who had converted to Islam. Dhovemi was known as king Sultan Muhammad ibn Abdullah.

    Arabs had emerged as a major sea power in the second millennium. Banapperumal and two of his nephews were converted to islam in 1156 AD. Padamala Nair alias Krishnan Munjad alias Husain Khwaja  had also been converted to islam at Mahaldweep. Many Nairs were converted to Islam who formed a Matriarchal subgroup under Mapillas.


    When Arayankulangara Nair saved the daughter of Mahabali alias Saifuddin Mohammad Ali nephew of Banapperumal and ruler of Dharmadam from drowning in a pond, he was allowed to marry her. Arakkal Raja vamsam the only Matriarchal dynasty from them. Saifuddin Mohammed Ali was the son of Sridevi sister of Banapperumal who was converted by Banapperumal himself when he stopped at Dharmadam on his voyage to Arabia. The Araickal princess were called Mammali Kidavu, the Children of Saifuddin Mohammed Ali.The Kochi kings who came to power in 1340 AD also claimed that were descendants of Cheraman Perumals (Banapperumal) sister and a Nambuthiri.The Cheraman Perumal of Nairs and Nambuthiris is the Tulu invader Banapperumal.(Tamil princesses of Chera dynasty married Dravidian princes and Brahmins cant marry them)


    Banapperumal crowned his son Udayavarman Kolathiri as the first ruler of Kolathunad with the title Kolathiri Vadakkan Perumal in 1156 AD. Kolathiri rulers had the support of Arabs. Kolathiri was defeated and made a tributary of the Tamil Chera-Ai kingdom. Kolathiris were supported by Arabs who were the major sea power in that area. In the northern Kerala Arab colonies increased in size after this period.Kolathiris followed Matriarchal system. After a king his sisters son born through a Nambudiri Sambandham was made the king. The princes adopted the title Thirumulpad.


    Kolathiri dynasty mixed with Tulu Bunts called Samantha's.Among these Samanthas and other Bunts (Bana) ruled over Kerala as Samantha Kshatriya. Samanrha Kshatriya were given Nambiar and Nayanar titles.(Nambiars among Nairs and Ambalavasi Nambiar is different). Nairs because of their Naga origin were considered Sudras.


    CHERA-AI Kingdom (1102 AD to 1335 AD)

    Southern Tamil Chera-AI kingdom once again became powerful and became masters of Kerala once again.CheraThe Royal title of Chera- Ai kings was Thirupappur Mootha Thiruvadi. Chera-AI kings followed Patrilineal descebdency and promoted Tamil.


    By the later part of 13th century Kerala was brought under Madurai Pandyan dynasty. Venad Cheras became feudatories of the Pandyan Dynasty. Tulunadu was also was annexed by the Pandtas.


    In the war of sucession between two Pandyan princes Delhi Sulthanate was invited to intervene. Malik Kafur, commander of 2 lakhs strong Delhis army invaded Pandyan country which had only 50000 strong army. Pandyan army was defeated and Madurai was occupied by the Turkish army. Even after the defeat Villavars were hunted down by the Victor's.


    After the defeat of Pandyans at 1311 AD, Ravivarma Kulasekhara the Chera-Ai ruler who had a Pandyan mother crowned himself as Tribhuvana Chakravarthy (Emperor of Chera, Chola and Pandyan kingdoms) at Kancheepuram despite the presence of Turkish armies. When he tried to remove the Delhis army from Tamil Nadu he was removed from power. His son Veera Udaiya Marthandavarma alias Veera Pandyan was the last Villavar Tamil ruler of Kerala. He was forced to abdicate in favour of two Tulu princesses from the Kolathiri Kingdom the Attingal rani and Kunnumel rani who founded a Matrilineal Tulu dynasty at Venad.


    A major part of the army brought by Malik Kafur remained in Madurai. At Madurai a Sultanate was founded. This sultanate was called Mabar sultanate, a corruption of Malabar on which it had soverignity. Kolathiri and Nairs were allied with the Delhi Sultanate and Mabar Kingdoms.In the same period four Matriarchal Tulu-Nepalese kingdoms were founded. Local Dravidian people including Villavar Tamils who had ruled Chera kingdom from time immemorial lost their Position.Delhi Sultanate and Mabar sultanate protected the Tulu dynasties. Ibnu Batuta considered Kolathiri and Samuthiris as friendly kingdoms. Morocon scholar Ibnu Batuta records that Muslims were well respected in these kingdoms. Any Hindu who comes opposite to a Muslim at a narrow path was required to get away from the path. Soon oppressive laws which required the local Dravidian people had to keep a distance from the Tulu-Nepalese rulers.


    TULU - NEPALESE RULE (1335 AD to 1947 AD)

    After the fall of all the Tamil Villavar kingdoms called Chera, Chola and Pandyan Kingdoms following the invasion of Malik Kafur who was the commander of Delhi Sultanate in 1311 AD, all the Tamil kingdoms were replaced by Tulu Bana- Samantha (Bunt) Kingdoms. Kerala Pandyas dynasties were replaced by Samantha--Nambuthiri dynasties who had Tulu--Nepalese origins but continue to call themselves Pandyas. Original Pandyas were Tamil Villavar-Meenavar rulers but the present Pandyas of Kerala are Nambuthiris who were migrants from Ahichatra (present day Ramnagar in Rohilkhand Uttarpradesh).


    Samudiri sent many of the an army of Nair muslims to Srilankan king in 1524 in their war against Portuguese at Kotte kingdom. Many of the Nairs are now part of the Srilankan Moor community who practice Matriarchy even today. Arabs were the powerful supporters of Banapperumal and his descendants, Kolathiris.


    Venads last Tamil Kulasekharas was Veera Udaya Marthanda Varma alias Veera Pandyan (1314 AD to 1335 AD) was forced to abdicate when Kolathiris installed two Tulu princesses from Kolathunadu. Attingal Rani and Kunnumel ranis and made sure only their sons became kings of Venad as Kulasekhara Kreedapathi. By forced adoption into Venad kingdom the first Matriarchal dynasty was established. By this the Tamil Chera-AI dynasty came to an end. The Matriarchal Tulu-Nepalese rulers after 1335 AD adopted the Tamil ruler names such as Marthandavarma but were not Tamils.The Attingal Rani and Kunnumel Rani by Sambhandam with Nambuthiris produced the later Matriarchal dynasty rulers. They thus had Tulu-Nepalese descendency. Like Tamil Villavars Tulu Bana rulers from Alupas kingdom also had Kulasekhara title as their first ruler had the title. Laterdays Tulu Samantha's and Brahmin rulers from Vellarappalli Kovilakam in Kochi also used Kulasekhara title. Brahmin Queens added Nambirattiyar Ammai title also.The Tulu Bana -Nambuthiri dynasty was replaced by Samanthas around 1400s.


    This Tulu Matriarchal dynasty stationed at Kollam was called Jayasimhavansam. The kings of Jayasimhavamsam who ruled from Jayasimhanadu (Desinganadu) between 1400 to1620 married among the old Tamil dynasties ie Chera, Chola and Pandyan dynasties but in the matriarchal system the sons of the king could not become kings. Jayasimhavamsam kings often adopted the titles of their wives. For examble when the Venads Tulu ruler married a petty princess from Kalakad who had the Chola lineage he called himself Puli Marthandan and changed his capital to Kalakkad in Mullinadu now Tamilnadu. By marrying Tamil princesses they extended their rule into Tamilnadu. Kalakkadu, Cheranmadevi, Kallidaikurichi and Ambasamudram served as capitals. In this period Tamils enjoyed relatively high position.



    Around 1620 a Brahmin prince from Vellarappalli Kovilakam Kochu Raman Unni Pandarathil and his brother were sent by Portuguese controlled Cochin.Kochuraman adopted the title Ravi Varma Ku Forced adoption was used by Portuguese Kolathiris, Portuguese and British could put their own choices on Venad-Travancore throne. This Brahmin dynasty of venad (1620 to 1720) was considered illegitimate by the Ettuveetil Pillamar. The last queen Umayammarani Namirattiyar was harassed by Pillamar. In 1696 Pillamar drowned all the six sons of Umayammarani in a Pottakulam. In 1721 British tried to conrol her. In retaliation many British were killed. When the queen brought a prince from Kottayam kingdom at Thalassery a matriarchal offshoot of Kolathiri kingdom Pillamar murdered him. Pillamar considered Nedumangad Peragathavazhy as legitimate but they were too weak


    British factory at Thalassery where the factor was an East India Company official called Simon. Petty chieftains from Beppur known to the Factor Simon were elevated to rule over Travancore. A Samantha family called Thattari Kovilaham was ruling over Bepur. This family was part of Parappanad subdivision of Kolathiris and alternatively was called Palli Kovilaham. A prince and a Princess and their maternal cousins were brought to Trivantrum and were adopted by the last Brahmin queen Umayamma rani possibly under British protection. The princes and princesses were adopted by Umayanma rani while their cousins were stationed at Kilimanoor palace with the title koil tamburans. The British sent army from Trichy to support Ramavarna the first king from Thiruchi in Tamilnadu. Ramavarnas nephew Marthanda Varma again faced opposition from Pillamar. The Pillamar preferred the former king Ramavarnas sons born to a Vellala lady from Salem (often called a North indian). British sent Brahmin adviser called Ramaiyan Thalava and army from Tamilnadu with which Marthanda Varma could succeed.


    After 1335 Kerala was ruled by Matriarchal Tulu Bana-Samantha and Namboothiri rulers and were not related to Tamil Pandya or Chera rulers. Samantha kshatrias had roots from Tulunadus Bana and Samantha subgroup of Bunt community. Samantha (meaning equal to) Bunts who were given Nambiar Nayanar title given by Kolathiri rulers played the role of Samantha Kshatriya in Kerala.


    The Tulu dynasties followed Matrilineal descendency ie After a king his sisters son became king. A kings sister had a Nambudiri consort through sambandham. So soon all the Tulu Samantha dynasties which ruled Kerala after 1335 AD were i fact Nambudiri Brahmin dynasties.


    Tulu Brahmins designated themselves as Namboothiris after they became feudal lords in 1335 AD and when 500 Nambuthiri sangethams controlled most of the cultivable land in kerala.Many Nambuthiri families owned more than 5000 acres land.


    Following the attack of Malik Kafur the Brahmins in the Chera and Pandyan countries called Aryar Pattar Chathirar, Nambis disappeared mysteriously. Namboothiries were never mentioned in the Later Chera records (800 AD to 1102 AD.


    ARABSBanapoerumal the Tulu Alupas prince was supported by the Arabs.After the attack wth 350000 Nair Soldiers Banapperumal Kolathiri kingdom was established.


    In 1311 AD after the attack of Malik Kafur Pandyan Kingdom was defeated. All the Tamil kingdoms ie Chera Chola and Pandyan kingdoms came to an end.Kolathiris allied with Malik Kafur and other Delhis attackers such Ghiyasuddin Tughlak (1325). At 1335 Mabar Sultanate( Madurai Sultanate) was established at Madurai.At the same time under Kolathiris four Matriarchal Tulu-Nepalese kingdoms were established. The Kolathiri and other Tulu Samantha-Nambuthiri kingdoms were under the protection of Delhi Sultanate.



    In 1500s Portuguese became the protectors of Kochi kingdom and then Travancore kingdom.The Kolathiris and Samuthiris were still under Arab protection. When Anjelos and Chalium forts were built Portuguese became the protectors and overlords of all Kerala. Portuguese installed their own Choices from Mootha Thavazhi as Kochi king. Without Portuguese protection Kochi kingdom would not survived Samudhiris attack. There was a possibility for Dravidian revival under Villavars. Portuguese protected the Kochi kingdom ruled by Brahmin Nambiadiris.A Brahmin prince called Kochuraman Unnipandarathil from Vellarappalli from Kalady in the Kochi Kingdom was by forced adoption placed on the throne of Travancore/Venad in 1620 AD. Initially Kochi and Venad were under Portuguese protection and control.

    Around 1540s when Madurai Nayak kingdom attacked Venad St.Francis Xavier became the mediator, representing Portuguese. The war ended.The Northern Kolathiri and Samudiri kingdoms were still Protected by Arabs in the 16th century. But after the arrival of Portuguese the Arabs as seapower came to an end. The defeat of Delhi sultanate at Panipat in 1526 AD ended the protection of the Tulu-Nepalese kingdoms in Kerala. There was a possibility for the Dravidian revival in Kerala. But Portuguese stepped in the shoes of Delhi Sultanate and started protecting the Matriarchal kingdoms. The advent of of modern weapons including guns were given to local militia, and Nairs under deputation by local kings were trained by Portuguese to guard Cochin fort.

    The emergence of Mestizos a Portuguese and Indian mixed community along with the Christian's of Kerala under Christian Panickers formed 90% of Portuguese force the rest Nairs. The alien rule established after 1311 by Delhis invaders could not be removed.Europeans protected the alien Tulu- Nepalese dynasties for nearly 450 years. Between 1314 to 1947 Kerala was ruled by a people from coastal Karnataka but originally migrants from Ahichatra in Nepal.Dravidian oeople underwent a dark age during this period.The native Dravidian culture was suppressed in favour of Nepalese culture. Naga worship, Matriarchy and Polyandry and other Himalayan culture dominated Kerala.


    The Brithish were strong allies of the Matriarchal kingdoms. A Samantha prince called Ramavarma, his sister and his uncles sons from Beppur Thattari Kovilaham a petty chieftainship was brought under British protection to Venad to be adopted by Umayamma Rani the last Brahmin queen of Tavancore. Near Beppur at Thalassery a British factory existed managed by Factor Simon. Factor Simon could have been instrumental in the adoption. The British military support and large number of Nair migration from Kolathunad to Travancore made Marthandavarma the second ruler of this Tulu Samantha dynasty otherwise known as Palli Kovilakam became very powerful in Travancore. With him started the brutal suppression of Dravidian people. By 1795 British had established complete control of Travancore but British encouraged the Matriarchal Tulu-Nepalese people. Most of the Villavar people were reduced to Slavery under the British.



    British and German missionaries joined hands with Nairs and Namboothiris and added about three thousand Nepalese words to Malayalan. The discovery that German language was related to Sanskrit might have prompted the German missionaries like Hermann Gundert and Arnos Pathiri to promote Sanskrit in Malayalam. But the ended up promoting Nepalese vocabulary then used by Nairs and Nambuthiris as Malayalam. Each Nepalese word added to Malayalam replaced Native Dravidian tongue called Malayanma ( Malabar Tamul or Malayalam-Tamil) which was devoid of Sanskrit was banned in the nineenth century. Grantha Malayalam with over abundance of Nepalese and Sanskrit was promoted. The Books written in Malaynma the Dravidian Malayalam were not considered Malayalam during the British period. Thus less than 10 books written by Nambuthiris and Nairs written prior to 19th century are only accepted as Malayalam. Since all the Malayanma books, and Malabar Tamil books written on Palm leaf called Thaliyola were vulnerable to decay. Without official protection most of the Malayanma books. disappeared.


    The Tulu-Nepalese people were called Savarnas though majority of them were Sudras of Naga descent.Native Dravidian population including Villavars who ruled Kerala for many thousand years were also called Avarna.All the temples in Kerala were built by Villavar of Chera and Pandyan kingdoms. But laterdays Villavar were refused entry in their own ancestral temples.Nedumchadaya Pandyan a Villavar king converted a ancient Jain temple into a Vaishnavite temple called Padmanabhaswamy temple in 786 AD.Marthandavarma when he came to power demolished and reconstructed it from stones brought from the banks of Gandaki river in Nepal.


    After the fall of Tamil kingdoms the hitherto well dressed people were stripped naked. Ibnu Batuta was astonished by the nakedness of Kerala women in 1340. Cochin king and his Nair soldiers wore only loin clothes when Portuguese came. When Dutch Governor Van Rheede visited Travancore queen she wore a thin shoulder garnent but did not cover her upper part of body. Marthandavarma wore a cloth around his waist which covered only upto his knees in 1740s. But when British left the last Matriarchal king Chitra thirunal wore a dress closely resembling that of Prince of Wales. In 1826 a Nair or Ezhava lady who had been staying in France when returned visited Attingal rani with a dress covering her upper body. Attingal rani ordered to cut off her breasts.Though British were administering Travancore through a Diwan British didnot interfete.In 1905 when the Queen visited the Thripunithura temple there came a Nair lady wearing a blouse. Infuriated Queen ordered that the Nair ladys blouse to be removed. Royal soldiers carried out that order immediately.Somehow a primitive Nepalese tribe had become the masters of Kerala.


    Throughout southern India only people who colluded with the Delhi Sultanate became high castes and those fought against Delhis rulers became lowercastes. In Kerala the Dravidian Villavars who ruled over Kerala from time immemorial were suppressed and their land holdings were negligible. Villavar were called Avarnas.The Nepalese Nagas had been brought from Ahichatra were hereditary slave warriors and were Sudras. Nepali Nagas and Aryan Brahmins were named Savarnas, because of their Nepalis origin had fair colour, with an yellowish tinge with slight Mongoloid features. The Nepali Savarna were elevated by the Delhis invaders in 1311 AD.


    A great relief came to Kerala when British left. Frightened Janmis, the feudal aristocracy of Kerala now claimed that they were actualy proletariat. Among the former Janmis converted to Proletariat a Nambudiri and a Kolathiri-Samantha actually held high offices. When Keralas land reform bill in 1958 brought great relief to people. Many matriarchal Madambi families owned more thab two lakh acres. But unfortunately plantation crops were not included in land ceilings.



    Nairs are Nepali Nagas closely related Newar community of Nepal. They belonged to Uttara Panchala country where Kshatriyas were a Brahmin dynasty called Bharadwaja dynasty ruled. Sage Bharadwaja, Dronacharya and Aswathama belong to this dynasty and Aswathama was the first ruler of the Uttarapanchala which might have been established around 540 BC. There were indeed a Naga dynasty continued to rule Dakshina Panchala country with its king Drupada, father of Draupathy but it had no relationship with Nairs.
    Nairs and Newars might have been Scythian Nairis planted in Uttarapanchala by Scythian Saka invaders in 150 BC.


    When Mayura Sharma a northern Brahmin became the king of Kadamba kingdom originally a Bana kingdom, he brought Naga slaves to work as Slave warriors to Kadamba kingdom from Ahichatram in Nepal in 345 AD. Most likely they were sold for a price to southern kingdoms
    Each four hundred of Naga slaves band was headed by a Ahichatram Brahmins ie Shivally, Nambuthiri and other Thuluva Brahmins.

    The Naga slaves were not allowed to marry from the beginning even at Nepal creating a Matriarchal system with Polyandry. In this system Paternity can't be established because of Polyandry.
    These Nagas were called Buntharu or bonded people at Karnataka. Mayuravarma settled them at the coastal Karnataka where the Nagas became the subgroups of Tulunadu's indigenous Banas otherwise known as Banta. Banas who supported the Alupa dynasty can be considered as Kshatriya of Asura Lineage. The Bana -Nadava and Samantha Ajila occupied a higher stratum while the Nagas occupied a lower stratum and remained separate. Banas could call themselves as Samantha ie equal to Kshatriyas Nagas were called as Sudras.


    Eventually both Banas and Nagas were addressed as Bunts and both practised Matriarchy (Marumakkathayam or Aliyasanthana Santhana) both were Live snake worshippers.
    Nairs were called Nayara, Menava and Kuruba in Karnataka. By 800 AD Nairs had formed petty kingdoms in the Barkur area. The king of Kanajar was called as Nayara Hegdes.

    Tulunadu's Gramapaddathi, Padanna, Keralolpathy and Kerala Mahatmiyam mention the migration from Ahichatra.
    Nairs thus migrated from Ahichatram in 345 AD to Kadamba kingdom
    and were settled at Tulunadu.


    In 1120 AD Nairs occupied Malabar ie Kasaragod, Kannur, Kozhikode and Malappuram districts.
    In the 1314 AD to 1335 AD they migrated to Venad and KochI kingdoms.


    1.Nayara (Nair) Naga
    2. Menava (Menavan or Menon)Naga


    1. Vellala, Pillai (Tamil)
    2. Panicker (Tamil)
    3. Kurup (Kuruba Kannada)
    4. Nayanar, Nambiar by intermixture with Samantha-Kolathiri
    5. Tamil Padiham Nair (Kallar Maravar)
    6. Kiriyathil (Vellala of Valluvanad)
    7. Thambi, Thankachi (Pillai mixed with Samantha



    Many Cnristian Nairs especially Menons have become Christian Pastors, Brothers, Doctors, Reverends, Bishops, Arch Bishops and Apostles after 1980s. They are mostly found in India, Singapore, UK and US. In India and UK they have founded their own churches. Americans have been promoting and funding Hindu Nairs to work as Christian clergy in the American Churches in India.


    Unlike other converts to Christianity recent converted Nairs dont change their names to Christian names. But Singapore Nairs who often mixed up with Chinese have adopted Christian names. Other Nairs have independently accepted Jesus Christ. Most of the converts are from Palakkad Menons and Trivandrum Nairs but no Nambiars have been ever converted.


    Most converted Nairs describe themselves as Brahmin or Hindu Orthodox aristocracy. They never describe themselves as Sudras of Naga ancestry who migrated from Ahichatram, the capital of ancient Nepal to Tulunadu and then to Kerala in 1120 AD.


    Nairs are not indigenous to Kerala. They are people of Naga origin from ancient Nepal. Newars, the most likely parent group of Nairs in Nepal were Vajrayana Buddhists. Nairs were brought to Karnataka from Ahichatram, the capital of ancient Nepal in 345 AD as hereditary slave warriors by Kadamba king Mayuravarma. In Northern India most of the Nagas were among the oppressed classes. Many Nagas were Buddhists. But in Kerala with the help of Arabs and Turkish invaders Naga Nairs from Tulunadu occupied Kerala and replaced Tamil rulers in 1335 AD. The Europeans supported Nagas against the native Dravidian Villavar ruler clans in Kerala and Tamilnadu. That is how a Nepalese tribe called Nairs became dominant in Kerala.


    Nairs are of Tulu-Nepalese roots who are related to Bunt community of Tulunadu and Newars of Nepal. In 1120 AD a Tulu invader called Banapperumal who was a Buddhist, with Arab support invaded Kerala with 350000 strong Nair army. It was a mass migration of Nairs to Kerala under Arab protection. Banapperumal and his descendents were allies of Arabs. Arabs were a major sea power in the second millenium. With Banapperumal Nairs occupied northern Kerala, four districts in Malabar ie Kasaragod, Kannur, Kozhikode and Malappuram Districts. Arabs colonised these Nair areas. Banapperumal and his commander Padamala Nair (Husain Kwaja) had embraced Islam. Banapperumal divided Malabar among his son and nephews and went to Arabia in 1156 AD.
    Many Nairs also had converted to Islam but continued to practice Matriarchy. Without Arab help Nairs would have been able to enter Kerala.

    But the invasion of Malik Kafur in 1310 AD and the defeat of Pandyan dynasty led to the end of all Tamil Kingdoms. When Madurai Sultanate was established in 1335 AD the Tulu-Nepalese people, Tulu Samantha rulers, Nairs and Nambuthiris became rulers of Kerala. Tulu-Nepalese people were the enemies of Tamils and allies of Arabs and Delhi Sultanate. All the temples built by Hindu Tamil Villavar clans of Chera dynasty were occupied by Nairs. Newars the parent group of Nairs practised Buddhism. Nairs built numerous Cobra-snake temples on Ant hills where they worshipped live Cobra-snakes. Some Jain temples were also converted to Snake temples. They had bizarre Himalayan Naga customs such as Matriarchy and Polyandry. The harassment of the local Dravidian Hindu population of Kerala by Nairs led to large scale conversion of Keralites to other religions. Many Villavars of Tamil Chera dynasty escaped to Srilanka. Eventually 45% of Keralas population who remained embraced other religeons such as Christianity and Islam.



    Until 1329 when Jordanus Catalanus was the Bishop of Kollam the Christian population of Kollam was 3000. Total Kerala's Christian population might have been around 5000 including Nasrani Mappillas who were descendents of middle eastern traders and local converts. Madras had only 14 Syrian Christian families when Marignoli visited India in 1342. The occupation of Keralas temples by Nairs in 1335 AD and oppression of local Hindus led to the steady increase in the Christian population in Kerala. Tamil Villarvattom king who ruled area between Chendamangalam and Udayanapuram converted to Christianity around 1339 AD. With this conversion of Villarvattom king and his Panikkars the the population of Christians in Kerala reached 30000. When Portuguese conducted a census in 1504 Christians of Kerala were 30000. Keralas Nestorian Christians surrendered to Portuguese and adopted Roman Catholic faith. The Christian Panikkars joined Portuguese army and eventually a Portuguese mixed Mestizo society was established. When Portuguese left in 1660 the Christian population was 200000.

    The Tulu-Nepalese Nairs by allying with Arabs and Turks were harassing local Dravidian Hindu population of Kerala. This led to the growth of Christianity in Kerala as more and more Dravidian Keralites joined Christianity.


    Joao Da Cruz or Martin was among the early Nair Christian's in the early 16th Century converted by Portuguese. But Portuguese considered him to be a fraud. In the 1700s some Nairs were converted at Trivandrum. Devasahayam Pillai was converted around 1740 to Roman Catholicism. Devasahayam Pillai was considered a traitor. Around 1829 Chathu Menon(Joseph Fenn) from Ottappalam and his family were converted to Christianity by CMS missionaries. Many Nair families in Neyyattinkara, Kottayam, Meenachil, Palakkad etc were converted to Christianity in the 19th century. They abandoned Matriarchy and adopted Christian names. They were genuine Christians. But generally Nairs had been indifferent to Christianity. Nairs never had any deep conviction in any ideology or religeon. Usually they join the dominant ideology of the period and manage to secure high posts. Why many Nairs suddenly started claiming to be Christians, Pastors and Missionaries, starting from 1980s is a mystery.


    Veluthamby a Nair leader cut of the ear and Nose of Syrian Christian Administrator and Forest minister Thachil Mathu Tharakan in 1805 AD. A law was passed in 1815 to include Syrian Christians for Oozhiam or forced Labour. But Col.Monro instructed Diwan Reddy Raos. The houses of Dravidian converts were ransacked by Nairs between 1812 to 1859. Churches and Schools were burned down by them. Nairs attacked Christian women and children at Trivandrum and prevented the children from going to Church and Schools in 1829.



    Palakkad Trivandrum, Chennai and Bangalore are the hotspots of Nair Christian conversions. But they work as Pastors at Trivandrum and Ernakulam only. In Kerala the Nair self converts are Menons mostly from Palakkad where they are antagonistic to local Christians. They are known to have disrupted even the Christmas carols.

    Next is the Trivandrum area where they were the deadly enemies of Anglican converts. Nairs opposed building Christian Churches. The first Anglican Church was built for British soldiers only in 1838. In 1982 in the Mandaikkadu clash Trivandrum Nairs crossed border into Tamilnadu and Vandalised the Latin Catholic Churches. They even used the Pulpit as a lavatory. The Latin Catholics are spread along the coast. The attacks continued for six months.

    There is practically no interaction between Nairs and CSI or Syro-Malankara Churches. Trivandrum Nair conversions are fake. In the Nair majority areas such as Kollam, Kozhikode and Kannur there is no Nair Neo converts or Pastors. Ultimately all the self converts will reach Bangalore. Their miraculous transformation as Missionaries occurs there.


    Arabs, Turkish Sultanate at 1335 AD had elevated Nagas of Tulunadu to a higher status in Kerala. The Unscrupulous European colonial rulers protected Tulu-Nepalese kingdoms of Nairs for 450 years. Until 1968 land reforms some Nairs families had upto 200000 acres of land. Except some Nair families who still hold plantation crops such as Cardamom there is hardly any Nair aristocracy left now. Some educated Nair families previously allied with British have formed a Lobby now.

    Most of the Nairs belong to the middle class at present. Most of them dont have good knowledge of Hindu scriptures either. But with Christian conversions of Nairs and funding from Americans it might create a new Pseudo Christian Nair aristocracy. Americans are quite naive to believe that Nairs suddenly started accepting Christianity. Only a few Nair conversions to Christianity could be genuine.


    The Gulf employment from 1970 onwards has elevated muslims from their earlier tenant status under Nairs to Aristocracy. They are the richest entrepreneurs in Kerala at present. UAE is the residence of much of keralas NRIs especially Hindus. Many Non-Nair Hindus who made money in UAE actually dominate Kerala. Syrian Christians, a community of Nurses have spread out Globally.

    Most of the Aristocratic Syrian Christians have many nurses working abroad or priests receiving funds in their family. There are many self appointed Evangelists from Pathanamthitta among Syrian Christians benefitted by foreign missionary activities. They can easily buy a two thousand acre plantation. Actually many Nairs are jealous of Christians.A class of multimillionaire Syrian business men, close relatives of Orthodox or Catholic Syrian priests exist from 1980s.

    Illinois has become a centre of Syriac Christianity. Now even the Jacobite headquarters has been shifted to Illinois from Damascus. Many of the family members of Syrian priests have migrated to Illinois Syrians thus form an international aristocracy.



    From 1960s foreign missionaries from Europe and America were restricted entry and were not allowed to work in India. In 1980s foreign missionaries were evicted from certain areas. When the foreign missionaries were barred from entering India, Foreign missionary Organizations started funding Indian preachers as well as some Churches. Many Christian preachers from central Kerala started calling themselves missionaries. These Preachers who received foreign funding started new churches and called themselves Bishops. As long as the foreign missionaries were present until 1980s there was hardly any Nair got converted to Christianity. But once the foreign funding started for proxy missionaries many Nairs self converted to Christianity. But there was no Christian Nair Almayar, Church going commoners. Immediately after their alleged conversion Nairs started calling themselves Brother or Pastor.


    Foreign churches such as American based Seventhday Adventists and Mormons operate in India. In India many dont like American Churches at all. Many immediately reject Ellen G.Whites and Joseph Smith's theology. They have followers in thousands only. Baptists are the only American Church with a strong base in the North and North East. But with foreign funding many Churches, Schools, Colleges, Orphanages and seminaries are established in India by the Indian Christian Bishops.

    But if a recently converted Nair Christian is able to convince the foreign church about his sincerity then the work may be entrusted to him. He will receive the funding. It is like multiple foreign contracts but the American donors are not allowed to supervise the progress of the work as observers are not allowed. But for a Nair convert to secure funds from America he should be supported by some enterprising Americans or Indian Christian NRIs.

    A genuine Syrian Christian priest can't establish more than five Churches in his life time. But some Nair Neo converts claim that they have established thousands of American Churches in India. When the foreign missionary activity ceased around 1980s foreign money in dollars started flowing. Americans and Europeans were funding Christian Churches and Evangelists. With this foreign funding many Nairs started claiming to be Christian too. The Dollars and Pounds influenced Nairs greatly. Some intelligent Nairs claiming to be Christian's got easy Visas to US.

    Some Nairs without studying theology opened Churches and Prayer houses. Some Nairs even studied in Seminaries mimicking the Pathanamthitta evangelists. After studying at Seminaries they designed themselves as Pastors, Reverends, Bishops or Arch Bishops. Many of the Theology graduates started their own Churches or Prayer houses. If they join an established church they will have to obey their superiors. They cannot collect money independently. Some Christian Nairs travelled to US, UK, Australia, Newzealand to give sermons in Churches abroad. Lucky ones got regular funding making them immensely rich. Pretending to be a Christian missionary after his forties by a Hindu converted Nair requires enormous skills. Before 1980 there were hardly any Nair Christian's or Nair missionaries.


    Nagas eclipsed Dravidian culture for 600 years starting from 1335 AD. Nairs were the worst enemies of Keralas Christians. They are Nagas northern migrants from Ahichatra. Nairs are not ethnically related to south Indian Dravidian people. Now sending a Nair priest to Dravidian and tribal areas is like sending a Nazi to minister Jews. American missionary organisations are trying to create a Pro American fake Christian community under the leadership of Hindu Nairs since 1980.



    The Church of England otherwise called Anglican Church converted millions in India. Kerala, Tamilnadu and Bengal were where missionaries were hunting for souls in the 19th century. Those Hindus who converted to Christianity were left to fend for themselves in Kerala. British never protected them. They did not give them jobs in Government. From 1812 for hundred years the Anglican converts faced with repeated attacks from Nairs with Tulu-Nepalese roots.. Most of the Malayalis are of Dravidian stock and ethnically different from Nairs.

    The British were allied with Nairs and their Tulu Samantha kings. The Churches the British missionaries built were more like a barn than Churches. At the peripheries the Anglican church goers were forced to worship in tin roofed shacks. Many of these Anglicans formed prayer houses often buildings with a Palmleaf roof and a wooden Cross where people sat on the sand spread inside. A petromax light is often the only worldly possesion of these churches. The Evangelists barely survived with the coins thrown in as offerings.

    Nairs constantly harrassed the Christians. Burned down Churches and the missionary built schools and the residences of Christians. Stripped Christian women. Many Christians lost their properties to Nairs. British and the Anglican Church were the meanest among the foreign missions of India. They convert and leave them to their fate. Actually after independence nobody wanted to call themselves Anglicans or London mission Christians. That led to to the formation of CSI. Now CSI is not part of Anglican communion. The Church of England has not helped the CSI since then. After the British left the Anglicans built their own small churches. At present Church of England believe that some Nairs living at UK converted to Christianity. They are actually funding and promoting some Nairs as Missionaries. But the thousands of Nairs converted by Nair missionaries dont exist.


    Portuguese protected the Catholic converts and built magnificient Cathedrals and Basilicas for them. Most of the Syrian Churches are nothing but Portuguese built churches. Portuguese imported statues and bells from Italy brought Persian crosses from middleeast. A class of Church builders the Mestizos who were trained in Engineering, European architecture, painting frescos etc. Portuguese mixed with the local Christian population to produce a Mestizo community. In the Portuguese period the Catholics converted by them in India and Srilanka were socially elevated to occupy military and administrative jobs. Many of these Portuguese mixed Christian communities such as Syrians, Konkanies and Karave retain their position. Portuguese were the most respectable among the foreign missions


    Baptists from Britain did do some work as William Carey established Serampore college in 1800s. Serampore was under Danes. Northeast especially Nagaland. Serampore college/University is evennow an important centre for Indian Protestants. Many genuine Baptists including including Brahmin converts are there in Serampore. Why Americans appoint them as missionaries. Why are the American Baptists sending Nairs now to convert Indian tribals? Rather Nairs should convert their own kind. Most of the 5 million Nairs are still Hindus.



    Indian tribals are mainly Proto-Dravidian, Northern Dravidians, Austronesian and Naga people. Some tribals like Dravidian Gonds ruled over vast areas in Maharashtra, Madhyapradesh and Chattishgarh until 15th century. Oraons are also a Dravidian people who live at Jharkhand, Chattishgarh, Odisha, West, Bengal Bihar and Assam. Many tribals are Animistic and worship Nature. Ancestor worship is also common among them. They build mudhut temples called God House (Deiva pura) on a elevated platform where they worship their ancestors. Established Churches such as Roman Catholics and Protestants have established Schools and colleges since 1960. Their culture should be preserved. The American funded Nair missionaries will do more harm than good in these areas.


    Nairs usually claim they accidentally heard the sermon of some Christian preacher that Jesus was the saviour of everybody. Then immediately they started believing in Christ. They will tell you that Jesus was the only guard.

    Some Nairs say that they were Very sick admitted in a Christian missionary hospital. After the recovery they allegedly became Christian's.

    For some Nairs reading a single verse from Bible is enough to convert to Christianity.

    Before some Nairs Jesus appears in person, talks to them and guides them. They have the Vision of Jesus very often. In the room of staunch Hindu Nairs Jesus appears wearing white dress. There room is filled with Brightness. Their family members also getting Visions of Jesus.

    After that self converted a Nair will give a testimony in a Church or prayer meeting. Usually Nairs give their first testimony at a Catholic deaddiction centre. There Christians are least inclined to question their authenticity. So that he Nair will also add that he had been from an aristocratic Brahmin like Nair family but he has been alienated from his family.

    Some of the Nair sudden converts are highly educated NRIs living in western countries. The might have eavesdropped a Western Church members planning to sponsor charitable work such as Colleges, Orphanages or missionary activities in India.

    Despite the high educational qualifications an Asian is still a Pagan to the Western Christian church goers. A highly qualified Nair in his middle ages living at the western countries may self convert himself suddenly to Christianity. This is to change his social status from an Foreign Asian Hindu to to become the reputed member of the Anglican Church. Nobody questions his bible knowledge or intention. His family never converts. Eventually he will become a Director of Indian missionary organization with good supply of Dollars or Euro. Finally he will claim many thousand souls to his credit.


    When a Nair gives testimony that Jesus came and Visited him an talked him previous day he is obviously lying. Jesus does not visit any Bishops of Catholic or Protestant Churches. A section of Christians with strong inferiority complex are ready to believe Nair testimony. They chant Praise the Lord, Hallelujah, Strothram making Nair testimony seem authentic. Any stage actor with little training can give Sermons and Testimonies.



    Perhaps the Syrian Christian Preachers of Pathanamthitta who were involved in the Gospel activities recruited some Nairs as accountants and assistants in the 80's. By this Nairs were introduced to a whole new world. They understood how missionary activities are conducted worldwide.

    Many of these Nairs converted and migrated to western countries. Stringent rules applied for a highly qualified professional from India to get a Green Card. But a Christian preacher gets Visa much more easily. Access to American universities by sponsorship from American church agencies is another reason for their conversion. Nair Christian priests are found among, Malayalis, Tamils, Kannadigas, Punjabis and Hindi areas in India. But they have more acceptance outside Kerala. Nair Pastors of Singapore are mixed with Chinese. Other Nair Reverends are found in UK and US.

    Catholics are the first to welcome the Nair self converts. Orthodox and Jacobite Churches dont encourage or Baptise Nair Christians. Many Nair converts working with CSI and CNI as priests appear to be ordained genuine christians.
    Some IPC Nair priests also could be genuine.


    Many Nair converts in India dont join any established Church as priests. Usually they establish their own Churches and try to get finances from abroad. Some establish new churches with the help of foreign missionary organisations. Only a few are successful. But if they are successful they will receive hundreds of Crores of Rupees from American missionary agencies. Only Assemblies of God and Baptists allow Pastors to establish their own Churches both American.


    Two categories of self appointed Nair missionaries exist. Both establish their own Churches.


    They conduct Billy Graham like conventions mimicking Pentegosts and Maraman convention. Unlike the Catholics and Protestants who conduct annual conventions Nair Evangelists conduct the conventions many times in a year at different locations. The offerings belong to their own Church.


    Like Nair Evangelists do not join any established church but establish their own Church soon after their alleged conversion to Christianity. The sponsors of Nair missionaries is always the missionary wing of American Baptists church. Normally a Indian Pastor from any Church can earn a monthly salary 30000 to 50000 Rupees per month. But the American Missionary organisations can provide 10 to 20 Crores annually. Definitely Jesus has brought a great change in the lifes of Nairs.

    Nair missionaries claim to have won many lakh souls for Jesus. Whom did they actually convert to Christianity and where they reside is not clear. In Kerala no Nairs have been converted by Nair missionaries.

    Nair missionaries claim to have built thousands of Churches in India. Exact locations of these churches is unknown. They also claim to have built Seminaries, Colleges, Schools, Orphanages, Leprosy Sanatariams, Childrens homes, Womens homes.

    All these are in a virtual world.



    Nair Missionaries visit American Baptists church and introduce themselves as a Great Indian missionary who has converted lakhs of Hindus to Christianity and who has established many thousand Churches. They give Sermon in the Church. After that Nair missionaries request the American Church goers that he require money for the maintenance of Indian Churches, Colleges, Seminaries, Orphanages they have built. Each Western Church has the Potential to sponsor 10000 to 20000 Dollars per month. Thousands of Baptist Churches exist in America.
    Further countries like Ireland, UK and Australia also have Baptists Churches where the peopled are inclined at helping Indian Churches. They get the sponsorship of atleast 10 Churches at a time. They mimick closely the Syrian Christian Evangelists of Pathanamthitta. At the foreign Churches they always wear western dress.

    Indians souls are very expensive now costing atleast 100 Dollars . Anybody who claims to have won 1000 souls will easily get one lack dollars from the western missionary organizations.


    The final destination of all Menon and Nair evangelists are US, UK and Australia. The reason for this is that Sinners are more in these English speaking western countries. Americans are among the worst sinners. Even the Tamil and Malayali expatriates around New Jersey, among whom the Menon Missionaries work are heavy sinners. Born again Menons pray for the souls of American sinners and gets them cleansed by Holy Spirit easily. The American souls repaired by Menon Pastors are as good as new.

    Australia was a country where they dumped convicts in the 17th century. Many Nair Pastors consider Australians to be extremely sinful. They have established many prayer houses in Australia. However no Nairs try to work among the Australian Aborigines.

    At UK even those Nairs who dont know English have established Churches to save the souls of poor whitemen. If a foreign missionary organisation is funding, then Menons will consider India as a country of sinners too. However Menon Pastors avoid their own Nair areas in Kerala. No foreign missionary organisation with a bounty can convince Menons to preach among Nairs.

    Most of the Menons consider African continent as a country of Holy people devoid of sins. Menons never offer to become a missionary in Africa, China, Latam and Arab countries. Menon Missionaries avoid Papua New Guinea.

    A Nair has established a Seminary with American funding at Fiji allegedly training 10000 Pastors who work in South Pacific islands. Now Americans can watch South Pacific islands closely.



    Many Nair Christians perform miracles outside Kerala. They have control of elements. They can stop rain selectively over their houses during the Monsoons. The can extinquish fires during a fire accident. They can heal sick people. They can chase away demons and perform exorcism. In the epidemics and Pandemics their prayer creates a disease free zones. The can be Speaking in Tongues.


    By the end of twentieth century many Hindus hitherto indifferent to Christianity started identifying themselves as Christians. With the sole aim of working in the west some even joined Bible colleges and started studying Theology. Fluency in English and Biblical knowledge is essential.

    Unlike other genuine Christian's who take up a Christian name these people will use their Hindu names and caste names only. Their families and siblings remain Hindus. They identify themselves as Pastors, Reverends, Bishops, Arch Bishops, Missionaries, Prophets or even Apostles. It is just a job for them. These are the same people who used to be hostile to foreign missionaries. In the Dollar Christianity the driving force is Dollars and not Jesus. When a sudden Nair Christian missionary declares that Jesus is my Saviour he actually means Dollar is his Saviour. These Pseudo missionaries go to tribal areas and collect souls for Dollars.

    Thus many Pastors and Missionaries with surnames Kaul, Nair, Menon, Chopra, Chatterjee, Patel exist in UK and the western world. They often Shorten their names to hide their Hindu identity. Many will hide their name and use their surnames only. Formerly the western Churches would not have accepted them. But as agnosticism grows among the Western Christians they have relaxed their rules.
    Now many of the Indian Hindus work in the British Churches as Pastors and Preachers.

    There was no missionaries among Syrian Christians until 1960s. When the missionaries were restricted many self appointed evangelists travelled to USA and gave sermons in local Churches. The Dollars collected by them enabled them to live a lavish life style. Hardly they converted any Hindus in India but claimed to do so. The churches established by them attracted the Christians from other denominations. Most of them had foreign Citizenship.

    Now Nairs are following footsteps of Syrian NRI preachers. Many of the Nairs can give sermons as good as any Christian preacher. Western Church goers or Priests dont question their credibility. Most of the Nair preachers claim to have converted millions. But they are lying. All their own relatives are still not converted. Nairs never attempt to convert their own community.

    There are 5 million Hindu Nairs there. Totally Nair converts are few hundred only. Any missionary money earned by them actually help their Hindu relatives.


    1) Each Nair missionary claims that he converted lakhs of Indians to Christianity.
    2) They claim to have established thousands of Churches. Chattisgarh and Orissa are their favourite destination.
    3) They have established Seminaries, Schools Colleges
    4)They have established many Orphanages
    5) Womens and destitute homes
    6) Sanatariums

    But most of these buildings are not Physical. Nair Missionaries consider their own relatives as Gods own temples ie Churches.


    The Western missionary organisations ideally should not encourage the Missionary clones. But if they still do the western organization's should ask for the locations of new Churches founded by them, Photographs, Names, Photographs, identities of the Parishioners, Photographs, Names and identities and Qualifications of the Pastors.

    All the data they provide should verifiable. Ideally West should not encourage Missionary work in India at all. It will help only crooks. Instead they can help the established Churches such as Syro-Malabar, Jacobite, Orthodox, Marthoma, CSI and CNI to establish Professional and other higher educational institutions and Hospitals in various parts of India.



    India has 32 million Christians among the established Churches. There are about 4.5 million ancient Syrian Christians. Nair Christians are in hundreds only.

    Ignoring the traditional Christians of India Americans are funding Hindu Nair Missionaries to establish Seminaries and Bible schools in India, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia and South Pacific countries. There could be some ulterior motive behind this.

    The American missionary organisations such as Baptists and Assemblies of God are bribing Hindu Nairs with millions of Dollars. Most of the Nairs thus selected are Lawyers, Military officers, Politicians from Hindu fundamemtalist parties and Communist parties. Then they train them in Seminaries. Once the Nairs and Menons acquire their skills in giving sermon and Knowledge in Bible they will form their own 'Shining Path' ministries.

    The American missionary organisations will call them Pastors, Bishops, Missionaries and even Apostles.
    Releasing American (Christian) Nair missionaries in tribal areas could destroy tribal culture altogether.

    Ideally Americans should order Nair missionaries to convert their own Nair community and not anybody else. Infact Nairs have not converted anybody in India. Neither have they built any churches in India.

    Americans are ridiculing hundreds of genuine Catholic and Protestant priests of India dedicated their lives in building schools Hospitals for tribal and underprivileged people. Actual motive of Americans for promoting a fake Christianity is not clear.

    For some unknown reason American missionary organisations have been promoting Hindu Nairs as Pastors, Bishops and Missionary in India, Nepal, Bhutan, Burma, Malaysia, Singapore, Gulf, Australia and Fiji. Obviously Americans are using Hindu Nairs to do some other work other than Christian missionary work.


    The Roman Catholic church requires the Fathers to be unmarried. This has saved the Catholic Church from Nairs. Catholic priests have to adopt Christian names. There is not many Nair priests or Nuns among Catholics. Catholics dont approve of priests establishing their own church. Neither the Catholic hierarchy will allow priests to embezzle money. Many Hindu Nairs do give testimony in Catholic gatherings as Churches dont allow them. But Nairs neither convert to Roman Catholicism or change their names because there are no financial benefits in Catholic Churches.



    Many Indian Nair missionaries might have been inspired by the 1923 film PILGRIM by Charlie Chaplin.

    Fahad Fasil's 2020 Malayalam film TRANCE may become inspiration for many Nairs to become Christian Missionaries in the future.


    Christian's are about 31.2 percent of Global population. 243 crores of Christians are there worldwide. India has only 3.2 crores of poor Christian population. The Spiritual needs of Western countries are much more than India. Most of the European countries have 90% Christian population though one third of them declare themselves as non-religious. Actually Christianity is declining worldwide.


    The Hindu converts working as preachers and Reverends other than Nairs in UK and US are Kashmiri Pandits, Punjabi Khatris, Gujarati Patels, Bengali Chatterjis and Parsis who have allegedly embraced Christianity.

    In India these people have had no inclination towards Christianity. Most of Nair preachers use their original Hindu names only. Indian converted Christian Nairs especially Menons are trying hard to reestablish Christian faith among the European population.

    One reason for this ridiculous situation is traditional Indian Christians rarely send their sons to the Bible schools or Seminaries of other denominations such as Anglicans. Neither hardly any Kerala's traditional Christians study in European seminaries. Pastors from genuine traditional Indian Christian communities are rarely seen at Europe.


    There are 5 million Nairs in Kerala. Few hundred Nairs only have converted to Christianity who are genuine Christians who have adopted Christian names. The recent self converted Nair Brothers, Pastors and Bishops supported by Foreign Baptist mission and Pentegost missions. Nair Missionaries should ideally be assigned by the Americans to work among Nairs only.




    Rev. Sadesh Chandra MenonPresbyter-in-Charge C.S.I. St. John's ChurchWalajapet Tamilnadu. CSI Diocese of Vellore.


    Rev VIctor N. Menon Is the Assistant Professor of Theology at Karnataka Theological College, Mangalore. He has written many theological books.


    At Bangalore, Ernakulam and Trivandrum Bishop Manu Menon is running a Christian Church called marvelous light revival ministries under South Indian Assemblies of God (SIAG) Karnataka. He has been influenced by the Gospel of Bro D G S Dhinakaran.


    Pastor in The victory of Jesus Christ Church, Gurdaspur Punjab.
    Sermon: Punjabi

    PAUL SUDHAKAR MENON  (1922 to 2002)

    Cousin to V.K.Krishna Menon, former Defence Minister of India. Speaker, every State of India, as well as in numerous countries abroad from Australia to the U.K

    According to him he was aristocratic and well-to-do Menon family – staunch upper caste Hindu. It is true that Vengalil family owned two lakh acres of land. The circumstances leading to his reading bible is not clear.


    Aravindaksha Menon who found Jesus in the Vedas and became a Catholic. He compares Sacrifice of Jesus to Sacrifice of Prajapathy. He describes himself from a very orthodox semi Brahmin Hindu family. He gave his testimony at Potta Dhyanakendram. In Vedas many Prajapathys but none of them have any resemblance to Jesus Christ. The Prajapathy Heresy was postulated by Krishnamohan Banerjea 1875 AD.
    Testimony: Malayalam


    Associate Pastor at Trinity Assembly of God ChurchFaridabad, Haryana,


    Gospel Singer Preacher. Amritsar. He is associated with Syrian Christian Evangelists of Pathanamthitta.


    G.S. NAIR

    Founder and Pastor of People’s Baptist Church; Founder and President of People’s Baptist Ministries. He is the pastor of People’s Baptist Church in Trivandrum. He describes himself as a high caste Hindu Army officer, he was a harsh and outspoken critic of Christianity. But he was converted to Christianity in 1972 when he was admitted at Baptist Mid-Missions Hospital ( Where). GS. Nair is introduced as an Indian missionary with the supporting churches in America.

    The American benefactor and collaborator Jack McElroy, PresidentMcElroy Electronics Corporation Massaceucets equates GS.Nair with St.Paul in his book Building his Fathers Business one soul at a time.(St.Paul used to torture Christian's. Nairs also used to torture Christians).

    GS.Nair allegedly graduated from Berean Baptist College Bangalore in 1977 AD. He has allegedly built 3,900 Churches in India, Myanmar, Nepal, and Bhutan. (Syro-Malabar church has only 3224 Parishes). But the location of these 3900 churches is not known. Only two Peoples Baptist Ministries India churches one at Trivandrum (Ambalamukku) and another at Aluva is visible.

    G.S.Nair has allegedly constructed 4 Bible Colleges from which 3500 Pastors graduated. A Seminary, 21 Bible College Extension Schools. G.S Nair claims to have converted 400,000 people to Christianity over the past 42 years.
    7 Private Christian schools in India and Nepal.
    2 Vocational training centers for women.
    25 Children’s homes (Orphanages)
    2 ladies’ homes

    Construction all these may cost more than 5000 Crores.

    The headquarters Peoples Baptists Ministry is in Fundamental Baptist Mission to India
    137 Scudder Rd.Osterville, MA 02655 137 Scudder Rd, Osterville, MA 02655 .
    Pastor Robert Hanson, Plymouth Massaceucets in charge of Fundamental Baptist Mission to India.
    PBMI’s sources of income are churches and individuals in the United States, Scotland, and Australia as per the website Fundamental Baptist Mission to India is funding him.

    The maintenance of 3900 Churches is relatively cheap, about 35000 US Dollars (2,571,832 Rupees) per month ie 659 Rupees per Church.
    Jack McElroy is an American entrepreneur, businessman who helps G.S.Nair to secure funding.
    G.S. Nair, is the greatest Hindu Nair Missionary-Entrepreneur of India.

    It is a hoax. Nobody can build 3900 Churches in 42 years. Most of the Indian Christians will avoid a Seminary established by a Nair Neo convert. So he could not have trained 3500 Pastors. Where will they work after completion?. CSI, Marthoma or Syro-Malabar wont accept them. Neither an Nair Pastor unaffiliated to any major churches of India can convert 400000 people to Christianity. G.S.Nair is not a known evangelist in Kerala. Where are the 3900 Churches built by GS.Nair in India?.

    None of the local Syrian priests are aware of the existence of PBMI churches. American Churches in India such as Baptist, Seventhday Adventists and Mormons are not popular in India and they have followers in thousands only. Why should Fundamental Baptist Mission to India send millions to nonexistent churches?.



    His father was a RSS worker from Nedumangadu. Then the family became bankrupt. First his brother became a believer. Then his mother had visions of Jesus. A pastor used to visit their house. He and his brother then attended Pentegost gatherings Then the apparition of Jesus appeared at his bedroom. Jesus had white robe and had white hair too The townspeople printed posters saying that they received money from America and had become Pentegosts. After 9 years Jesus appeared before them again and ordered them to leave Nedumangadu. He and his family went to Thodupuzha and then to Bangalore. He initially stayed in a building under a Seminary.

    Then Jesus told him in advance that he will get two alliances. One was a rich Christian bride and the other one was a Hindu Nair bride. He married the Hindu Nair bride. He married a Hindu Nair bride because it was the will of Jesus. He works as a Christian Pastor now.


    Ex Hindu Nair converted to christianity who also happens to be from Nedumangad. Relationship with Pastor Sreeju R Nair is not clear. He has got his own Church and Theological Seminary. Kingdom First Ministries Church on the Rock Theological Seminary. Thiruvananthapuram
    Director - Kingdom Tours
    Kingdom tours is based out of Trivandrum which organize to Israel, Egypt, Turkey, Jordan and Greece. He may convert many Nairs into Pastorhood.


    Pastor at Church of God (Full Gospel) in India. Bachelors Degree Theology/Theological studies.


    Pastor of the Sharon Pentecostal Church, earlier was with Indian Pentecostal Church at Kumbanad.


    Pastor HIF)Highland Immanuel Fellowship Church, Ernakulam and was in charge of the Malayalam wing of the Church He was brought up in a traditional Hindu Nair family.

    BISHOP PATRICK NAIR (1932 to 2017)
    was a Roman Catholic bishop. Nair served as bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Meerut. Much respected preacher.

    was a driver at Wayanad. Now he is a Catholic priest at Thrissur. At 37 years he became a believer and entered Seminary. He added Kripa Grace to his name.

    Prateek Pillai is the current Presbyter in-charge, of St. James’ Church, Kashmere Gate, Delhi


    Paul Pillai hails from Trivandrum from a Hindu family. He had Marxist affiliations. Formerly a Hindu lawyer.
    Dr. Paul Pillai is the founder and director of India Inland Mission, which plants churches among Hindus. The mission also runs orphanages and a Bible College for training evangelists and pastors. He has been establishing churches in unknown places for thirty years.


    One village did not have drinking water, only salt water. Paul Pillai and team prayed for pure water and the Lord provided pure water. The whole village came to Christ. (Location of this Village is a secret).


    Another village head was blind for three years. Paul Pillai and his team laid their hand on the chief and prayed. His eyes were opened and he could see. The whole village came under Christ.(Location of this Village is a secret)


    One village sufferred from constant Tiger attacks. The police or Gunmen could not find a tiger. Paul Pillais team members preached gospel in that Village. Then they went around the village seven times then they claimed that the Village was protected by a circle of a blood of Christ. For eight years the tiger has not returned.


    In another place a Witch Doctor had cursed a man because enmity. That mans seven Milk Buffalos stopped giving milk. Paul Pillais assistants lifted the curse by revoking the name of Jesus. The Buffalos started giving milk again. Half of the Villagers came to know Jesus.(Location of the village is a secret).


    Paul Pillai had arranged a Gospel meet at a village. But a Hindu militant group attacked them and started a riot against them. Suddenly a Thunder and lightning came and the leader of the gang was totally blinded. This stopped the rioting and the Gospel meeting continued for five days. On the fifthday the blinded leader of the gang came to the meeting. After prayer he regained his vision and was baptised and became a believer of Christ. (Well, the place is unknown)


    In anothor place Paul Pillai was conducting a Gospel meeting during the Monsoon season in a Tent. Because of the heavy rain the surrounding places were flooded with rain and even buildings were washed away. The tent was on top of the mountain. Only in the area of tent there was no rain. In the tent meeting many were healed, delivered from demons. Hundreds were freed of sins and accepted Christ.(Exact location of the tent is not known).


    At the central India whole tribe was converted by Paul Pillai. The daughter of the tribal chief was possessed by Demon and became insane. Pillai and team managed to exorcise the girl. The tribal chief and the whole tribe accepted Christ as the only God.(Place is a secret)


    A fire brokeout in a village with 10000 people where huts with mudwalls and thatched roofs were closely packed. Paul Pillai had established a church with ten believers in that Village. A thick smoke filled the area. There was no Fireengine available in that area. Pastor Paul Pillai he believers asked the villagers to call upon the name of Jesus to stop the fire. Pastor was using a microphone to tell them. The fire burned from 8.30 AM to the evening. In the evening the Pastor declared that God will clear the smoke and no lives will be lost. The smoke cleared and the Villagers accepted Christ.


    During the Pneumonic Plague epidemic Paul Pillai was at Surat where they had ministry for 20 years. Many prominent leaders from villages came and asked him to pray for them as they heard about the power of Jesus in them. The believers fasted and prayed. Eventually Plague did not affect Surat because of their prayers. Good thing about Dr. K. V. Paul Pillai is that he has adopted a Christian name.


    As long as the American missionary money is flowing many Pillais and Nairs from Trivandrum will be serving Jesus, performing miracles and converting thousands of North Indians, Tribals and North Eastern people. Each soul thus saved for Jesus are worth atleast hundred dollars. For the miracles performed the American Church goers will pay extra. Where was Paul Pillai during the Kerala floods? Will he eradicate Covid? These Pillais rarely convert Nairs.

    Why cant they convert their own Kind ? Nairs are majority in Trivandrum Kollam Kozhikode and Kannur. Paul Pillai should perform miracles and convert them to Christianity. Traditionally the Vellala mixed Nairs of Trivandrum, the Pillais were the traditional enemies of the Christians of Anglican Church and Latin Catholics. They have destroyed many Churches in the period between 1812 to 1982 AD.


    Jesus Feast Of Life Ministries Palakkad.

    He says,I born in India for Jesus crist I born for Gospel for Jesus crist I live for Gospel in India.At present his English is quite poor. He compares the Creator's sperm with Human's sperm, Devil's sperm and Evil Creature's sperm in his own English.


    Shalom Fellowship Church Jammu
    Sermon: Hindi



    Message: Hindi


    Narayan Nair who converted from Hindism to Christianity in the mid 60's travelled to Australia with his wife Savita, and two young children to attend AFCI’s Illawarra Bible College. He was a native of Fiji and he wanted to form a ministry to spread Gospel in south Pacific islands.
    In 1974 when The Fiji College of Theology and Evangelism (FCTE) opened. Mass Evangelistic Events are conducted by AFCI.

    Today Narayan Nair has trained 10000 Evangelists. Narayan Nair is supported by Ambassadors for Christ International USA, a fellowship of gospel preachers and teachers. AFSI headquarters at AFCI USA Service CenterRoswell, Georgia, USA.KSA

    IPC Faith Centre Church, Peroorkada. He is the most enigmatic preacher among Christian Nairs.


    Srikanth hasn’t graduated from Bible college (seminary) but Jesus made him a Pastor. He has his own Church. Jesus contacted him at the Emirates Baptist Church International. After that he went to study at US. Jesus came looking for him when he was a student at the University of Houston. He says that Jesus is the Great Shepherd and all who are called (who don’t merely see it as a job) to be a pastor.
    He emigrated to Australia in 2010. He has been working as a Pastor at Fishers of Men Church Australia.


    Dev Menon is the pastor in charge of discipleship at Zion Bishan Bible-Presbyterian Church, Singapore.


    St. Andrew's Cathedral Singapore. Converted at the age of 16. He is also a medical Doctor.


    Senior Pastor of Church of David’s Tent Ipoh (Church of Thaveethin Kudaram Ipoh), Perak, Malaysia.
    He is also called Apostle MENON Manasa. A Tamil evangelist. He was arrested by Malaysian Police. But his flock of Tamil Christans stood by him.


    Rock For Jesus,Johor Bahru, Malaysia




    Rev. Suresh Menon installed as incumbent (Priest-in-Charge)St Andrew's The Vicarage, Sturt Road, Frimley Green, Surrey UK.Revd Suresh Menon, formerly Assistant Curate of St Ebbe with Holy Trinity and St Peter-le-Bailey, Oxford (Oxford), now Priest-in-Charge of Frimley Green and Mychett (Guildford).Church of England parish church.
    Financial year ending 31 December 2020
    Total income: £110,404
    Total expenditure: £110,147

    In the same church other Indian Pastors are Preacher Roop Chopra, Preacher Hari Kaul, Preacher Harish Patel and Rev Dr.Rohintan Mody.
    Thus Punjabi Khatris, Kashmiri Pandits, Gujarati Patels, Parsis Nairs and Menons are preaching Gospel in the Churches of UK.


    Vijay Menon was a devout Hindu until his middle ages. He was trained as a Ship's Engineer working at Marine insurance London. He accidentally wandered into a Church St Helen Bishopsgate at London. (No body follows a crowd and goes and sits inside a church unless ineberiated) Once he realised that he was inside a church he wanted to escape but could not because of the crowd and was forced to hear the church service at the St Helen Bishopsgate London.

    The pastor said that Jesus Christ had died not only for Christians but also for Hindus and Muslims. Immediately after hearing that Vijay Menon became a Christian and a evangelist. In a few years he redesignated himself as a Bible scholar and a Theologian and a critique of Church of England. (A genuine Christian priest may require a lifetime to become a theologian. The Church of England never took him to a Sunday school and examined his Biblical Knowledge).

    Vijay Menon is also a trustee Evangelical Christian Leadership in South Africa. He is also Vice president of Church Society Council an organisation which strives to elevate the worship and doctrine of Church to Biblical standards. Vijay Menon has written a book Only one God at UK.

    Vijay menon says that Ignorance of the Bible is ignorance of God, which is ultimately the world's biggest problem. If Jesus Christ came back today, the Church of England's General Synod would crucify him" says Vijay Menon, an evangelical member of the Synod. (A person who remained Hindu and a Live Snake worshipper until his middle ages is criticising Church of England few years after his conversion).

    Vijay Menon wanted to restore Church of England to Biblical standards.(Most importantly he has successfully changed his own image from an outsider Asian Hindu to the levels of Christian Elder of Church of England).
    Many educated Nairs living in the western countries use Christianity to gain recognition in the western society. They have double lives, Christian at Europe, US and Hindu in India. Their family remains Hindu. Sons and daughters marry Hindu Nairs only.
    Vijay Menon ignored his own Nair community and never attempted to convert them . Many of the Menon converts to Christianity dont have Biblical standards either.

    Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams awarded the Cross of St Augustine to Vijay Menon ceremony in the Chapel at Lambeth Palace in 2008. Vijay Menon allegedly has converted literally thousands of Indians to Christianity. It would have cost the Anglican Church millions of Pounds. But all those Nairs Vijay Menon converted are not visible. They have been hiding ever since.

    Manoj Nair founder of Christ Revelation Church Birmingham. He is an Aristocratic Hindu who found Jesus. He preaches only in Malayalam translated by wife in English.



    Sermons:Tamil and English

    Eternal Grace Church, Parsippany, New Jercy, United States. Influenced by Pentegost ministry in 1965. In 1967 as a teenager he prayed and was baptised by God with Holy spirit and the ability to talk in other tongues. In 1970 he took water Baptism. From 1966 to 1988 he was comitted to part time ministry for Jesus Christ. He was a government servant in Tamilnadu. He completed two-year course of studies in theology between 1984 and 1985 from the International Bible Training Institute, England.

    Since 1988 he has been doing fulltime ministry. 2009, a small gathering of Tamil Christians were longing to grow spiritually and praying earnestly to have a fellowship at New Jersey.  A congregation was formed and named as Eternal Grace Church.

    From 2009 as a ordained minister of Assemblies of God of United states of America as a priest of Eternal Grace Church affiliated church of New Jersey District USA. Believers residing in New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania are wholeheartedly attending Sunday ServicesMinistries in Indian States since 1971:

    1) Tamil Nadu 2) Andhra Pradesh 3) Karnataka 4) Orissa 5) Maharashtra 6) Madhya Pradesh 7) Bihar 8)  Delhi-Capital of India.

    Ministries in Europe during the years 1984-85:
    1) England 2) Italy

    Ministries in the West since the year 2000:
    1) Germany 2) Italy 3) Holland 4) Britain 5) France 6) Denmark 7) Canada 8) United States of America

    EGOL Bible School, an Online Bible School conducting courses at1) New York 2) New Jersey 3) Pennsylvania 4) Boston 5) Connecticut 6) Maryland 7) Georgia 8) Illinois 9) Tamil Nadu


    Highrock Malden US.


    Sermons:Tamil and English
    Founder/President LIFE CHANGING CHURCH PhD. (Doctorate In divinity) Missouri USA
    Chennai.Jeshurun College of Bible Studies Chennai


    Youth and Young Adults Pastor.Angle Lake Neighborhood Church. WASHINGTON USA




    Immanuel Baptist ChurchBrockton, Massachusetts, United States
